This animated series is about mad scientist Mrs. Wakeman (sometimes addressed as Dr. Wakeman) (voiced by Candi Milo) who builds a robot to save the planet Earth from destructive evil. The robot was designed as a teenager. Even though Global Robotic Response Unit XJ-9 (Jenny) (voiced by Janice Kawaye) was designed to fight evil, she would much rather make friends and hang out at the mall like other teenagers would Jenny likes to hang out with her friends Brad, Tuck, and Sheldon (voiced by Chad Doreck, Audrey Wasilewski, and Quinton Flynn, respectfully).
"My Life as a Teenage Robot" first premired Friday, 1 August 2003 during Nickelodeon's then-Friday night block, "Friday Night Nicktoons." During the show's run, it has also been shown on other Nickelodeon blocks and networks including TEENick, The N, and Nicktoons. Season 1 ended on 27 February 2004 with "The Wonderful World of Wizzly" and "Call Hating."
Season 2 was originally to air 1 October 2004. For some reason, the premeire got pushed back to 3 December 2004 with the Christmas special, "A Robot for All Seasons." Season 2 ended 22 April 2005.
Season 3 is considered "the lost season." These episodes were first shown in Asia, not coming to the US until 2008. The show ended its run 2 May 2009 with "Samurai Vac" and "Turncoats."