My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 224-225

First Aired: 8 September 2005

A. "Bradventure"
B. "Mama Drama"

"Bradventure" (Episode 224)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


A bored Brad sat aside as Jenny fought evil flying robotic pigs. Tuck found a treasure map in a junkyard but the adventure-hungry Brad volunteered to take the quest. He followed the map exactly, found the X, and then dug and dug. After finding no treasure and finding out the map was from a cereal box, Brad fell through a hole.

While Brad was figuring out where he was, he was discovered and he ran from the same robotic flying pigs Jenny was fighting. He met Melody then was introduced to her dad, state-sanctioned geobiologist Dr. Locus. Dr. Locus claimed he was not evil but wanted to know Jenny's ins and outs. Brad was trapped in a metal box. Hearing his cries from afar, Jenny arrived and discreetly saved and guided Brad through escape traps. After reaching the surface, Dr. Locus captured Jenny and collared her, rendering her immobile.

Melody found out about Jenny's capture and told Brad. Through Brad felt like a failure, Melody said she believed in him. Back underground, Brad soon saved Jenny but Jenny still couldn't walk. Now that Brad knew about Locus' secret layer and projects, he ventured to destroy Brad. While escaping, Brad and Jenny went through the same traps safely without any effort on their part. They returned to the surface.

Tuck showed up and ridiculed Brad about not being an adventurer since he did not find the treasure. Jenny vouched for Brad and called him her hero. It turned out that it was Melody's robotic hand hand that guided Brad and Jenny through the dangerous obstacle course to flee the layer. Tuck freed Jenny from her hostage collar by simply pushing a button. He was then grossed out when Jenny showed her affection for Brad, her hero.




Jenny: "Hey, Tuck. Have you that a snowman?"

Tuck: "Of course not. He's made of garbage, not snow."

Jenny: "Right. Say, do you know where Brad is?"

Tuck: "I do, but I am sworn to secrecy, a bond between brethren that cannot be broken, an oath written in blood! He found a treasure map and he went off seeking adventure."

Jenny: "Crikey! That could be dangerous." [zooms off]

Tuck: "Hey, half the treasure's mine!"

Melody: "Daddy, this is Brad. He was lost in the tunnels."

Dr. Locus: "Thank goodness you found him, Melody. I was afraid he'd be frightened off by our little experiment."

Brad: "I'm not scared of you or your evil creatures! Well, maybe a little. They are pretty vicious-looking"

Brad: "Some adventurer I turned out to be. I'm a failure! [echoes] Failure! Failure! Failure!"

Jenny hears Brad from up high in the sky

Jenny: "That sounds like Brad's pathetic whine coming from underground."

Brad: "But I don't get it. There's no way I could have leaped over caverns and smashed rocks on my own. I could have sworn I felt a robotic hand helping me."

Jenny: "I don't know how you did it but you came to my rescue and the bravery was 100% Brad. You're my hero!"

Jenny and Brad hug

Tuck: "Gross. Give me junkyard rats any day."


Brad went on the adventure of his life. Even though he didn't find what he was seeking, he proved himself as a hero in the process.

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"Mama Drama" (Episode 225)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Mrs. Wakeman was acting strangely different as Jenny noticed one morning. That night when Mrs. Wakeman went out, Jenny decided to spy on her. She followed her to a cafe where she found her on a date with a seemingly creepy man. Jenny wondered what her mom saw in Marty Rossian as he had an unsettling laugh.

Later that night Mrs. Wakeman made Jenny promise not to interfere with her relationships. Jenny fell asleep and dreamed about Marty becoming a permanent part of her mom's life. The next day Jenny told Brad, Tuck, and Sheldon about Marty's creepiness. They went undercover that night to see his plans. They saw him doing sketchy business. Jenny then jumped to the conclusion that Marty wanted to control her mom's brain.

At the next date, Jenny spied on her mom and her boyfriend. When Marty pulled out something resembling a mind control device, Jenny sprang out of her disguise to capture and destroy the brain thief. It actually turned out that the mind control device was a Wizzly World hat and Marty wanted to give all-access passes to Wizzly World to Mrs. Wakeman and Jenny. After all that went on, Marty, thinking the Wakeman family was too creepy, took his tickets and left.

Jenny apologized to her mom for overreacting. She and her mom had both learned to trust each other. When it came to Mrs. Wakeman dating men, she made an eye-widening revelation. Some time later, Marty went to Wizzly World with another it seemed like a woman until "her" wig fell off. Surely this made Marty feel like a "sucker".




Marty: "You are indeed a beauty but I must confess it's your mind I'm in love with."

Mrs. Wakeman: "[guffaws] Oh, Just stop it! [lighter brief guffaws]"

Jenny: (about Marty) "OK, welcome to Creepsville, population: you."

hearing a knock on the motel room door, Marty answers

Marty: "Yes."

Tuck [disguising himself as Mrs. Wakeman as a shadow, imitating her]: "Hey there, hot stuff."

Marty: "Come here, my little woodpecker."

Jenny sneaks into the room

Marty: "Hmm? Where could she have gone?"

Jenny, Brad, and Sheldon look into Marty's motel room window

Jenny: "I was right. He is trying to control her mind."

Sheldon: "I don't know, Jenn, it's all pretty circumstantial."

Jenny: "What! He's textbook evil! The only thing he's missing is a long, dark cape."

looks in to see Marty sinisterly laughing, putting on said cape

Sheldon: "OK, you might be onto something here."

Brad: "Either way, your mom won't believe you without proof."

Jenny: "You're right. I have to catch him in the act."

Jenny: "OK, slime ball, any last words?"

Marty: "Ah...Wizzly World?"

Jenny: "All-access passes to Wizzly World?"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Wizzly World?"

Marty: "Yes, hats included, see?"

Jenny laughs nervously, regrets trying to kill her mother's boyfriend

Marty: "I was going to ask you to go but this family is just too creepy for me."


Upon meeting her mom's new boyfriend, Jenny suspected he was dating her to eventually mind-control her to take her brain.

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