My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 226-227

First Aired: 9 September 2005

A. "Toying with Jenny"
B. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Troubles"

"Toying with Jenny" (Episode 226)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Brad and Tuck congratulated Jenny on her first front page appearance. Even Sheldon wanted Jenny to autograph his pictures of her. Suddenly a man in a limo, G. Petto, invited Jenny to his place to make her famous. Later, Jenny appeared at Brad and Tuck's house to introduce to Action Jenny action figure that moved and did cool things. The action figure then went into mass production.

Tuck wanted to wait in line for the popular Action Jenny toy. He also wanted to talk to the newly famous Jenny but was thrown into a dumpster by security. At home, an angry Tuck made his Action Jenny do a stunt that landed it in the garbage. Something was wrong when the toy was moving by itself. "G. Petto" noticed the figures activated prematurely. He decided to activate all the figures and they did violent actions to their humans.

When the real Jenny was basking in the glory of her popularity by her pool, Brad and Tuck warned her that the figures have gone evil. Jenny didn't believe them until she saw a figure put itself back together. As Jenny, Brad, and Tuck were about to save the city, it was revealed that "G. Petto" was actually Krackus and Vexus in disguise. While Jenny was fighting the figures, Brad and Tuck found a deactivation switch and all of the Jenny figures became inanimate again.

The town (and Jenny) was saved! Vexus reprimanded Krackus for using an activation switch. Krackus messed up again as their escape rocket fell apart, landing not far on the earth. Sheldon ran from the evil Jennies in his head then casually found another Action Jenny figure he had not yet collected.




after Jenny gets into G. Petto's limo

Tuck: "Well now I feel about this tall."

Brad: "You are that tall."

Tuck is angry at Jenny for assumingly ignoring him so he takes it out on a Jenny doll.

Tuck: "[in mocking tone] Ooh, look at me. I'm Arctic Freeze Jenny I'm too famous for my friends. What's that? You say it's time for your death-defying ski jump? Be my guest!"

Brad: "What kind of mega-villain would have an on/off switch?"

Tuck: "The intelligence of mega-villains is highly overrated."

Brad: "Oh?"

Tuck: "Indeed. Allow me to explain. Take Krackus, perhaps the most incompetent mega-villain in the galaxy..."

In a brief montage, Tuck explains background reasons for on/off switches in great detail while Brad diligently listens. The scenes go back and forth from Tuck's visual lecture to Jenny trying to escape the clutches of the evil dolls.

Brad: "So what you're telling me is all we have to do is pull that lever right there and all those creepy Jenny dolls will just stop in their tracks?"

Tuck: "Uh, pretty much."

Brad ponders for a moment

Brad: "Let's do it!"

Jenny: "Sorry, guys. I guess I got wrapped up in that whole fame thing and forgot what was really important. Let's makes sure nothing comes between us ever again."


Jenny had a toy line made in her likeness. The toys turned evil so they had to be stopped.

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"Teenage Mutant Ninja Troubles" (Episode 227)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


What appeared like a meteor was approaching Earth. At school, it seemed like everyone in the newly remodeled science lab was paired with their BFF. Answering a distress call by breaking through the ceiling, it turned out the meteor was a familiar face. After the Teen Team broke up, Jenny and Misty were reunited. Jenny was happy to have a girl BFF with whom she could share anything and everything.

When Jenny and Misty were hanging out at school, Brit and Tiff were making fun of them. Wanting to stand up for herself, with the help of Jenny, they got back at Brit and Tiff for the mean things they had said. Brit and Tiff fought back. Despite a warning from the vice principal, Misty intruded Brit and Tiff's sleep to expose their greatest fears. Jenny listened to Misty's plan to use what she learned for the next day.

The plan for the day was to simulate Brit and Tiff's greatest fears the included spiders and other scary things, heights, and nerds with crushes. People, including Jenny and Misty, laughed at the scared Brit and Tiff, which was another one of their fears. Even though people were scared of Jenny and Misty, Misty craved more pranking action though Jenny objected. Jenny regretted playing childish playing with Misty but Misty stated she would keep doing it. Vice Principal Razinsky heard Misty's confession.

Razinsky expelled Misty but Misty promised more adventures to Jenny. Brit and Tiff insulted Jenny and Jenny got back at them with the hormonal nerds. Brad came along to summarize the moral of the story about powers for personal gain. Now, with Jenny's help, he wanted to get back at Tuck.




Jenny: "Misty!"

Misty: "Hey, Jenn. How are you doing?"

Jenny: "What are you doing here?"

Misty: "The Teen Team broke up, mainly because Orion wanted to join the Venusian ballet. I thought I'd chill with your for a while if that's cool."

Jenny: "Sure. Finally, a girlfriend to hang with."

Jenny: "You did what?"

Misty: "I read their minds while they were asleep. And believe me, there wasn't much to read. But I found what I wanted: their worst fears. The first two are bad enough but number three is a doozy. And now that we know their weaknesses, we've got the upper hand."

Jenny: "But you heard Razinsky, dire consequences."

Misty: "Come on, Jenn! Are you going to let those creeps have the last laugh?"

Jenny: "That last stunt was cruel, even for them. I'm still pulling feathers out of my memory banks. But how can we top it?"

Misty: "We make their worst fears come true. First, we paint your black and then [whispers in Jenny's ear]"

Brit and Tiff run through a list of materials for their pranks

Tiff: "Sp-sp-spi-spi...Spider!"

Brit: "What? There's no spider on this list."

the cousins see the spider, they scream and run

Brad: "Misty hadn't learned superhero rule number one: with great power comes great responsibility. You can't use your powers for personal gain or revenge."


Misty returned and she and Jenny got back at Brit and Tiff for being mean to them by exposing their biggest fears.

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