My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 200-201

First Aired: 8 December 2004

"A Robot for All Seasons: An MLAATR Christmas Special"

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


On Christmas Eve, children were happy to see their gifts being delivered through their chimneys. Were these gifts really being delivered by Santa as assumed by the kids? Nope! In a huge metal Santa suit, Jenny was filling in for Santa while he was recovering from a "mysterious accident." Santa then invited Jenny, Mrs. Wakeman, Brad, Tuck, and Sheldon to Christmas dinner. After the festive dinner, the gang decided to go to the mall for the after-Christmas sales.

While at the mall, since there were so many people at the toy store, Jenny helped Tuck by flying him to the toy he wanted. Todd Sweeney, an unfulfilled rich kid, saw what Jenny did and wanted Jenny as a present. He took Jenny to his mansion and made her his slave. Jenny thought he was just playing. Todd actually captured Jenny and made her his weapon of evil.

After a system reboot, Jenny realized she was still at Todd's mansion then attempted to find her way out. When Jenny found her way out, everyone she greeted acted really strange to her, even her own mom. Even with Skyway Patrol out to get her, Jenny didn't understand what she did wrong. She found Sheldon and he told her how she wrecked every holiday through the year. Jenny was under Todd's command for nearly a year and she didn't remember a thing. Jenny wanted everybody to know who was behind all this holiday-hating evil.

Jenny returned to the Sweeney mansion to confront Todd. Todd told Jenny the story of how he hasn't seen his parents in a while. Todd still intended to destroy Christmas continuing to use Jenny as his weapon despite her refusal. They made their way to the North Pole. At Jenny's house, Sheldon tried to convince Mrs. Wakeman, Brad, and Tuck about what really happened but they didn't believe him. The three headed to the North Pole. At the North Pole, "Jenny" fought Santa. Eventually Todd revealed what he had been doing. The fight caused all of Tremorton's gifts to be destroyed. Fortunately, there was a way around this.

All the kids of Tremorton got in line to receive things from the Sweeney mansion, especially Todd's toys. After Todd gave another child a gift, Todd became happier. It was then his parents returned. From then, a Merry Christmas was had by all!




Spending Christmas with Santa (beginning) / Jenny (End) Song

"We're spending Christmas with Santa (Jenny) and we never felt so gay

There's no better way to celebrate this holly jolly day

The air out smells like Christmas pudding and fresh-baked Christmas bread

And my brain's about to burst with sugar plums in my head

Like a plague of festive vermin, elves are everywhere you look

In the air, on the sea, and every blessed little nook

Watched Santa (does not change during reprise) when the turkey's carved, he'll eat half and pass the rest

Don't step between his plate and him, that's if you know what's best

I can feel the season's happiness within me as it glows

From the tip-top of my mistle-head down to my mistle-toes

Every other celebration from now on will pale because (be just fine)

There's nothing that beats Christmas with good old Santa Claus (XJ-9)

Sheldon: "Tell me something, Jenny, how do you feel when I show you THESE?" (Easter eggs from out of his backpack)

Jenny: "Easter eggs?"

Sheldon: " That's right, simple, harmless Easter eggs. Don't you want to crush them?"

Jenny: "Uh, no."

Sheldon: "Then what about THIS?" (Takes heart-shaped Valentine out of his backpack) "Doesn't it fill you with uncontrollable rage?"

Jenny: "No. But you're starting to get on my nerves."

Sheldon: "You really don't know what's going on, Do you? Remember that morning at the mall?"

Jenny: "Duh, it was this morning."

Sheldon: "Actually, Jenny, it was almost one year ago."

Jenny: [gasp] "No!"

Sheldon: "Yes, it's true. After you got into Todd Sweeney's limousine, you never came home"

Todd: "I remember my last real Christmas like it was yesterday."

Flashback to when Todd was a baby and his parents were leaving him.

Todd (voiceover):"That year, Santa Claus gave my parents a luxury cruise to Bermuda. I was left alone with the servants."

Back to Present

Todd: "My parents never returned. They retired. They said they've never been happier. That day, I vowed that if I could feel no holiday joy, then neither would anyone else. So far, we've wrecked every holiday except for the fattest one of all. But tonight, we will destroy Christmas...foreeevvverr."

Jenny: "Not if I can help it."

Todd: "Oh, but I don't think you can." [Mind control device on Jenny reactivates]

[Todd and Jenny race Mrs. Wakeman, Brad, and Tuck to the North Pole. Todd and Jenny zoom past very fast.]

Tuck: "Yeah, you better run!"

Santa: "Jenny, you're back to normal!"

Jenny: "Well, Santa, actually, I..."

Mrs. Wakeman, Brad, and Tuck crash through the ceiling with the rocket.

Tuck: "Don't worry, Santa, old boy. We'll What's going on? Where's all the butt-kicking?"

Jenny: "Well, as I was just explaining, Sheldon disabled Todd Sweeney's mind-control device. I was just faking it until Todd confessed in front of Santa."

Mrs. Wakeman, Brad, and Tuck cheer.


A spoiled, abandoned rich kid used Jenny to ruin all the holidays throughout the year, including Christmas.

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