My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 206-207

First Aired: 26 January 2005

A. "Love 'Em or Leash 'Em"
B. "Teen Team Time"

"Love 'Em or Leash 'Em" (Episode 206)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Love was in the air! Everyone was affected with this contagious disease...except for Jenny. Jenny wanted the love...exactly from Sheldon but from a boy robot. It was instant love between between Jenny and Kenny, a newly found boy robot that made Sheldon jealous. Kenny walked Jenny home. Jenny invited Kenny to pizza night at Mezmers. It was a date!

Jenny told her mom about her potential boyfriend, the male teenage robot. Mrs. Wakeman correctly guessed who plagiarized her idea, her rival Phineas Mogg. She confronted him by visiphone. Both Wakeman and Mogg forbade their robots from going out with each other. Luckily there was a workaround for both of them, sneaking out that night.

When at Mezmers, the oven was broken. Kenny saved the day by baking a delicious pizza by himself. This made him popular. Sheldon thought otherwise when he felt there was something different about Kenny. After realizing Kenny was part dog, Jenny dreamed of a future where Kenny would always be her "pet dog." Wanting to break the relationship with Kenny the next day, the kids at school told Jenny about Kenny's coolness. Jenny thought if Kenny was popular, she would be popular, too. She also had to face the fact that Kenny was a needy part-dog. Jenny decided not to break the relationship. Sheldon found out about this and attempted to sabotage the night/relationship. Every dog-like thing Kenny did at Mezmers the other patrons copied. Eventually, Mogg showed up at Mezmers to see the mess Kenny (YK-9) caused and took him home. Mrs. Wakeman did the same thing to Jenny. She forbade Jenny from seeing Kenny again.

Despite losing Kenny, Sheldon assured Jenny he would serenade in the cat suit he used to chase off Kenny. Sheldon (in the cat suit) did not make it past the first night as a shoe was thrown at him.




Jenny: "You know what I need, Sheldon?"

Sheldon: "A boyfriend?"

Jenny: "Exactly. A boy that is patient."

Sheldon: "I can wait forever."

Jenny: "A boy that's romantic."

Sheldon: "Hey there, Shiny, what's cookin'?"

Jenny: "A boy that knows what makes me tick."

Sheldon: "It's an enhanced Swiss timepiece with a subatomic power source. Right? Right? Right?"

Jenny: "A boy like...[sees Kenny for the first time and falls for him] him." [hovers over to him]

Mrs. Wakeman: "XJ-9, you cannot go on this date."

Jenny: "Why not?"

Mrs. Wakeman: "That robot is a creation of Mogg. No daughter of mine will ever cavort with the son of such a man."

Jenny: "You can't take away my one chance at happiness because of some stupid rivalry."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Well, as a parent, it's my right to destroy your happiness. I'm sorry XJ-9, I cannot allow it. You're grounded!"

slams and seals her bedroom door shut

Jenny: "I'm a super strong robot. No room can hold me. Or I could always go out the window."

[After being licked by Kenny for the first time and settling in for the night]

Jenny: [to herself while alone] "That was mega weird. Something doesn't add up. [Uses an internal calculator]Let's see, obsessed with fire hydrants, shows affection with tongue, model number YK-9."

calculation processes, results print from her mouth

Jenny: "My match-made-in-heaven robot dreamboat is actually...part dog!"

Looks outside to see that Kenny doing his business

Jenny: [gasps] "Nice work, Jenny. You got the pick of the litter. I'm gonna have to end it with Kenny. Still, such a great guy. He's loyal, obedient, energetic, and has a wonderful shiny coat. I don't care if he is part dog. I'm gonna stand by my man, or man's best friend, or...whatever."

Mogg takes Kenny home and Mrs. Wakeman gets angrier at Jenny for dating Kenny. The kids at Mesmers make fun of Jenny for dating a part-dog robot.

Jenny: "I'm gonna be grounded until the end of time."

Sheldon: "Don't worry, Jenny. Until you're set free, I'll serenade you every night."


Jenny found her metal Romeo only to find out what he really was.

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"Teen Team Time" (Episode 207)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


After school, students ran to their freedom and made up silly reasons they possibly failed an exam. Everyone's excuse was funny except for Jenny's which no one believed. Soon after, Brad and Tuck invited Jenny to the grand opening of Goop Zone (like laser tag but with goop instead of lasers) and Jenny accepted. Jenny then had to zoom downtown to defeat a giant tadpole. Before Jenny could lift a finger, Teen Team Time came in to help and Jenny finished. The Teen Team liked how Jenny fought.

Jenny was supposed to meet Brad and Tuck at their house. While Brad waited for Jenny all night, Tuck left without him. Instead of meeting her friends, Jenny and the Teen Team hung out at the Tremorton sign. They talked all night until it was time for Jenny to go to school. During lunch, Brad confronted Jenny about missing the previous night. They set up a another time to go for the following night.

When school ended, Jenny met the Teen Team in an abandoned factory. They gave her a superhero sharpness test to initiate her membership into the Teen Team which she passed. Meanwhile, Brad waited for Jenny in front of the Goop Zone. It was an hour before closing so Brad had all his fun without Jenny. When a robot squirrel was activated and almost crushed a little baby, the Teen Team (plus Jenny) came to the rescue. Jenny introduced Brad to the team but the team said they didn't befriend "regulars." Despite this, Jenny flew off with her new friends. Brad yelled for her not to come back but Tuck reminded him that life would be less exciting without her.

After flying off, the overgrown tadpole, now an overgrown frog, returned. The Teen Team told Jenny they let the police deal with it and that their work was for pay. Jenny went back to fight it, with Brad's help, while the Teen Team watched. Despite using a goop gun to help defeat toadzilla, Brad electrocuted the overgrown frog and saved the day, making him a hero in the spotlight. The Teen Team was impressed with Brad's fighting. They invited Jenny to fly off with them again but Jenny said she was needed more on Earth. Brad forgave Jenny for missing the appointments and reestablished their friendship. There was one way to initiate their renewed friendship...a goop survival fight!




During initation, Mist-ery attempts to detect Jenny's greatest weakness. Jenny turned off her brain.

Mist-ery: "Ach! She shut off her brain. I got nothin'."

Jenny: [laughs and talks like a brainless person] "Ha-ha-ha. Jenny's head gets smoky."

Mist-ery: "You're true hero material, Jenny."

Squish: "Welcome to the Teen Team."

Orion: "Congratulations."

Jenny falls on her bottom

Jenny: "Jenny go boom. [giggles]"

Orion: "Great, another quality recruit. As if Squish wasn't bad enough."

Squish: "Hey!"

Brad: [to Jenny] "So, those are your new super friends? What a bunch of losers. I mean, none of your regular friends would make you wear spandex. Synthetics so don't go with metal. You look like you're ready to do some ae-robo-bics. [Brad and a few others laugh] Get it? Ae-robo-bics? [laughs] You don't need it. You already have buns of steel. [laughs while Jenny leaves] What do you say, Jenn? Losers, huh? Jenn? Jenn?"

After Brad electrocutes the giant frog

Mist-ery: "Not bad for a regular."

Jenny: "Regular? Brad's a true super friend."

crowd cheers


Jenny joined a group a crime-fighting teenagers. She would have stayed in the group had they not blocked out "regulars."

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