My Life as a Teenage Robot--Episodes 125-126

First Aired: 27 February 2004

A. "The Wonderful World of Wizzly"
B. "Call Hating"

"The Wonderful World of Wizzly" (Episode 125)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Jenny, Brad, and Tuck were at the entrance of Wizzly World pointing out notable rides. Jenny wanted to go on the "World Ain't So Big" ride. Seeing what the animatronic robots had to do, Jenny got offended. When Brad and Tuck went off on another ride, Jenny saw how the other park robots were being treated. She began to free the robots from their programmed duties. Brad and Tuck saw what she was doing and thought what she was doing was crazy. Jenny just wanted better lives for her robo-relatives.

The next morning, she woke up and saw lots of those park robots in her house. They were even causing trouble at Brad and Tuck's house. The trouble even spread to town where the robots were tormenting the working and playing townspeople. When Jenny thought things couldn't get any worse, all the robots sang a song when the clock struck noon.

Soon, Jenny then returned all the robots back to Wizzly World. While doing that, she though of where the robots really should belong. She put all the robots on a rocket ship ride and powerfully threw them to a planet where they could form their own society. Instead, they menaced the existing inhabitants with their annoying song.




Robot 1: "It's too big outside."

Robot 2: "We like it better in here where it ain't so big."

Tuck: (a robot is holding him upside down by the foot) I'm not a pretzel, though I am a little salty.

Robot drops him.

Tuck: "This is another fine mess you've gotten us into, Jennifer."

World Ain't So Big

"The world ain't so big, it's just right
the days are sunny, never dark at night
nobody cries and nobody's sad everybody's good 'cause nobody's bad
the world ain't so big and we're so small but that's not a problem when nobody's tall
packed like pretzels we're all so snug,
squeezed as tight, it's just one big hug."

Happy Noontime Funtime Song

Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh!
Happy noontime funtime song, we love to sing it all day long,
we sing it when the weather's fine we sing it when the sun don't shine
slap my fanny, kiss my face we sing this song all over the place
once we start we can't be stopped we sing it 'till your eardrums pop,
forget the singing let's just shout,
love is what it's all about,
come and join us all our friends

broken robot: Now get set to sing again



Jenny, Brad, and Tuck went to Wizzly World. Jenny realized how badly the animatronic robots are being treated so she released them all. Jenny wanted to prove that the robots could function in the real world, not just working at the amusement park. It all got out of hand.

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"Call Hating" (Episode 126)

Directed By: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


Tuck walked out of a barber shop feeling great when two trucks drove by and tried to get him dirty. Since Tuck dodged the splash, he remained untouched. Not even a boy playing in street mud or a dirty biker gang could disrupt Tuck's cleanliness, right? No. Then out of nowhere, a gooey muck monster came around and messed up Tuck's new look. Jenny arrived to fight this muck monster. No matter what she did the muck monster wouldn't get defeated. She thought victory was hers when she had him shreded in the industrial-sized shreder in a nearby gelatin factory. Now that the day was saved, it was time to go the the mall.

Just as Jenny was about to enjoy herself, her mother called her. Jenny did not want to be bothered by anyone through the afternoon, including her mom. Mrs. Wakeman was seeking information from Jenny of how she defeated the muck monster. Jenny was so busy treating herself that she thought she had the right to completely ignore her mother. She pulled out her belly-button bolt so she could be destracted no more. That night, while Jenny was sleeping, Mrs. Wakeman sneaked in and updated her communication software.

When at school, Jenny wanted to impress the new boy and she didn't want to make a fool of herself. Her mother called her at school to tell her something. Jenny tried to hang up but her software was updated to where Mrs. Wakeman could not be tuned out. She was with Jenny all day, including in Chemistry class where she led the day's experiment. During lunch, Mrs. Wakeman continued to embarrass Jenny, just like she had been throughout the day. Jenny and Brad talked to the new kid. When the communication screen spills motor oil all over the new kid, Jenny confronted her mother about this then told her to go away. Mrs. Wakeman ran away, bawling. The muck monster appeared when those cups of gelatin were opened. Jenny could hit the monster with "Thor's Hammer" so she tried to remember the chemical compounds that freezes gelatin but she couldn't remember. Her mom showed up to save the day. Everyone was frozen in the end but they were safe.

While still in the cafeteria, Jenny told her mother she was sorry. Mrs. Wakeman apologized as well but justified her excuses for all those interferences. Because she was being so annoying, the new kid offered to help by unscrewing the communication screen from her body. Mrs. Wakeman was objecting this but at least she was no longer a distraction to Jenny meeting with the new kid.




Tuck: "Ah! Nothing like a new haircut and your Sunday best to make you feel like a new man!"

Jenny: "Mom, what are you still doing here?"

Mrs. Wakeman: "I updated your communication software so you can't tune me out. Now about that muck monster..."

Jenny (pounding on the screen): "There's gotta be a way to shut this thing off. (forcing the screen toward her stomach) there."

In Chemistry class...

Mrs. Wakeman: "You call this a Chem lab? Hoo! My makeup bag has more equipment than this."

Mr. Piggot: "You have a problem with our lab equipment, Miss XJ-9?" (Gasps in excitement) Dr. Wakeman? THE Dr. Wakeman? Class, we have a very speical guest visiting us today. Please welcome Dr. Wakeman.

Mrs. Wakeman: (during a weak applause from the class) "Thank you! Thank you very, very much."

Mr. Piggot: "May I be so bold as to request that my esteemed colleague lead today's experiment?"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Oh, why I just couldn't. I...I...I'm totally unprepared."

Jenny: Yep! That's right, totally unprepared!

Mrs. Wakeman: (Excitedly) "Well, if you insist!"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Today we will take this piece of gelatin and freeze it using 2 common chemical compounds found in any household fire extinguisher. Can anyone tell me what those compounds are? (brief pause) Two common compounds. You can find them in any fire extinguisher. (Exasperated sigh) XJ-9, would you please tell your classmates what the two compounds are?"

Jenny: (Nervously)"Uhhhh why should I know the answer? What do you think I am, some sort of science geek or loser or something?"

Mrs. Wakeman: (Sigh) "We will freeze the gelatin with a 90-10 mixture of potassium acitate and potassium citrate."

Gelatin freezes

Mrs. Wakeman: "Honestly, XJ-9, we were just studying chemical compounds last week when we sent your legs out to be polished."

Class laughs and a note is passed

Mrs. Wakeman: "Young man, bring that to the front. XJ-9 please read the note aloud."

Jenny: "I'd rather not."

Mrs. Wakeman: "XJ-9! Read the note!"

Jenny: "It says, 'Jenny, the legless loser science geek.'"

Class laughs

Mrs. Wakeman: "I don't get it. What's so funny?"

New Kid: "Aw, don't sweat it! I've moved around a lot. But two things never change: kids are embarassed by their parents and every school serves the same jiggly gelatin cups."


Jenny got tired of her mother contacting her all the time after defeating the muck monster. She decided to ignore her calls. Mrs. Wakeman made it to where Jenny could not hang up on her when she called her.

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