My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 113-114

First Aired: 3 October 2003

A. "The Return of Raggedy Android"
B. "The Boy Who Cried Robot"

"The Return of Raggedy Android" (Episode 113)

Directed by: Rob Renzetti


Jenny visited Brad at his new job at the local teen joint, Mezmers. The older, Irishman of a manager (Mr. Mezmer) says robots were not allowed at his shop.

Mrs. Wakeman shows Jenny the new and improved exo skin. Even though the exo skin put itself on Jenny by seemingly attacking her, the results were impressive. This made Jenny want to try going to Mezmers again...this time as a "regular girl."

When "the new" Jenny made it to Mezmers, all the guys went for her and Brad didn't notice her at first. Just as Don Prima, the smoothest guy in school, noticed Jenny's new look, Space Biker Letta and her pet Lenny crashed the joint. Jenny tried to fight the Space Biker herself but the suit prevented her from doing so. After breaking the jukebox, Letta threatened to return and the patrons all left because of the broken jukebox.

Putting away the suit for the night, Jenny went to bed. When she woke up she found that the suit was already on her. She found that the suit was talking to her and told her what a "normal girl" was supposed to do and how to act.

Jenny went back to Mezmers and followed the skin's lead. Brad didn't like this new Jenny. Space Biker Letta returned. She brought some friends with her and they wreaked havoc to the malt shop. Jenny tried to fight the evil Biker Gang but the skin wouldn't let her. Jenny eventually destroyed the suit then kicked some space biker butt. After the Space Bikers left, Brad told Mr. Mezmer that if Jenny was not allowed in the shop then he would quit his job. Despite Mr. Mezmers plead for his patrons to come back, everyone walked away.




Brad: "I can't believe it Jenny. I can't believe I got this job, it's so cool! Mezmers is the coolest hangout in town. State-of-the-Art computerized jukebox, deluxe 5-cushioned booth seating, air-conditioned dance floor, and wall-to wall teenagers."

Jenny: "I can't believe I'm hanging with normal teens!"

Brad: Well why not? With me in charge, you can hang out any time you want.

Jenny: (After getting thrown out of Mezmers the first time, she walks out)"What an ignorant jerk! Who wants to hang out in there anyway? (stops walking)...I do."

Jenny: "Hi!"

Brad: "Oh-ho, hi! What's your name?"

Jenny: "(giggles) Jenny."

Brad: "Jenny, huh?" (inadvertently pults the ice cream toward someone instead of into the shake cup. Person exclaims, "Hey!") "Uh-huh-huh-huh!"

Jenny: (giggles briefly)

Brad: "My best friend's name is Je..." (spills the shake cup on the skin, revealing Jenny's metal arm and hand Jenny responds, "ouch!") Jenny?

Jenny: "Best friend, huh?"

Brad: "Woooow! What happened? You look totally normal."

Jenny: "I know, it's so great! No one looks at me like I'm a freak. It's been bliss!"

Letta: "Ha! Ha! Ha! Did you miss Letta? Now we'll really have some fun."

Olga: "Yeah, Olga is here!"

Sludge: "Sludge is in the house!"

Tammy: "And Tammy!"

Brief pause

Letta: She's new.


Jenny wanted to hang out at a joint for teenagers. She couldn't because she was a robot. To look normal, Jenny put on the exo skin. The results exceeded expectations--or did they?

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"The Boy Who Cried Robot" (Episode 114)

Directed By: Bob Jaques, Rob Renzetti


A mountain climber made his way up the top of a mountain then he fell. A distress signal was sent out and Jenny answered it. While Jenny was on her way to save the mountain climber, she heard and answered a cry from Tuck. Tuck wanted Jenny to meet three of his friends to prove to them that Jenny could do amazing things. After that, Jenny arrived to Mount Milijankaro in time to save the falling climber.

Soon Jenny got another distress call in Switzerland. A dike was cracking so Jenny tried to fix it. During that time, she heard Tuck calling her. Jenny found a temporary fix and zoomed toward Tuck's call. This time, Tuck had a lot of kids over to see Jenny's awesomeness. They saw what Jenny does. After that, Jenny performed everything Tuck or his audience wished including moving a tree, acting as a pencil sharpener, tuning a radio, performing yardwork duties, and other jobs.

Jenny felt doing all these things for Tuck was really getting out of hand. She went to Brad for help. The bookmobile rolled along and Jenny and Brad got the book The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Despite what his friends said, Tuck was still not convinced that his friends have seen everything Jenny could do. Tuck then sent out another distress call.

When in her room, Jenny and Brad were reading when they heard Tuck's cries. At first, Jenny wanted to ignore him. When she found out what happened to the kid at the end of the story, she decided to answer the cry anyway, despite Brad's recommendation. It all turned out that Tuck was being "attacked" by his friend's dog. Jenny got very angry.
