My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 109-110

First Aired: 5 September 2003

A. "Party Machine"
B. "Speak No Evil"

"Party Machine" (Episode 109)

Directed by: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


Mrs. Wakeman was packing for her business trip. Seeing Jenny's messy room, she reconsidered her trip. Jenny then had to convince her that she was responsible enough to take care of the house and the upcoming minution invasion by herself. Mrs. Wakeman showed Jenny where to expect the minutions to land in the house and the exact time they were coming. Jenny needed to use the SUX containment unit to trap the minutions. Mrs. Wakeman left for her trip and Jenny and Brad (who arrived before Mrs. Wakeman left) were talking about how awesome the party they were plotting will be. Tuck wanted to be part of the party but Jenny and Brad said no. After getting upset, Jenny and Brad reconsidered Tuck's participation in the party.

The party began with a spectacular turn out. Everybody was having fun except for Jenny who had to clean up after everybody's messes and destruction. Despite what Jenny and Brad predicted, Tuck's Pin the Tail on the Donkey game was a huge hit at the party. With everything going on, Jenny was very tense until she came face-to-face with the cutest guy in school, Don Prima. After interrupting a very dreamy conversation with Don, Jenny had to continue to take care of more messes from the party animals. After hearing that the designated time for the minution invasion was rapidly approaching, Jenny got really panicked and threw out all of the party-goers.

Jenny and Brad were right at the X by the designated time of 6 am. Sure enough, the first minution arrived on time. Brad stomped on the minution and his ship, which caused one minution to reproduce into millions and billions. The "vacuum thingy" (the SUX Containment Unit) was found and all the minutions, as well as the piled-up trash and mess, entered the chambers of the vacuum.

Mrs. Wakeman came home and saw that the situation with the minutions has been dealt. It was when when she granted permission for Jenny to throw her party; the party she already had. To think about another party exhausted out Jenny and Brad. Tuck would have been excited to share his Pin the Tail on the Donkey game once again.




Brad: "I dig! I dig!"

Jenny: "You know, Don, I always thought you were really cool, too."

Don Prima: "Why, thank you. That's a cool thing to say."

Jenny: "Not as cool as what you said." (inching closer to Don)

Don: "You think so?"

Jenny: "" (inching even closer...)

Brad (said in a groggy voice, hanging on a blade of the ceiling fan): "Woah! That was the raddest party evvverrrrr!"

Jenny: "We need to find that weapon."

Brad: "Huh, weapon. I've got your weapon right here. (steps on minution)"

Jenny: "Bad idea. Really bad idea."


While Mrs. Wakeman was on a business trip, instead of preparing for an alien invasion, Jenny and Brad threw a big party.

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"Speak No Evil" (Episode 110)

Directed By: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


Citizens of a city in Japan cowered in fear of monsters ruining their city. It was up to Jenny who flew in and fought the monsters. Jenny translated her speech into Japanese to better communicate with the fearful citizens. A group of enthusiastic kids watched Jenny in action. After Jenny defeated the monsters, the kids gave Jenny a present to show their appreciation. A globe became detached from a statue and hit Jenny on the head. Everything seemed OK except for the fact Jenny lost one of disks. One kid from the group of children attempted to give her back her disk, only to find out she was on her way back home.

Jenny safely made it home and met Brad and Tuck. She gave them the gifts she was given in Japan. She found out that Brad and Tuck were not able to understand her as all she could speak was Japanese. She went to find her mother. Mrs. Wakeman couldn't understand what Jenny was trying to communicate. Not even a game of charades helped either. A check-up was performed and it turned out Jenny was missing her Language OS disk. There wasn't enough time to worry about that as more trouble brewed downtown.

There was a massive fire. Jenny wanted to help the townspeople but the people couldn't understand her. Meanwhile, Tuck attempted to make Heads or Tails with Jenny's gift. Tuck's ignorance caused a water monster to get bigger and bigger until it got loose and ran down the street. When downtown, Jenny wanted to put the fire out with her built-in hose and a fire hydrant but no one could understand her instructions.

Jenny soon came face-to-face with Tuck's green water monster. She heard Tuck's cries and ordered the monster to get him out of his pores and to put him down. Jenny was able to understand the monster and the monster told Jenny how he got so big. Jenny used the green monster to douse the town's fire. The same kid who found Jenny's missing disk brought the disk back to her in the U.S. Jenny was back to speaking English once again.

Brad returned home, seemingly oblivious of the destruction of his and Tuck's home. Somehow, he hadn't figured out Jenny's gift either. After leaving his gift in direct sunlight, not water, more trouble occurred.




(Sorry if I butcher any Japanese words. I don't speak Japanese. I couldn't enter the proper quotes without writing these words the best I could based on how I hear them.)

Mrs. Wakeman: "Uhhh...I cannot pat my head and rub my head at the same time. I cannot bungie jump while painting my toenails. I cannot stop eating cheese in my milkshake."

Jenny: (getting annoyed by her mom's ridiculous guesses)"Yeh. Naniotendo."

Mrs. Wakeman: "I cannot stop petting those cute, little puppies."

Jenny: (had enough) "Ummm medoksi!"

Jenny: (Desperately speaks in Japanese)

Jamaican Guy:"Lay off the threats, mama, I can't understand a word you're saying. If you're gonna stay in this country you gotta learn to speak English."

Tuck: "OK, I give up. What is it? Let's take another look at this gobbledy-gook. Oh, what's this? Test tube plus water drop equals frownie face. Test tube plus no water equals happy must mean to add water."

Japanese Kid: "Sumimasen! Sumimasen! Roboto, disku doso."

Jenny: "Arigato!"

Tuck: "Aw great, more Japanese! How's anyone supposed to follow what's going on?"

Jenny: (after inserting the disk back into her mouth) "Don't worry, Tuck. From now on, there'll be no more misunderstandings."


While battling in Japan, Jenny lost her ability to speak English when she lost her language OS disk, reducing her to only speak Japanese.

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