My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 325-326

First Aired: 2 May 2009

A. "Samurai Vac"
B. "Turncoats"

"Samurai Vac" (Episode 325)

Directed by: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


In Japan, the sun shone on a city where a multi-headed monster attacked. In a local vacuum shop, a small robotic human-like vacuum named Vacu-San was ambitious to take on the monster himself as he believed he was an actual samurai. The shopkeeper reminded him that "Samurai" was his brand name, not his title. After embarrassing himself in attempting to fight the monster, Jenny flew in and the crowd went wild. After defeating the monster and sending it swimming, Vacu-San felt Jenny had taken his honor. He would come to the United States to confront Jenny so he can reclaim what he had lost.

Back in the U.S., Brad and Tuck attempted to break a world record by stuffing a lot of people in one car. When Vacu-San showed up, he was last in the car but the car exploded. He told Jenny that since he had lost his honor, he couldn't fight (but made a great vacuum) and would have to defeat her for what he lost. Jenny, Brad, Tuck, and Vacu-San made their way to Japan to make things right.

Jenny attempted to put in a good word for Vacu-San to the people of his home but did it in a way that saddened him. Wanting to defend his people honorably, Vacu-San took on a giant, robotic, fire-breathing bird. All was going well until he found that Jenny was operating the monster. Soon sets of multi-headed monsters arrived and Vacu-San used his vacuum features to embarrass them and make them laughing stocks. The crowd cheered for the monsters' defeat and the little vacuum's honor was restored.

Vacu-San was honored by his shopkeepers as a hero. These past events helped Jenny better understand honor and heroicness, thank to her little vacuum friend. The ceremony was accompanied by Brad and Tuck's next attempt to stuff a car. The people of Japan eagerly participated in the American-aspired goal.




Vacu-san: [upon entering the scene] "Skies with red flames, my people flee their homes. As samurai, my duty is clear. [pulls out his "sword" attachment and attempts to go after the monster]"

Vacu-san: Outsider! You dishonor me, robot girl. I demand satisfaction!

Jenny: "What's that, little vacuum cleaner? I haven't taken your honor. [Jenny is then presented with a metal from the mayor] Oh, thank you, it's quite an honor. [Jenny, mayor, and associates bow]"

When Vacu-san is used as an actual vacuum

Brad: "Wow, this place is spotless! You're much better than that French model we've been using."

French model gets offended then walks off

After Vacu-san explained why he won't stop following Jenny

Jenny: "But that's silly. You couldn't defeat that monster on your own."

Vacu-san: "Silly? To me, stuffing a bunch of smelly teenager into a car is silly."

Brad stomps toward him

Brad: "Car-cramming happens to be a tradition, [Brad does a salute in front of an American flag background] an Amerrrrrican tradition!"

Japanese vacuum shop owner: "And so, we bestow these gifts on our most honorable hometown hero, Vacu-san."

crowd cheers

Japanese vacuum shop owner: "And in honor of this occasion, we prepared this special performance."

Curtain opens to reveal Brad, Tuck, and a tall top car

Brad: "Hey, vacuum dude, this world record is for you! Everybody, into the car!"

Jenny and all the Japanese people jump in


When a little Japanese vacuum thought Jenny took his honor, he was determined to earn it back.

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"Turncoats" (Episode 326)

Directed By: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


At the Invention Convention, inventors showcased their greatest inventions and demonstrated how they worked. After Mrs. Wakeman boasted how her trash-eating invention was better than her rival Phineas Mogg's, the invention malfunctioned. Mrs. Wakeman was able to pull the plug on the invention after it destroyed the entire convention, especially everyone else's hard work.

As Mrs. Wakeman was about to fall asleep, she found XJ-1 had come to see her only to find out she had completely malfunctioned like her convention entry. The other XJ prototypes did the same and Jenny protected her mother from the destructive predecessors. Who was causing this? Mrs. Wakeman and Jenny headed back to the shambled convention hall to find clues.

It turned out that Dr. Locus was controlling the XJ prototypes with his invention of a remote control that controlled all robots to where they malfunction. He was doing this for money. The remote soon controlled Jenny, giving her the order to destroy her mother. When the remote broke, Jenny was back to normal. Locus was eaten by Mrs. Wakeman's trash-eating invention.

Back at home, Mrs. Wakeman and Jenny were fixing the XJ prototypes. Now that the XJ's were recovering, they requested improvements. All was well until Mrs. Wakeman was eaten whole once again but not by her invention convention entry.




Mrs. Wakeman [sitting up on her bed]: "Oh dear, after all the excitement, I don't think I'll ever get to sleep."

Goes right to sleep

Attempting to vacuum Mrs. Wakeman

XJ-4: "I'll clean your clock, Mama."

Mrs. Wakeman gets sucked in and Jenny tries to pull her out

Jenny: "Give it up, XJ-4."

XJ-4: "Don't get in the way, XJ-9, or I'll put through the wringer."

XJ-4 rolls to Jenny and uses high-tech spray bottles to spray her with water

Jenny: [slaps a bottle away] "Just stop it."

Jenny: "Okay, I think we should leave before XJ-8 shows up."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Yes, I see your point. She's a lot stronger than you are."

Jenny: "Yeah, why is it that you made me so much weaker than XJ-8?"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Well, I had to remove some of your strength to make room for your teenage foibles and quirky sense of humor, didn't I?"

While repairing the previous XJ's

Mrs. Wakeman: "Well, everything will soon be back to normal."

Gets eaten by tiger

Mrs. Wakeman [inside the tiger, Jenny and XJ-3 look horrified]: "Jenny, did you forget to feed the tiger?"


The XJ prototypes have turned against Jenny and Mrs. Wakeman. What or who could be causing them to do that?

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