My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 202-203

First Aired: 24 January 2005

A. "Future Shock"
B. "Humiliation 101"

"Future Shock" (Episode 202)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Jenny's date couldn't make to their drive-in movie date for a scary movie, making it seem like Brad was her last choice. Brad took the statement the wrong way and got offended. He then said he had another date, which was a lie. He called every girl around but they all refused.

Mrs. Wakeman hinted to Jenny about a secret futurescope and revealed its location. Tuck also found out the location of the future scope. Jenny saw Brad and his "date's" fate then laughed. Panicing over what he saw through the scope, Tuck became overprotective of his older brother and prevented him from going. Brad escaped this nonsense and left for the drive-in.

Suspicious that either party was planning unfortunate demise, Jenny and Tuck attempted to stop each other from going to the drive-in. The untrusting pair made it to the drive-in to prevent either from getting near Brad's car. A nearby telephone pole caused Brad and his "date" to go flying. Tuck thought Jenny played a part to cause his brother to get beheaded.

It turned out Brad's head was left intact on his body. Brad's date was the beheaded one; she was a homemade dummy. Tuck fainted from confusion and Jenny and Brad walked away without him.




Tuck: [making his way further into vault] "Well, what are we waiting for?"

Jenny: [pushed Tuck out of the vault] "Not so fast, short stuff. This is a job for big girls only."

Tuck: [behind the closed vault door] "Ohhh, I can be a big girl."

Brad: [on phone] "Hi, I know you don't know me but would you be my date for the..."

girl hangs up

Brad: Hello? Hello? [Sighs] If I can't find a date Jenny will never let me hear the end of it."

Tosses phone book against wall. Shelf and items on it fall and break.

Brad: [forms an idea] "Hmm..."

Brad: "You know, if you get too scared I can put my arm around your shoulder."

Brad's "date": "Get your hands off of me!"

Brad: "You know, it's a long walk home."


Tuck attempted to prevent Brad from going on a date that could possibly seal his fate.

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"Humiliation 101" (Episode 203)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


During a morning attendance call, Jenny was "presently" fighting crime leading to a disaster demolishing the school. After coming home after a visit to Vice Principal Razinsky's office, she found out he called her mom to ask her to do a lecture about Jenny. This would mean Mrs. Wakeman would be embarrassing Jenny in front of her entire student body.

While the school was being rebuilt, Jenny considered ways more trouble could be caused to stop the presentation. Brad wanted to help. Jenny destructively fought crime before lunch, even if it was for tiny, little things. Seeing nothing big happening while waiting outside Vice Principal Razinsky's office, she called her past enemies to see if they wanted to help cause trouble on Earth. Unfortunately, they were all busy.

Jenny hoped everyone would not be interested in robotic science and skip the assembly. Everybody was there and showing their revealed enthusiasm for the subject. Not even a fake monster attack could affect the progression of the lecture.

After Mrs. Wakeman gave her lecture, Jenny's schoolmates informed her that their parents embarrass them more than her mom did. Even though Jenny was glad she attended the assembly, her mother announced she would do a SERIES of lectures about Jenny's life. How much more embarrassing could life get?




Mrs. Wakeman: "XJ-9, come here! I just got off the phone with your vice principal and he told me all about what happened at school today. And I just want you to know that...everything's taken care of! You don't need to worry about a thing!"

Jenny: (peeking out of her hiding place) "What?"

Mrs: Wakeman: "Because of your little mishap at school, all of your science classes have been cancelled."

Jenny: "Aaaand as a lifelong scientist, this makes you happy because..."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Because I volunteered to go in tomorrow and give a lecture about my greatest scientific achievement—YOU—in front of your entire school...(echoes in Jenny's head) your entire school...your entire school...[ominously] your entire school."

Jenny: My mom will never get to embarrass me in an afternoon assembly because…[music starts]

The Greatest Day

Brad: "Vexus will destroy the school with interstellar blast"
Jenny: "Then some slimy monsters will unleash their deadly gas"
Brad: "Toxic radiation beams from out beyond the stars"
Jenny: "Mutant cyborgs launch attacks from Jupiter and Mars"
Brad: "Robo bikers peeling wheelies down the corridors"
Jenny: "Freshmen being eaten by galactic carnivores"
Brad & Jenny: "Dams burst! Tornadoes blow! Locusts devour! Volcanoes explode! This is gonna be the greatest day!"

Students file into the auditorium before the assembly

Jenny: "Hey, come on! Who wants to ditch this dumb assembly? We can sneak off to Mezmers."

Boy #1: "Are you kidding?"

Girl: "I love science."

Boy #2: "Especially robot science."

Sheldon: "I wouldn't miss this for the world!"

Brad: "Come on, Jenny, it wasn't that bad."

Jenny: "It was horrible. I'm gonna have to move to Antarctica and start my life over."

Girl: "Man, I hated it when my dad came to school."

Boy: "Dude, this one time I needed a ride home from soccer practice and my mom brought cookies and...and...dude!"

Jenny: "You mean, everybody has parents that embarrass them?"

Brad: "They're parents, Jenny. That's what they do."


Mrs. Wakeman gave embarrassing lectures during science classes about Jenny.

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