My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 311-312

First Aired: 25 October 2008

A. "The Legion of Evil"
B. "The Price of Love"

"The Legion of Evil" (Episode 311)

Directed by: Chris Savino, Rob Renzetti


Mr. Smellhaus's current events class turned into ancient history class when he assigned a visit to the history museum to complete a group project. Jenny's randomly selected group, including Brit Krust, did not get along well. Initially, they would complete the assignment collectively.

After an alarm went off, Jenny found the Lancer newly released from jail. Because the Lancer hit Jenny, he was returned to jail where he was returned to his evil group. They break out of jail to get revenge on Jenny. It was the day before the the project was due and the group had barely started the assignment. An emergency call to the fish galley took away assignment completion time.

While there, Jenny was taken hostage and found she was faced with a group of previous villains, the Legion of Evil. Soon Jenny fought the Legion, got trapped but freed herself to go after the Legion as they were on their way to the museum. That was where the rest of Jenny's team was researching while having fun. Thanks to the Jenny's group's efforts, they stopped the Legion from committing more evil.

When it was time to present the project the next morning, Mr. Smellhaus was impressed with the group's statue. This statue included the Legion of Evil and the symbolism each member brought to the visual product. The project did well thanks to the leadership from "great" leaders.




Brit: "Great. Two Cro-Magnons and a walking blender. Couldn't you have rigged your number-generating thingy to put me in a decent group?"

Jenny: "It was totally random. I couldn't fix it. That would be cheating."

Brit: "And it's that kind of attitude I simply can't work with."

Lancer: "The Lancer toldeth thou we shouldst built a castle and a moat. Presentation is everything."

Mad Hammer Bro. (Green): "That's a lot of work. Who do expect to build that?"

Mad Hammer Bro. (Red): "Us, of course. Well, phooey on that."

Mudslinger: "Newsflash, paesans, that's why you're in this gang."

Mad Hammer Bro. (Green): "We do destruction..."

Mad Hammer Bro. (Red): "not construction."

Brit makes a run toward the museum exit and Jeremy stops her

Fat Teammate: "Oh, no, you don't! Jenny just saved our bacon."

Jeremy: "We owe her."

Brit: "By all means, you saved her."

Fat Teammate: "If you don't help, I'll tell everyone that you made out with me."

Jeremy: "And I'll say I saw it."

Brit: [agitated] "Oh."

concluding project presentation to the class

Sheldon: "So, you see, that's how the pyramids were build by ancient astronauts."

Brad: "Now who wants punch and cookies?"


The Legion of Evil did their worst while Jenny and her group worked on a school project.

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"The Price of Love" (Episode 312)

Directed By: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


Inspired after watching a movie, Sheldon wanted to make Jenny be with him by making her jealous. He asked popular girl Pteresa to be his girlfriend-for-hire. Pteresa agreed but she had very strict guidelines and pricings. Meanwhile, Jenny was having trouble with one of her screws that kept her right pigtail on her head. This also caused her to have hearing problems, hearing nothing but static.

Everyone at lunch, including Jenny and Brad, shockingly feasted their eyes on Sheldon and Pteresa stepping out as a couple. Brit and Tiff also saw this and confronted their clique member. When they found out she was getting paid, Brit and Tiff did the same thing by wooing the less popular boys. Everything Sheldon and Pteresa did together, they did as they showed false affection for each other. Now all the girls in school had nerdy, unpopular boyfriends. Sheldon publicly courting the popular girl inspired Jenny to ask a popular boy on a double date with Sheldon and Pteresa. Sheldon couldn't afford a double date so he sold everything he owned.

At a fancy restaurant, upon seeing Jenny's date, Pteresa's eyes were permanently glued to his handsomeness and charm. Sebastian, Jenny's date, claimed to have bought her a robotic flower that helped Jenny hear better from a special shop. Sheldon didn't believe him. While Jenny and Sheldon were having a disagreement, it was discovered that Pteresa and Sebastian had a lot in common and they walked off together. After a catastrophe in the restaurant causing Jenny to storm off, she discovered that Sheldon made to robot flower. The next day she walked over to Sheldon's house expecting to forgive him. While Sheldon was fixing Jenny's pigtail with what little he had, he told Jenny how much he loved her. All Jenny heard was how he paid Pteresa to make her jealous. She got mad and returned the robot flower.

Pteresa loved her new boy in the present. However, it wouldn't be the same 20 years later. Instead of having a jailbird for a husband, she could have married Sheldon to be legitimately rich. By then, Pteresa should've seen what was behind that masculine facade of hunkiness and smoothness; nothing but a seeming genuine lowlife with a criminal record.




while watching a movie, Sheldon gets inspired on how to win over Jenny

Sheldon: [slams open the doors to the theater auditorium] "Jenny's gonna be my wife! YAHOO!"

Through Sheldon's window, Brad sees him gathering money from a safe in his detached closet

Brad: "Uh, Sheldon, you've tried that already. Mrs. Wakeman says Jenny is not for sale."

Sheldon: "Don't you usually show up outside Jenny's window to give her unsolicited advice?"

Brad: "Aeh, I'm an equal-opportunity annoyer."

On the phone with Pteresa

Pteresa: "A double date? No way you can afford that."

Sheldon: "Oh, please! If I don't pull this off, my whole plan will be for naught."

Pteresa: "All for what?"

Sheldon: "You know, worthless, like a bikini sale on the ice planet of Klandathor? Trek Wars, volume nine, episode thirty-two."

Pteresa: "I told you, I don't speak geek."

Tuck, in a suit, hat, monocle, and snooty voice give a few knocks on Sheldon's time device

Tuck: "Excuse me, young man, what do you call this contraption?"

Sheldon: "It's a time travel device. I've spent nine years developing the technology."

Tuck: "Hmm, I'll give you two pence."

Sheldon: "What?"

Tuck: "Good day!"

Sheldon: "Sold!"


Sheldon hired a new girlfriend to make Jenny jealous and want to be with him.

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