My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 105-106

First Aired: 15 August 2003

A. "Attack of the 5½ Ft. Geek"
B. "Doom with a View"

"Attack of the 5½ Ft. Geek" (Episode 105)

Directed by: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


Sheldon Lee was not only turning in a high-quality project for himself, he did a lower-quality, less involving project for a group of bullies. Jenny came into the shop because one of her arm screws were loose. Seeing that Sheldon was being bullied, she stopped the bullies from bullying Sheldon. After that, Sheldon fixed her loose screw. When Jenny zoomed off, Sheldon began to develop feelings for her. He began to stalk Jenny around the school, even walking her to class. The fellow students began to suspect that Jenny and Sheldon were girlfriend and boyfriend. When Mrs. Wakeman called Jenny to inform her about trouble downtown, she gave her approval for Sheldon, based on appearance, despite Jenny's annoyance.

The Lonely Hearts Club Gang were causing mischief downtown. They were sick of their girls always rejecting them. Just as Jenny started to chase them, Sheldon appeared and offered her some gadgets that could help her save some time. Jenny would much rather use her own weapons. After Jenny's failure to defeat the Lonely Hearts, they continued their mischief at a tuxedo shop.

Soon the Lonely Hearts kidnapped Sheldon and took him to their headquarters in an abandoned factory where they strapped him onto a wheel that could determine his fate. Jenny came in to save Sheldon. She made it clear that Sheldon was not her boyfriend after she was captured onto an industrial-sized electromagnet. After Sheldon was released, despite feeling rejected, he saved Jenny from what the Gang might do to her. Jenny tried to thank him but he sadly walked home.

While Sheldon was depressed in bed, he heard a knock at his window. Jenny told him through his window that her mom helped make improvements to his project. Jenny thanked Sheldon for saving her life and proposed a friendship to Sheldon. This made him very happy.




Sheldon: "Sheldon Lee, you've outdone yourself once again! Your quarter scale die-cast alloy figure of Fandom's favorite super hero, Captain Crush. You're sure to crush the competition. Oh captain, if only you could fly."

Classroom Teacher: "Class, this is neither the time...uh...nor the place. Please wait 'til after class to ridicule Jenny about her boyfriend"

Class laughs and Jenny is embarrassed.

Mrs. Wakeman:"There's trouble in town. The...(notices Sheldon) Hello, who's this? Large cranial capacity; thick, gangly frame, sun-deprived skin...I approve! I whole-heartedly approve!"

Jenny: "Mom, can we stay focused on the crime-fighting?"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Oh, dear, it's nothing too important. It's just the Lonely Hearts Club Gang up to their mopey mischief. I'm not trying to ruin any plans you may have with..."

Jenny: "Good-bye, Mother."

Shortest Lonely Heart (pretty profound quote!): "Fate is a fickle mistress, my friend. Each day we court a favor but with one spin of a wheel, it can turn your world upside down. You may end up having a horrible factory accident, or fall into a vat of boiling chocolate, or maybe you'll suffer from a really, really bad paper cut. Any way you slice it, there's slim chance you'll end up happy."


Sheldon met Jenny, developed feelings for her, and tried to impress her.

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"Doom with a View" (Episode 106)

Directed By: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


After running through the thick, frigid blankets of falling snow, "Commander Bradicus Maximus" claimed the flag of "Fort Tuckonderoga" only to be hit by an incoming snowball. This was to only discover that that flag was just a decoy. The real flag was on Tuck's huge fort that he built himself. Brad then admired the awesome snow fort Tuck had built. Astonished by the fort's construction, Brad wanted to make it his own and dub it "Fort Brad." Tuck objected at first then, when Brad called him to attention, was reminded that he was outranked. Tuck was then ordered to camouflage the fort for the arrival of the "enemy."

Tuck was then informed about the "enemy." When the "enemy" "Generalissimo" Jenny arrived, a snowball fight commenced. In the end, since Jenny won the fight, "Commander Brad" requested surrender and Jenny granted it. As a result of the fight, Tuck's fort was ruined.

Enter the Cluster. A Cluster emissary landed and expressed how it seemed that Jenny was being treated unfairly on Earth. The emissary drone invited Jenny to come live on Cluster Prime, the home planet of the Cluster. Jenny was impressed by the sales pitch, everything except for "the enslavement of the human race" statement. The drone and Jenny fought until Jenny said yes--which never happened. When Jenny had to fight the head in space, Brad and Tuck were left alone. Despite Jenny's orders not to touch anything, Tuck was ordered by Commander Brad to build a robot fort using the scraps of the shredded drone. When Brad climbed down to retrieve an extra piece, Tuck was left on the "fort" that was reassembling itself. Tuck was dropped inside the drone body then his head was forced to take over the body. The original head soon returned from space. Soon both Brad and Tuck were taken hostage inside the drone.

When Jenny returned, she and the drone fought once again. After being ignored, everyone heard Tuck's simple plan to defeat the Cluster drone--an off button. The drone fell backwards on his off button and Tuck was declared a hero. Now that Tuck declared himself as a commander, this caused a spat between him and Brad about who was really in charge. Now what was Jenny to do about two brother with playful imaginations?



Tuck: "Dream on, commander. You'll never take Fort Tuckonderoga. This fort is impervious, impregnable, unseigeable and unseizable. This fort can withstand dinosaurs, Mack trucks, termites..."

Brad: "This fort is awesome! Those walls must be 3 feet thick and you can totally see our house from up here."

Tuck: "Uh, excuse me, I said this fort was Impreg..."

Brad: "Uh, Cool! What's that over there?"

Tuck: "Impregnable!"

Brad (Commander Bradicus Maximus): "Excellent job, private. This camouflage gives the element of surprise. And the new stockpile of snowball weapons technology will allow us to take on any opponent."

Tuck: "Sir, I have a question, sir!"

Brad: "Speak freely, private."

Tuck: "Uh, who exactly is the enemy?"

Brad: "A-ha! Excellent question. Pay attention soldier, there's your enemy. Note the hardened battle chasis, the radio targeting system. Yes sir, she's one bad mama jama so we must remain vigilant. A-ha!"

Cluster Emissary:"I too am sorry. I am sorry for XJ-9. Sorry that she is forced to live amongst humans. Sorry that she is not queen of this puny planet like she deserves. We are the cluster (lands on the ground) and we feel your pain. I am but a humble emissary sent to extend to you an invitation. An invitation to join us on our home world: Cluster Prime." CE's VO: "Yes, Cluster Prime! A paradise planet for robots, cyborgs, and yes, even androids live in peace and harmony. A planet where robots are free, free to pursue lives dedicated to science, the arts, the enslavement of the human race, and a consumption of soft-serve ice cream which we call 'Cluster.' Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto! Heh, heh! Domo Arigato."

Brad: " know Tuck, with all these parts, we can make a fort 100 times cooler than the last one."

Tuck: "But Jenny specifically said not to touch any..."

Brad: "Ten hut! (Tuck stands at attention.) Who is the older brother here?"

Tuck: "You are, sir."

Brad: "And who is the ranking officer while Jenny is away?"

Tuck: (annoyed) "You are, commander, sir."

Brad: (talking like "a commanding commander")"That's right! Now, I want to see these walls going up; I want to see this robot fort shine."


After interrupting a snowball fight, a huge robot invited Jenny to join "The Cluster," a colony of evil robots that want to take over Earth.

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