My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 204-205

First Aired: 25 January 2005

A. "Last Action Zero"
B. "Mind over Matter"

"Last Action Zero" (Episode 204)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Sitting on the sidelines while Jenny was fighting a lone crater critter, Brad gave Jenny advice on how he would induce the critter's regrets. After the vacationing volcanic intruder took Jenny and Brad captive, Skyway Patrol appeared and took the crater critter prisoner. Jenny was reprimanded for doing a Skyway Patrol service and Brad became their new recruit. When Brad was at the academy, Jenny was faced with more menacing crater critters.

When Brad arrived at the Skyway Patrol academy, he passed a physical, got his uniform, and was ready for action...almost. He needed to fill out extensive paperwork in stacks and duplicates on duplicates. When Brad finally made it to his post, the crater critters at the volcano were detected. To take action, more paperwork needed to be filled out.

Just as the imprisoned crater critter got loose, Skyway Patrol froze Jenny's volcanic opponents and she was beamed to the ship. With Jenny and Brad as a team, they defeated the crater critter. Brad was informed that his deeds were heroic but unauthorized. He and Jenny would be arrested.

Brad informed the informing captain that in order to execute that plan, he would need to fill out his own stacks of paperwork and documents. Jenny and Brad had no stress as it could take ages for everything to be complete for the arrest. The worriless duo made their way out and Brad quit the Skyway Patrol.




Jenny: "You just had to get in the way, didn't you, Brad?"

Brad: "Look, Jenny, I've been by your side in, like, a million battles by now. I want to do more than sit on the sidelines with some lame net."

Jenny: "Yeah, well, this 'lame net' has us trapped and at the mercy of a hungry monster. And it's not my juicy human brain he's gonna feast on."

Crater Critter: "I don't know. After seeing him in action, I'm not sure he'll be much of a meal."

Jenny: "Good point!"

Brad: "Alright, alright! My brain is as rich and juicy as anyone else's."

Crater Critter: "Well then, let's crack your skull open and have a look-see."

[Skyway Patrol shows up and freezes the crater critter]

Skyway Commander: "Halt! Just where do you think you're goin', recruit?"

Brad: "Cadet, third class, Bradley Carbunkle reporting for duty, sir!"

Commander stares closely at Brad

Commander: "Son, what basic equipment is every cadet naked without?"

Brad: "A blaster?"

Commander: "Wrong! His paperwork. Now don't come back till you've got your proper duty forms! Hup,hup, hup!"

Brad: "Hup, hup, hup hup..."

Brad: [when no action is taken on menacing crater critters] "Captain, please, in desperate times, immediate rash action is the only answer. For if we fail to act, we fail to uphold the ideals of Skyway Patrol itself: liberty, equality, and-and...whatever the third one is."

Captain: "By thunder, you're right! [breaks an emergency glass] Prepare paperwork to request permission to take rash and immediate action."

Brad: "Huh?"

[Another huge stack of paperwork with "rush" stamped on it twice falls into Brad's arms]

Captain: "Now fill out those rush forms in triplicate and attach them to a homing pigeon."

After defeating the crater critters, Jenny and Brad get reprimanded by the captain

Captain: "Be that as it may, we can't let this unauthorized activity continue. You're both under arrest!"

Brad: "Hey, that's fine, but you'll need an arrest warrant. But before you can get a warrant, you have to fill out a warrant request form. [Brad returns his uniform in a messy way] And before you can get a warrant request form, you have to fill out a request acquisition requisite document in triplicate. [Brad presses button and forms fall into the Skyway Patrol officers arms. They fall under the paper's weight.] If you follow proper procedure, you should be finished in 10 or 20 years."

Jenny and Brad walk away, laughing.

Captain: [Sticks upper body out from the paper mountain] "You two hooligans won't get away with this. I'm gonna put three rush stamps on this. Just wait till I've got the proper paperwork!"


After being bored from being on the sidelines all the time, Brad joined the Skyway Patrol. He learned things were not quite what it seemed after he joined.

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"Mind over Matter" (Episode 205)

Directed By: Chris Sauve, Rob Renzetti


In study hall, Brad's calculator gave out so a new one arrived. Jenny saw him throw away the old calculator and suggested an upgrade. Brad refused because he believed in planned obsolescence. When it started to thunder outside, Mrs. Wakeman alerted Jenny about an upcoming storm from outer space.

During the storm, Gigawatt, an energy vampire, feasted on a city's energy. Jenny attempted to fight him but her limitations caused her to get defeated. Her mom found her 100% drained and recovered her. Jenny thought she needed an upgrade but since she was metallic, she was vulnerable to Gigawatt's attacks. Since Jenny was persistent that upgrades would help, Mrs. Wakeman tried a few things.

Some of those things included Jenny wearing a rubber suit in battle and integrating Jenny's build with a satellite. The house was also reused to make Jenny a giant wood and glass robot. Again, that didn't help.

No matter how Jenny was upgraded, she was always defeated. She feared she was obsolete. Brad and Tuck assured Jenny that technology is not always the best. When Jenny, Brad, Tuck, and Mrs. Wakeman put their minds together, they used their past ideas and teamed them together to defeat Gigawatt! It showed that the power of the mind will always win over the power of technology and upgrades.




Brad tosses his old calculator into the wastebasket

Jenny: "Brad, what are you doing? You can't just throw away a perfectly functioning machine."

Brad: "What are you talking about? When something gets old, you throw it away and get a new one. It's called 'planned obsolescence'."

Mrs. Wakeman: "XJ-9, you're not thinking what I'm afraid I'm thinking that you're thinking about thinking."

Jenny: "That's right, your new stealth satellite dish. With those plastic components, I can't be magnetized."

Mrs. Wakeman: "But it gets 846 stations."

Gigawatt: "What kind of abomination is this?"

Jenny [her brain in a massive robotic suit made from parts from her entire house. Voice is echo-y.]: "Don't you recognize me? My latest makeover is a bit radical, but I'm still the same girl on the inside. Okay, so my body isn't as magnetically attractive. That doesn't mean we can't still play together."

Massive robotic Jenny takes out her seeming intimidating super-weapons only for Megawatt to throw a flame at her, causing her toe to burn

Jenny [as a brain]: "You trust your brain more than a computer?"

Brad: "Sure, the brain is the most powerful computer there is."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Indeed, XJ-9. Nothing can replace your creative brain."


When upgrades to Jenny all fail to work in the attempt to defeat Gigawatt, minds are put together to defeat this electric giant.

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