My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 303-304

First Aired: 12 October 2008

A. "No Harmony with Melody"
B. "Tuckered Out"

"No Harmony with Melody" (Episode 303)

Directed by: Robert Alvarez, Rob Renzetti


An all-female audience was screaming, excited for the Brad concert. All the girls fought over him. This was what Brad fantasized about as he was preparing for his Friday night with Jenny. Since Jenny was taking Tuck to a cockroach fight, Brad thought he was lonely. Melody showed up at Brad's door, wanting to be away from her father. She and Brad explored the town and talked all night.

As Melody and Brad were about to kiss, Brad kissed Carol the Cockroach, the champion of the cockroach fight. Jenny and Tuck had returned from their trip. Jenny thought Melody was going to do evil when all she wanted to do was spend the day with Brad. This made Jenny jealous so she discreetly followed the couple to assure Brad's safety. It seemed that everywhere Brad and Melody went, destruction ensued. Jenny thought Melody's evilness caused this.

After saving Brad from getting crushed, it was revealed that Melody was a robot. Melody's reason for coming back to town was to be a normal girl, like what Jenny wanted. To save Brad and the city from Dr. Locus' evil plan, Jenny and Melody fought, robot vs. robot. Tuck concluded that the reason they were fighting was that Jenny was jealous of Melody being with Brad. Melody eventually decided that being a normal girl was not to be so she flew off.

If Melody didn't cause all that destruction but only saved people from it, who was causing the jinx-like events? Carol the Cockroach was also jealous for Brad. Brad graciously told Carol that their relationship wouldn't work but Carol accepted the reality. Though Brad thought this day was weird, he would always remember his moments with his dear Melody.




Brad's song

[at the fantasy concert]"It's Friday night and I'm feeling alright! Gonna...[sprayed in face with removable shower head, now in the shower] Gonna spread my wings and let my mood take flight. If you wanna come, you just grab on tight, and let the Bradster TAKE YOU OUT OF SIGHT!"

Brad: [leaving the bathroom] "Ladies, Brad has left the building."

Brad pushes Melody on a tree swing

Melody: "Higher, Brad, higher! You're so strong!"

Jenny: [peaking behind a solid sky cloud]"Oh brother." [mimicking] "Higher, Brad, higher! You're so strong!" [scares away a bird by staring at it]

Jenny: [to Brad about Melody] "She's evil, just like her father."

Melody: "NO I'M NOT!" [causes loose outdoor items to fall up and crash down] [high-pitched voice]"I mean, I'm not."

Brad: "Look, Jen, Melody would never hide anything from me and she is not certainly not evil. Come on, Melody."

While walking away, Melody saves Brad from rolling logs by zooming upwards, revealing she's a robot.

Brad: "This has been the weirdest day of my life."


Melody returned and went out with Brad. Jenny became jealous and assumed Melody had an evil scheme.

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"Tuckered Out" (Episode 308)

Directed By: Greg Miller, Rob Renzetti


Second grade was almost over! Everyone was on their way to the next grade level except for Tuck. Tuck was given one last chance to pass by doing an assignment on the person to whom he looks up. He decided to make a movie.

When making the movie, Tuck got really controlling and wanted everything done his way. He worked with Brad, Sheldon, and Jenny to make a movie that portrayed Jenny's life rather inaccurately as well as demean the actors. Their motivation for staying on the project was to help Tuck pass the second grade. Even when a real monster fight broke out, as Jenny fought in it, Tuck continued recording so his movie could be more epic.

As Jenny, Brad, and Sheldon thought Tuck's movie was only being shown to his classmates, it was actually being shown to the entire town. When Tuck's movie was shown, instead of showing his masterpiece, Jenny switched it to home videos of Tuck as a baby doing embarrassing things. His classmates thought of him as a laughing stock. His teacher thought otherwise.

The teacher loved the idea of the movie subject and gave Tuck a passing grade. Tuck was excited to move on to the third grade. He was glad Projector Jenny showed the embarrassing compilation movie.




Lorelei: "Oh, Tuck, you can get an F without doing the presentation."

Tuck: "F? Try Triple-A+."

After throwing Mrs. Wakeman out of his production

Tuck: "Now what? Who'll play the scientist?"

Brad: "You tell us, Mr. Director."

Jenny: [patting Tuck on the head from under a sheet] "Don't worry, Tuck. You can do it."

Jenny's pat on the head caused Tuck's hair to stand up

Tuck: "I can do it? I CAN do it! Lights, camera, action!"

Jenny, Brad, and Sheldon quit the production

Tuck: "But if I mess up on this, it means getting left back. Scholastic humiliation, a failed attempt at trucker college, a life as a data entry clerk. [on Jenny's head] I've learned my lesson! I promise."

Jenny takes Tuck off her head and drops him

Brad: "I'm not sure what's worse: Tuck, the crazed director or Tuck, the crybaby."

Tuck sniffles

Jenny: "All right, we'll help you with the rest of your project but no more Tuck, the dictator."

Tuck: "I'll be polite, I promise."

Little Tuck in home movie: [singing country song] "She crushed my heart, when all I did was fart, in front of mother."

Miss Angotti: " autobiographical project is the most original idea I've seen in years. So few students have the confidence to admit that they are their own heroes."


Tuck tried to make a movie about his hero so he could pass the second grade.

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