My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 212-213

First Aired: 25 March 2005

A. "Armagedroid"
B. "Killgore"

"Armagedroid" (Episode 212)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Mrs. Wakeman had Jenny doing preparation exercises for the event of a disaster. Jenny just mindlessly breezed through them and thought her mom has taught her everything. This boredom just lead her to leave for the mall. Back at home, an alert went off from the center of the earth. Mrs. Wakeman heard distress transmissions from 20 years ago. At the mall while whining about parents with Brad and Tuck, Mrs. Wakeman notified Jenny about the big trouble. Jenny believed she could take care of it by herself without her mom's help.

The gigantic robot showed up at the mall and destroyed the entire building. Jenny was no match for the mechanized giant called Armagedroid. He took all the weapons she attempted to use on him until she was weak and defenseless. Brad and Tuck escorted the defeated Jenny to her home where she was hooked up to a generator.

Seeing her image on numerous magazine covers, it was revealed to Brad and Tuck that as a volunteer for Skyway Patrol, Mrs. Wakeman created Armagedroid. He was created to destroy evil weapons during the Intergalatic War. During times of peace, he restlessly and unstoppably destroyed weapons which explained why Jenny's weapons were destroyed. After assuming he was destroyed by lava in Earth's core, Mrs. Wakeman developed the XJ line to replace him, not fight him. Soon after, Jenny came alive again. She was to attempt to defeat Armagedroid again but Mrs. Wakeman had a plan.

Such as before, Armagedroid weakened Jenny by taking her weapons. He absent-mindedly pulled a bomb planted into Jenny. It was then Jenny expressed the foolishness of her brother and that her mother thought of everything. That plan worked and Armagedroid exploded. Everyone was pleased, including Tuck who flattered Mrs. Wakeman with new-fashioned lingo she didn't understand.




at the mall food court

Jenny: "They make people get a license to drive and to fish but any old person with a screwdriver can be a parent."

Brad: "I know! It's like my dad was never a kid himself. Like he hatched already old and unhip and smelling of hickory."

Jenny: "I mean please. I've been fighting crime for how long now? What she possibly have to teach me?"

Armagedroid: "You foolishly reveal yourself as a weapon? You must be destroyed."

Jenny: "Right, right. Another villain with a chip on his shoulder."

Armagedroid: "Villain? I am Armagedroid. My purpose is noble. My mission is pure. I will not rest until I have rid this planet of weaponry. I am the peacemaker. Now perish!"

takes all of Jenny's weapons

Narrative on Armagedroid's history

Mrs. Wakeman: "I was a volunteer in Skyway Patrol during the first intergalatic war. Earth was under constant alien attack. We created a planetary defense system and gave it a single objective: destroy all weapons that came its way. Armagedroid ended the alien onslaught. The world cheered but I grew uneasy. Armagedroid was too driven, too single-minded. Armagedroid became restless in peacetime and began to seek out other weapons, our own weapons, to destroy. I couldn't stop my creation but I was able to trick him. I warned him not to take out our ultimate weapon, a molten magma bomb housed in the center of the earth. He tunneled to the earth's molten core. We assumed he had melted. We were wrong."

Jenny (after Armagedroid took all the weapons out of her): (weakly) "Villains--you're sooo predictable."

Armagedroid: "What reason have you to smile?"

Jenny: "If you'd pay attention, you'd have seen that last weapon was a protonic explosive device set to self-destruct. My mom's so darn smart." [Mrs. Wakeman carries her away with the help of a jetpack on her back] "Enjoy the fireworks."

Armagedroid explodes


Jenny gained a better understanding on why Mrs. Wakeman had her doing exercises everyday; to prepare for battles with difficult villains such as Armagedroid.

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"Killgore" (Episode 213)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


After a toy shop owner opened his business for the day, a crowd of girls filed in to buy the small, evil wind-up toy called Killgore, "the cutest thing ever." Killgore felt the attention was too much so he went next door to the Cluster recruiters. The Cluster drone recruiters laughed at him but made him a deal; capture XJ-9 and he would be made their leader.

Killgore first found Jenny at school and incessantly bothered her to "surrender." She thought she lost him when she left him with the admiring girls at school. The next morning started beautifully until he returned and continued to torment her. He just wouldn't stop. Why did everyone love him? Whether or not she fought him, she thought he would always will because he's more popular.

One night, Killgore dragged Jenny out of her house. Jenny reaped the opportunity to destroy the annoying toy but couldn't. She would "surrender" to Killgore at school the next day. At that time, crowds gathered around to see the "surrender." Just as Jenny's fake Cluster arrived (consisting of Brad, Tuck, and Sheldon), the real Cluster arrived, as arranged by Killgore. Surprised upon seeing him with Jenny, they revised their previous deal from becoming their leader to waxing their spaceship. The Cluster drones pulled out Killgore's key then took Jenny. It turned out everyone had a wind-up key. The drones were confused. Jenny got rid of the Cluster drones the same way she attempted to rid of Killgore. The drones zoomed away.

Despite Killgore not joining the Cluster, he still vowed to stay a villain who will destroy the Cluster first then destroy the earth. Nobody, including Jenny, cared whether he's evil or not. Everyone still agreed that evil Killgore was "the cutest thing ever."




Cluster recruiters laugh at the fact that Killgore cannot possibly destroy the world.

Killgore says to the recruiters while they laugh hysterically...

Killgore: "Mock me for my size, do you? Well, from this acorn a mighty oak of evil shall grow. I shall prove myself worthy of the cause."

Killgore [throughout the episode]: "Surrender!"

Jenny arrives home after her Killgore-infested day to what should be a surprise party thrown by her friends.

Tuck: "Sur..."

Jenny screams

Tuck: "...prise?"

Jenny: "He's...he's everywhere. He could be in this cake, or in this punch, or in this present." [looks at present] "[continues to scream] [bumps into a wall then breaks through a door.]"

Tuck: "Told you she'd be surprised."

Brad: "Annoying plus small equals popular."

Jenny: "That's one equation that does not compute."

Killgore: "...Make no mistake. Killgore is still a villain through and through. Black is his heart and sinister his purpose. And once Killgore crushes the Cluster, he shall return to destroy mankind." [Jenny picks him up] "What? No! Put me down!"

Jenny and crowd of high schoolers: "Aww, he's so cute!"

Killgore: "No! Did you not hear my diatribe? Can you not read my tag? I am not cute. I am Killgore! Killgoooreee!"


In an attempt to become a Cluster leader, a small wind-up toy tormented Jenny into surrendering all for what she was fighting.

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