My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 214-215

First Aired: 23 June 2005

A. "A Pain in My Sidekick"
B. "Crash Pad Crash"

"A Pain in My Sidekick" (Episode 214)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


It was a lovely day in least in places where a human can see. Everyone got to go places and do things but Tuck couldn't even leave his front lawn. Jenny, Brad, and Sheldon returned from their outings and Sheldon thanked the Silver Shell for keeping everything calm. Jenny and Brad wondered how Sheldon knew the Silver Shell. Sheldon made up a story about how the Silver Shell saved his life, protecting the Silver Shell's identity. When Sheldon saw the flying Silver Shell suit outside his garage, he scrambled to see who was in it.

Tuck was piloting the suit and wondered what it was doing in Sheldon's garage. Sheldon explained that he used the suit for one of the real Silver Shell's helpers, like Santa Claus, and told a slightly different story. Now that he knew, he told Tuck not to tell anyone else, not even Jenny or Brad. Sheldon offered to build Tuck his own metal costume. Tuck's new secret identity, Tin Can, made him feel invincible; fearless to do anything and help anyone. When Jenny was looking for Tuck, she mistook Tin Can for a villain. Brad wasn't too worried about Tuck missing.

The next morning, Tuck was excited to go "superheroing" and he woke up Sheldon. Tin Can attempted to save people from dangerous situations but the Silver Shell ended up saving the day for them. Upon finding out Tin Can had no special powers, Tuck (in the suit) felt he had to prove himself by defeating the moleverine from underground. He ended up running and was asked by the Silver Shell to hide the abandoned opera house.

Jenny zoomed by to help the Silver Shell fight the moleverine. They needed to find its main weakness; which was bright light. They shined light in its eyes and it shrunk into a tiny mole. The Silver Shell disappeared to find his sidekick. In the rubble of what was once the opera house, Sheldon found a remnant of the Tin Can suit and thought Tuck was gone. Tuck was alive and was informed that the suit couldn't be fixed. Both Sheldon and Tuck vowed to give up "superheroing" and to never mention their past superhero identities to anyone.




Tin Can Man (Tuck): "Tin Can Man! Tin Can Man! Super hero megastar, faster than a speeding car. Can says he can when others say he can't. Can goes into toy stores anytime he wants. He's nimble on his iron feet, d-uh...helping seniors cross the street." [to old man] "Hello sir, I'm Tin Can and I'll be your superhero this afternoon. Would you like me to help you across the street?"

Old man [repeatedly hits the Can with his cane]: "Go away! I ain't fixin' to cross no street and I ain't allowin' to buy no tin cans."

Tuck wakes up Sheldon sleeping in his bedroom. Tuck wears his Tin Can suit.

Tuck: "Get up, Silver Shell, it's time for another day of adventure and superheroing."

Sheldon falls back asleep.

Tuck: "I'm sure Jenny will go with me."

Sheldon: [putting on his pants and hops] "I'm up! I'm up!" [bumps into opened door against wall]

Silver Shell saves Tin Can from alleyway bullies. They flee.

Tin Can: "Come back, you cowards!"

Silver Shell: "Look, Tuck, you don't have any special powers. You're just a kid in a suit. It's time to stop."

Tin Can: "I can't stop now. Revealing my identity would put everyone I love in terrible danger and there's still one thing I've got to do: fight a gargantuan super menace. That's what separates the men from the boys and the cans from the cardboard boxes. Bring on the monsters!"

ground rumbles, monster breaks through from underground

Tuck: "...Why would anyone wanna be a superhero? I've never been so scared in all my life and that was just from pretending to be a hero. I could have been mole food. No thank you!"

Sheldon: "So how about we both give up superheroing and never mention this to anyone ever again?"

Tuck: "Sounds good to me."


Becoming a superhero made Tuck feel invincible. Unfortunately the distruction of his tin can suit told him it was not to be his destiny.

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"Crash Pad Crash" (Episode 215)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


All the doors and window were shuttered an all other communications were cut so Jenny could make a phone call to Brad. It turned out Mrs. Wakeman was on the third line to intrude on Jenny's business. The intrusion was also to introduce Mrs. Wakeman's latest invention, a mist to put insomniac babies to sleep. Jenny got irritated by her mom's constant nagging and intruding so she wanted to move out of the house. She took residence in the backyard tool shed then renovated it to make it her own. Brad, Tuck, Sheldon, and the kids from school found out about Jenny's new place so they threw a wild party. The noise bothered Mrs. Wakeman but she didn't want to intrude on Jenny's new freedom.

The next morning, Jenny felt the effects of a lack of sleep. It affected her throughout the day. Since the students had a rockin' time at the party the night before, why not throw another party the following night...then the next night...then the next night? The parties were always loud but Mrs. Wakeman still wouldn't interfere. Jenny enjoyed her nightly parties. She was getting so much positive attention. However, her performance at school wasn't too positive. Jenny thought she had it under control but looking at her house and appearance and a gruff call from Vice Principal Razinsky, it was time to stop. Her partygoers thought otherwise. The next party was so wild, even the Space Bikers crashed it. Soon the lights went out and everybody left.

The partiers were still partying...on the move! No matter what Jenny did, they just wouldn't stop partying and wrecking the town as they moved closer and closer to the edge of a cliff. Jenny remembered her mom's insomniac mist. After a full charge, Jenny saved her sleepless partying peers from falling to their demise.

Jenny woke the dosing Brad and Tuck and enlisted them to clean up and put things back to normal. Mrs. Wakeman called and grounded the trio of minors for a month. The way a kid thinks of freedom is worlds different from the thoughts of an actual, experienced adult.




Jenny: "Time to turn this shed into a crib."

Jenny declares a party

Brad, Tuck, and Sheldon [pop in out of nowhere, in unison]: "Did someone say 'party'?"

Brad: "Cool digs!"

Sheldon: "The perfect anti-parental fortress for total solitude."

Brad: "Hope you don't mind but we've brought some friends," [each level of "friends" appear out of the boys' top hats] "who brought some friends, who brought some friends!"

Jenny: "Let's do this thing!"

party starts

Brad: "You are having another party tonight, right Jenn?"

Jenny: "Well, I'd have to skip chores, homework, sleeping, perhaps personal hygiene..."

Teenage crowd: "Yeah, Jenny!"

scene fades into party

Boys at the party: "Will you dance with us, Jenny?"

Jenny: "Freedom rocks!"


Jenny got her first slice of freedom away from her mom only to learn that parties were not meant to last for days on end.

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