My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 103-104

First Aired: 8 August 2003

A. "Raggedy Android"
B. "Class Action"

"Raggedy Android" (Episode 103)

Directed by: Rob Renzetti


While Mrs. Wakeman was testing Jenny's weapons, Brad and Tuck invited Jenny to the Townsquare Fair. Jenny wanted to go but since she didn't look "normal," Mrs. Wakeman wouldn't let her go. After Jenny threw a huge tantrum, Mrs. Wakeman formed an idea.

Mrs. Wakeman showed Jenny a design for an "exo-skin" that would help her appear like a normal girl. Jenny got excited and thought she could wear it to the fair the next day. Despite working all night on a hold-over prototype, the skin wasn't finished but Jenny took the skin anyway. Mrs. Wakeman predicted disaster. She came running after Jenny.

Tuck wanted to face his fear of giant wheels by riding the Ferris wheel. During the event, Jenny arrived at the fair and people thought she was a killer monster and ran from her. Overweight fair patrons hunted her down. Why? Since the exo-skin was unfinished, it didn't give Jenny the proper appearance she desired. Instead, it made her look worse. While Brad and Tuck were on the Farris wheel, the wheel operator, out of fear of the "monster," made the ride spin so fast that it rolled off its hub and rolled toward nearby power lines. Now it was up to Jenny, without the suit, to save the riders from their electrocuted doom. Once everyone was saved, it turned out that Tuck had faced his fear of giant wheel and wanted to ride it again.

Thanks to Jenny, the day was saved! Everyone thanked Jenny for saving the fair. Jenny reluctantly kept the Ferris wheel hubbed so there could still be a Ferris wheel at the fair.




Mrs. Wakeman: "So, XJ-9, you ready for action?"

Jenny: "I can take anything you can dish out."

Mrs. Wakeman: "We'll see about that."

Jenny: "Bring it on!"

Jenny: "You never let me do ANYTHING I WANT! WORK! WORK! WORK! I NEVER GET TO HAVE ANY FUN! If you don't let me go, I'll...I'll..."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Don't you raise your lasers to me, young lady!"

Jenny: Bawls loudly

Brad: (after he and Tuck got on the Ferris wheel) "You gonna be OK there, Tiger?"

Tuck: "Fine...Fine. From this angle," (gulps) "it doesn't even look like a whee...whee...whee..."

Brad: "Tuck?"

Tuck: "...whee..."

Fair-Goer: "Wow! Look at the size of this wheel! This must be the most giantest wheel in the whole tri-state area."

Lap bar closes

Tuck: (struggling to get off) "NOOOOOO! LET ME OFF!"

Jenny (in exo skin, after being called "monster") "Monster? I'm not a monster. I'm a normal teenage girl...aren't I?"

Looks at self in fun house mirror and screams

Jenny: "I am a monster!"

Mrs. Wakeman: "What's wrong, XJ-9? I thought you wanted to be part of the fair."

Jenny: "I wanted to be part of the fair but I didn't want to be part of the machinery."


Jenny wore an exo skin to make her look like a real girl. The results were horrifying.

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"Class Action" (Episode 104)

Directed by: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


Thinking she is going on an endeavoring mission, Jenny realized that she was being dropped off at her first day of high school, an endeavoring mission in itself. Jenny called this opportunity to fit in with other teenagers.

Before school started, Jenny and Brad talked about degrees of popularity. Jenny thought she had found the definition of popularity by introducing herself to the most popular girls in school, Brit and Tiff Krust (the Krust Cousins) and asked to hang out with them. After going through a rough day, Jenny consulted a "problem droid." After Brit pulled a prank, Jenny ended up asking the entire school her questions. Later, Brad taught Jenny that to make friends, she should open up to them. The vice-principal thought Jenny's "opening up" was in the form of weapons so he gave her a warning.

In Chemistry class, the bunsen burner was broken. Brit volunteered Jenny to light up the beaker. This turned out to be another prank to malfunction Jenny's equipment. This malfunction caused Jenny to burn down the entire school. Jenny reentered the school to save the students including the Krust cousins.

After a broiler explosion, Brad thought the explosion took Jenny with it. Though Jenny was only minorly disfigured, she survived but in a lot of trouble. When evidence showed itself, it turned out that the Krust cousins were responsible for the fire and were taken away. It was then that Jenny became the Krust cousins worst enemy. Depite that, Jenny still considered them as friends. This was going to be a very interesting school year.




Mrs. Wakeman: (After dropping Jenny off for school) honk honk "OK! Bye bye, sweetie! Have a good first day!"

Wakeman drives off and students laugh

Jenny: "2.75 seconds into the new school year; my mom's already made me a laughing-stock."

Jenny (introducing herself to Brit and Tiff): "What is up homeslices? My name is Jenny. (shakes Tiff's hand) I've been doing some calcualtions and have concluded it would be totally fab if after a day of serious study, we can hang out, kick it, and chill, and do our homework together!"

Jenny (talking into the microphone of the problem droid (PA system)): "Excuse me, Problem Droid, can you hear me now? (Brit gives Tiff the cue to turn on the PA system) I have some questions about my schedule. First of all, do I have to wear an athletic support in every class or just in social studies. And if there is no recess, when do we play freeze-tag? Which hall is the study hall? And I can't find my next class. It's called 'Cafeteria'...cafeteria...(echoes)."

Brad: "Wow, some first day, huh? Don't worry, it can't possibly get any worse."

Jenny: "What do you mean? It was awesome! You were right, all I had to do was be myself. Now I'm in with the in-crowd. I can't wait for the rest of the year!" (smiles and throws her arms up in joy)

School crumbles in background


Jenny experienced her first action-packed day of high school.

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