My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 101-102

First Aired: 1 August 2003

A. "It Came from Next Door"
B. "Pest Control"

"It Came from Next Door" (Episode 101)

Directed by: Rob Renzetti


Tuck broke a window with a baseball and was ordered by his brother Brad to retrieve it. The house he was forced to enter was the of the creepy mad scientist, Mrs. Wakeman. Spooked out of his mind, Tuck scoped the house for the baseball. When he saw something pick up the ball, he ran out in horror. Tuck told Brad that he saw a robot but Brad was skeptical at first.

Mrs. Wakeman confronted teenage robot Jenny about leaving her room and reminded her she was to wait for signals when trouble arose. Jenny reminded Mrs. Wakeman, who is also her creator and mom, that she would much rather act like a normal teenager rather than a crime-fighting robot who should be preventing a meteor from entering Earth's atmosphere. While still confined in her room, she met the now believing Brad who sneaked through her window. Jenny didn't want her mom to find out Brad was in her room so they ended up outside.

Despite saving his brother from falling to his doom, Tuck still thought Jenny was evil. Brad invited Jenny to hang out with them. Ignoring the meteor threat, Jenny accepted. While they were hanging out, also including a game of hacky-sack which Jenny powerfully bumped and ended up not coming down, Tuck was still skeptical about Jenny's harmlessness. Soon Jenny received an alert that the threat of the meteor approaching Earth became higher.

Jenny zoomed off to take care of the problem leaving another problem on Earth-where was Tuck? It turned out Tuck tagged along with Jenny. Jenny saved the world and returned safely to Earth. After seeing Jenny in action, though a bit "barbecued," Tuck finally realized how awesome Jenny could be. Meanwhile, Mrs. Wakeman looked down on the trio then decided that since Jenny saved the world, an afternoon off would be in both of their favors. Bad idea...




First line of the series Brad: (stops Tuck when he was running out of Mrs. Wakeman's house) "Woah! Slow down there, slugger. You seem to be light one baseball."

Mrs Wakeman: XJ-9! (Slams open Jenny's door) It seems that some young robot has forgotten the rules of this household. You were build for one purpose: to protect the planet earth. Unless you are out saving the world, you should stay in your room.You must avoid unnecessary contact with the human population, especially teenagers. Do I make myself clear, XJ-9?

Brad and Jenny (in unison): "Wow! Look at that! And those! And that hair! (giggles)."

Tuck: "Excuse me! We're talking about an evil robot cyborg, not (tilts his head and lays his cheek on folded hands. His eyelashes are like butterfly kisses) Jeeennnyyy."


When Jenny first met brothers Brad and Tuck, she was exposed to the real world for the first time. Brad befriended Jenny at first meeting. It took a little longer for Tuck to accept Jenny as a friend.

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"Pest Control" (Episode 102)

Directed by: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


After a toy racecar broke into an important monitor, Mrs. Wakeman reminded Jenny to treat her body the way it should be treated. Meanwhile, in the broken monitor, a swarm of mutated lab rats planned their revenge against Mrs. Wakeman. The rats put Jenny's body to sleep while they took over her body. The leader rat, Vladimir (Wakeman's "Mr. Scruffles"), screwed off Jenny's head. Her entire body was taken over.

Returning to retrieve his racecar, Tuck tread through Jenny's eerie room to find only Jenny's disembodied head. Tuck blamed himself for this happening. When Brad entered the room, Jenny explained her condition and the three decided on a way of how she could fight the rats without her being in her body.

Vladimir and his gang of lab rats (in Jenny's body) stormed into Mrs. Wakeman's lab to get their revenge and they raised Cain. Before anymore damage could be done, Brad and Tuck came in with Jenny's head screwed on to Tuck's racecar, zooming in to fight the thieves of her body. This was only to realize that the lab rats had access to Jenny's super powers while all Jenny could do is ram into her body's metallic toes. When things weren't going well, Brad, Tuck, Jenny, and Mrs. Wakeman made a plan. That plan included immersing the rat-infested metal body into the backyard pool. All the rats emptied into the pool while Vladimir went down with the body, only to be saved by Mrs. Wakeman.

When pest control came to sift out the rats out of the pool, Vladimir was in a rat cage after being saved by Mrs. Wakeman. Vladimir was still plotting his revenge. Mrs. Wakeman had a very embarrassing surprise for him.




Tuck: "(laughs) Ah man! I can't wait to try my new super hyposonic drag racing mean machine. OK, the remote control is all set. Is the track ready?"

Brad: "Just one last run-through. Let see: 'Upside Down Shortcake,' 'Super Twist-Zilla,' 'The Mega-Fudge Brownie,' 'Swoop-de-Loop Swoop,' and the piece de resistance, 'Raging Robotic Ponytail Plunge.'"

[Jenny positions herself on her place on the track then gives the OK.]

Brad: "Alright, Tuck. All systems are...GO!"

Rat 1: "There she is!"

Rat 2: "It's Wakeman!"

Rat 3: "We should strike now!"

Vladimir: "No! We must have patience, comrades. Indeed, we have suffered much under the cruel tyranny of Dr. Wakeman. Our once strong, thick tails have been made thin, stringy, and limp; our subtle, sensitive ears - blackened, misshapened; and our sleek forepaws mutated into swollen, freakish HANDS!" (thunder claps)

(rats scream)

Vladimir: "But soon we will have the vehicle for our revenge."

Tuck: (crying) "Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho, Jenny! You were the best freaky (gasp), creepy (gasp) robot friend (gasp) a boy could ever ha-ha-ha-ha-havvveee"

Jenny: "Hey! Who are you calling 'creepy'?"


Vladimir: "Wakeman!"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Yes? Oh, hello there. S-Say, what are you doing with XJ-9's body, Mr. Scruffles?"

Vladimir: (gets more angrier denoted by a "doing" sound) No longer do I go by that clownish, lab-given name. I am Vladimir. Behold your doom!

Mrs. Wakeman: (worried) "Oh, um, you...uh... you seem a little upset."

Knocks stuff off a desk

Mrs. Wakeman: "Now...uh...let's not do anything rash. Uh-Huh huh. Can't we discuss this over a plate of cheese?"

Vladimir: "You can't buy us off with your cheap, dime-store cheese."

Mrs. Wakeman: "But it's imported!"


Mrs. Wakeman's lab rats plot their revenge. They used Jenny's body for this attempt.

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