My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 210-211

First Aired: 28 January 2005

A. "Dancing with My Shell"
B. "Around the World in Eighty Pieces"

"Dancing with My Shell" (Episode 210)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Jenny told her mom about the exciting upcoming Sadie Hopkins dance at school. She wanted to invite a boy to the dance but Mrs. Wakeman said no. A boy would be too distracting in the event the random threat indicator goes off. Jenny kept begging so Mrs. Wakeman gave in and allowed her go...but no boys!

At school, Jenny told Sheldon about her mom's no-boy rule. Sheldon suggested asking the Silver Shell; he's a robot, technically not a boy. After school, she met the Silver Shell in front of Mezmers, asked him out, and he accepted. Both robots were overjoyed to have dates for the dance. Sheldon would use this opportunity to show Jenny he is the Silver Shell and they would be happily together.

The robot couple showed up to the dance on their first date. The Silver Shell was the first to spy the arrival of the Space Bikers who where about the crash the gathering. Worried that Jenny's night would be ruined, the Shell kept her in the hallway while he fought the reckless Space Bikers. Jenny got suspicious of the Shell's frequent absences so she entered the gym. Just as Shell was about to reveal his true identity, Jenny sternly asked the Space Bikers to leave and they did.

Jenny confronted the Silver Shell and told him of how had he embarrassed her. She would rather date other guys other than him. She wished she had listened to her mom. She would date any other guy...even the nerdy hall monitor.




Mrs. Wakeman: "Until trouble actually strikes, we have no way of knowing what form it will take. I cannot allow you to be distracted by some silly teenage mating ritual. Remember..."

Mrs. Wakeman and Jenny [in unison]: "When the red light's a-flashin', you can't go a-dashin'."

Jenny: "Note to self: destroy Random Threat Indicator."

Mrs. Wakeman: "What was that?"

Jenny: "Nothing; nothing."

Silver Shell: "Hey there, XJ-9!"

Jenny: [calmly] "Oh, hi." [talks excitedly, babbling] "So there's this dance at school where the girls ask the boys instead of boys asking girls and I was thinking since I'm a girl and you're a boy, except that you're a robot, but anyways, I was wondering if maybe you'd want to go 'cause it's going to be super fun and cool and full of snacksanddancingandstreamers..."

begins to talk faster and faster until she short-circuits

Jenny: [calmly]:, wanna?

Sheldon: Yes, yes,yes,yes! [bumps his head in the interior][reaches for microphone and turns down a thermostat]

Silver Shell: [cooly] Suuurre!

Jenny: "Cool. See ya."

Sheldon: [checklist checking inside Silver Shell suit] Okay, open door; check. Compliment her; check. Don't act like a raging dork; check. Soon I'll be able to reveal my true identity to her. Just as long as nothing goes wrong...[alarm goes off] The Random Threat Indicator! [looks through a built-in periscope, the Space Bikers arrive] Oh no, not them. Not here, not now. They'll ruin everything.

Jenny: "I'd rather date anyone than you."

Sheldon [inside Silver Shell]: "Anyone?"

Silver Shell: "Even Sheldon?"

Jenny: "You make Sheldon look like Prince Charming."

Sheldon [inside Silver Shell]: "Prince Charming. I'm the luckiest boy in the world!"


Jenny attends a dance with the Silver Shell. Is the Silver Shell really as smooth as he appears?

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"Around the World in Eighty Pieces" (Episode 211)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Jenny, Brad, Tuck, and Sheldon were on their way to a school event when Krackus, the inventor of the Cluster, appeared. He showed off his latest invention to disassemble and scatter Jenny's parts all over the world: the disassembler. The device did its job. Krackus was about report to Vexus when his communicator suddenly fell to bits. It was up to Jenny and the gang to find all of her parts and assemble her before Krackus' communicator was fixed.

The group sneakily took the keys to Mrs. Wakeman's minijet to find Jenny's parts. They found her neck used as a cookie cutter in Sweden, they traded a plate of cookies for her arm in the Middle East, and a calf was sticking Godzilla's foot in Japan. Another part was retrieved from a boobie nest in the Galapagos Islands and a battle for her leg was had in Transylvania. To get all her pieces all together, they had to retrieve her belly bolt lynch pin in Tremorton.

At an arcade, Sheldon attempted to win the lynch pin from a claw machine and a boy and his dad. The arcade closed before the pin was won so they couldn't get it.

Just a Krackus was contacting Vexus about his accomplishments, his disassembler fell apart once again. The group had taken out the communicator's lynch pin which embarrassed Krackus. It turned out they fooled him again by making it look like Jenny was back together when her pieces were only being held by a tree. The whole event of the day was so exhilarating that the boys wanted to go through it all again despite how Jenny felt.




Krackus: "Oh, lame am I? Mock me while you can for it is I, the great Krackus who will bring you to your knees. It is I, the gr...[falls over, turns facing away from Jenny] Hey, where'd you go?"

Jenny: "Over here!" [taps Krackus' shoulder and startles him]

Krackus: "Bah! Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Jenny: "My name's Jenny and I want you to take a nap."

Krackus: "You seem like a nice girl, Benny. Would you like to see my newest invention? It's called the disassembler."

Jenny: "Wow. Impressive."

Krackus: "Yeah, I know. It doesn't look like much but if you were a robot, you'd be quite frightened."

Jenny: "Well, let's pretend that I am a robot. Let's see it work."

Krackus: "Here we go!"

presses the button to test the invention

leaving the Galapagos Island, being chased by the flying evolved creatures as they fly away in the minijet

Brad: "What is this place."

Sheldon: "It's evolution gone mad!"

Tuck: "That was awesome! We got a real global grab bag and a treasure hunt to boot. Hey, come on, let's hide her pieces again."

Brad and Sheldon: "Eee-yeah!"

boys start running

Jenny: [Pleading for them to stop] "Hey, you guys, that's not cool. Hey, hey!"


It's a race against time to find Jenny's scattered pieces before Krackus reassembles the pieces of his invention.

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