My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 111-112

First Aired: 12 September 2003

A. "See No Evil"
B. "The Great Unwashed"

"See No Evil" (Episode 111)

Directed by: Rob Renzetti


Jenny was looking at pictures of her teenage heartthrob in a magazine when Mrs. Wakeman entered the room uninvited. She presented Jenny with a set of new and improved eyes. Jenny rejected them at first then was convinced to try them on. With all the neat eye features, Jenny thought these eyes would make her look cool.

Mrs. Wakeman and Jenny took a walk around town so Jenny could adjust to her new eyes. Jenny soon realized how she really looked with these new eyes and thought her mom was making her look bad. She took out the eyes and clumsily went sightless. She soon crashed into a movie theater where Brad and Tuck were enjoying a movie. Jenny believed she could continue to operate sightless as long as she has someone to watch after her. Brad and Tuck were both willing to be at her service even though they both disagreed about directions from time to time. Cries went out and three shop owners complained that an invisible man had stolen their eye-related wares. This leads the trio to the park where the "invisible man" continued to steal people's seeing aids. Brad and Tuck give Jenny directions as she fights this villain but it seemed like Jenny's missed it every time. This villain soon trapped Brad and Tuck in mid-air. It was then they convinced Jenny to get her eyes so she could see.

Once Jenny had retrieved her eyes, the ultra-violet setting revealed that this villain was actually a huge invisible eyeball, the All-Seeing Infrared Ivan. To free Brad and Tuck from his clutches, Jenny kicked dirt in the huge eyeball. Ivan tried different substances to soothe his eyes; all were unsuccessful.

While back at Jenny's house, Brad and Tuck humored her about how good her eyes looked. Mrs Wakeman then gave Jenny a pair of eyes that were similar to the old ones. She had to wear a power supply "fanny pack" with them. Hilarity ensued from the style of the fanny pack.




Mrs. Wakeman: "Speaking of knocking, here's something you'd want to knock, a pair of enhanced optical senor arrays. They're telescopic, have macro-focus, and will allow you to see imagery invisible to the human eye."

Jenny: "Well, they are the same shade of icy blue as Ian McCully's, but I think I'll stick with my old eyes."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Honestly, XJ-9, you can be so stubborn. You have to look at the big picture. These eyes will increase your crime-fighting efficiency. Just try them on. Trust me, you'll like them. Don't you want to look like your friend...uhh...Ethan?"

Jenny: "Ugh! It's Ian. Alright, I'll try them on."

Mrs. Wakeman: "XJ-9, you're not looking at the big picture."

Jenny: "You're not looking at this picture. It's called 'I Made My Daughter a Total Dweeb'."

Jenny: "I need someone to be my eyes. Someone intelligent, reliable, alert. Someone like...Brad."

Brad: "All right!"

Tuck: "Hey, I can be as...alert as Brad. I want to be the eyes"

Brad: "Too bad, short-stuff. She picked me."

Tuck: "Well she can unpick you."

Brad and Tuck start to argue

Jenny: You two figure it out; just as long a someone...(car crashes into Jenny) out for me.

Brad and Tuck (stop fighting and see what happened): Watch out for that car!

Jenny: "Uh...thanks."

Jenny: "Now to shed a little light on the subject of invisible man."

Flips through settings until she gets to the ultra-violet setting

Jenny: "Hey, you're not an invisible man. You're an invisible eyeball."

Infrared Ivan: "So, you've discovered my secret with your powerful eyes. They are nothing compared to the might of the All-Seeing Infrared Ivan. Puny humans try to challenge me with their contacts, bifocals, and telescopes. But no one should be allowed to match my visionary powers. All the world's eye ware will be mine, and mine alone! And there's nothing you can do to stop me."


Jenny experienced life without vision. She learned that the bad is sometimes good and good is sometimes bad.

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"The Great Unwashed" (Episode 112)

Directed By: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


A business man pleaded to a junkyard worker to stop a machine. The business man sold dynamite and if the machine smashed the dynamite, the dynamite and everything around it could be destroyed. At moment's notice, Jenny arrived at the scene and successfully retrieved the first case of dynamite. It was too late for the second case. Not only did the explosion dropped her off at school, she was late and the explosion completely ruined her trademark paint job.

At school, popular guy Don Prima was passing out invitations to his upcoming party. Brit and Tiff hid the tattered-appearing Jenny so Don wouldn't see her to invite her. There were two more invitations left so Don invited Brad to the party. Now to whom will the last one go? Jenny really wanted to go to this party. Attempting to hide her ruined state from her mother, Jenny went to mechanics for a sparkly new paint job.

Jenny returned to school the next day and her new makeover made waves with everyone, especially Don Prima who gave her the last invitation to his party. The ones who were not impressed were Brit and Tiff. They wanted to make Jenny look bad so they consulted "the Mudslinger." While Jenny was on her way to the party, she came face-to-face with the Mudslinger and the meeting eventually ruined Jenny's new paint job. Hearing that he's never been to a party, Jenny offered the Mudslinger her he could make the Krust cousins look bad.

Jenny was devastated that the Mudslinger not only destroyed her makeover but her chance to go to a party thrown by the most popular guy in school. Brad and Tuck were nearby, on their way to the party, when they saw Jenny's sadness. They then started an exciting water fight that was much more fun than a boring party. Everyone joined in!




Brit: "Don't worry, dear. We'll hide your embarrassing position."

Tiff: "Why are helping this circuit jerk? I cain't [sic] stand her and neither can you."

Brit: "Well, if we stand here nobody can see her, understand?"

Tiff: "Uhh..."

Brit: "And it would be impossible for a certain party host to invite a certain robot to a certain party if he can't see her."

Tiff: "And that way, we stay the center of attention!"

Brit: "Certainly!"

Don: "Hey, Brad."

Brad: "Oh, hey Don."

Don: "Would you like to..."

Brad: "That'll be great! Um...I mean cool. Thanks."

Brit: "Tiff, could you please tell me why we're sneaking around the slums."

Tiff: "Because, this is where the Mudslinger lives."

Brit: "Mud-whom?"

Tiff: "Shhh!"

Jenny: (hums and sings) "Nothing's gonna bug me today 'cause I'm going to Don Prima's par-tay."

Mudslinger: (he messed up Jenny's paint job so Jenny is reacting by slamming the side of the alley with her "Mighty Mallet") "Hey, now, let's go easy. The Mudslinger isn't such a bad guy." (Jenny slams again) "I'm just a hired hand." (slams again) "C'mon now. It was all the Krust cousins' idea." (gets madder and slams again) "Have mercy! The Mudslinger knows how you feel. (says in mercy) I've never been invited to a party in my WHOLE ENITRE LIFE!"

Jenny was about to slam again until she graciously pulls out an envelope

Jenny: "Well then, would you like my invitation?"

Mudslinger: "Ooo-ooh!"


Jenny realized that even though one is attractive enough to be invited to a party, the party will not always be as exciting as one had visioned.

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