My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 222-223

First Aired: 7 September 2005

A. "Designing Women"
B. "Robot Riot"

"Designing Women" (Episode 222)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Sheldon walked down the street holding a wrapped present. Brad inquired about it. Sheldon explained it was a Sharpenator 5000, a new weapon for Jenny for which she could not accept because she was too busy fighting Vexus at the time. Vexus observed that Jenny could dodge any of her attacks with her built-in weapons. She wondered what Jenny was made of that made her so quick. Sheldon wondered the same thing, only he wanted to find a way to win her heart. That night, Secret Agent Ninja Sheldon broke into Jenny's house to steal the blueprints that made up Jenny and he took them to his house. Vexus found out about this and plotted a way to get her hands on those blueprints.

Disguising herself an appealing robot girl, the type of girls Sheldon fancies, she had a crashfall outside Sheldon's house and he took her in. Vexus, disguised as "QT2," romantically deceived Sheldon so much that he fell in love with her. When he stepped out of the room, Vexus stole the blueprints then ran off. When Sheldon returned, "QT2" and the blueprints were gone. What would Jenny think when she found out Sheldon lost her blueprints to Vexus?

Now that Vexus knew Jenny's weaknesses, a showdown downtown took place. No matter what weapons Jenny brought out, Vexus knew the weakspots where they'll break easily. While in battle, Sheldon revealed to Jenny Vexus took her blueprints from his grasp. Still fighting, Vexus distracted Jenny from showing more anger to Sheldon. It turned out Jenny was listening to Sheldon when fighting when she asked for the Sharpenator 5000. This simple pencil sharpener scared away Vexus.

Jenny was now well-aware that Sheldon literally knows her inside and out. Sheldon ran from the angry, flying Jenny.




Brad: "I feel for you, Shel. Too bad Wakeman didn't design Jenny with an intense attraction to nerds."

Sheldon: "Yeah, who knows what Jenny was designed to...[screech] Wait! Jenny was designed, so there must be a blueprint. If I can get my hands on those plans, I'm sure I can find a way to Jenny's heart."

Vexus: "So, this one fancies girl robots, does he? [chuckles] Then he's going to love me."

Sheldon's in panic, his thoughts

Sheldon: "After I broke into your house and stole your secret diagrams, I lost 'em to this other robot girl who I was, uh, getting to know better. But we're still friend, right?"

With a smile, Jenny nods then cheerfully proceeds to zap Sheldon to ashes with a built-in blaster.

Vexus: "Today I thought we'd settle our differences alone."

Jenny: "Alone? You? [giggle] Aren't you afraid you'll break a nail?"

Vexus: "You're the one who'll be broken, my sweet."

Jenny: "Let's keep this short and sweet."

battle begins

Jenny wonders how Vexus knows all of her weak spots in her weaponry

Jenny: "How could you possibly know all this?"

Vexus: "Insider information, dearie. I know all about your insides, your outsides, your front sides and your back sides. [begins to take out respective bodily attributes] I know your funny bone, your trick knee, tennis elbow sweet tooth, and glass jaw." [powerfully knocks Jenny a distance away]


Sheldon attempted to steal the blueprints that made up Jenny so he could find out what would make her adore him. Vexus wanted to do the same thing only to find Jenny's weak spots to destroy her.

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"Robot Riot" (Episode 223)

Directed by: John Fountain, Rob Renzetti


The symphonic strings warmed up for the prelude...TO DESTRUCTION! It was the competition where young roboteers and their robots go head-to-head in ROBOT RIOT 3: ROBOT RAMPAGE! All of the competing robots were big and a huge match for Tuck's Little Dipper, the tiny robot that rolled on wheels and beeped. Of course, all the big robots defeated Little Dipper which saddened Tuck. Tuck met Jenny at the front of the arena and formed an idea; Jenny could be his competing robot. She regretfully accepted.

Tuck returned to the competition with Jenny (dubbed "The Tuckinator") and everyone still taunted him. "The Tuckinator" kicked some amateur robot butt, scared them off, and won the competition. Soon after, when taking an outdoor rest, Tuck convinced Jenny to compete in the championships for one more competiton. Before making their appearance at the competition, Tuck told Jenny how he wanted to win so he could be crowned king so he could feel like somebody. Jenny was surprised to see the robots were much bigger than before. After exclusively using her weapons and getting clobbered, Jenny used her forceful strength on the big competing robots. When all the robots were defeated, Tuck was crowned king and he became somebody...

Not so! Abomitron, a sky-high in height, seemingly indestructible robot, appeared at the arena to take on Jenny. With him, Jenny couldn't use her force but she could taunt him. Eventually he punched himself and a surprise was revealed; it was a Cluster drone operating Abomitron. Hearing the announcement of the earth being threatened, the other competitors joined in to defeat the evil Cluster bot army, including Little Dipper. Little Dipper took over the Abomitron suit and became Big Dipper. He saved the world by throwing all of those evil Cluster minions back from where they came.

It turned out everyone survived the invasion and Tuck was crowned king. Tuck was happy enough to be friends with Jenny so he turned down the honor. In the end, Little Dipper stayed behind and crowned himself king. After all, he did rid of the Cluster using the giant robot suit.




Nerdy Guy: "I can't wait to see The Annihilator's advanced hydraulics in action."

Redneck Guy: "I can't wait to see stuff get broked."

the 2 audience members hug each other

Jenny: "Aw, gee. I wish there was [robotic voice] something I could do."

Tuck: "Maybe there is, XJ-9. Maybe there is."

Jenny: "Why are you looking at me like that? [making the connection] Oh, no. Don't even think about it, Tucker."

Tuck: "Come on, Jenn. Those scrappy bullies would be no match for you."

Jenny: "Absolutely not!"

after a series of Tuck's please's and Jenny's no's...

Jenny: "OK."

Tuck: "Yes!"

Jenny: "I just know I'm gonna regret this."

Tuck: "...You still have one more robot to defeat. Only then will I be crowned King Rathamanzar, lord of all automatons. I shall be adored, envied, respected. I'll finally be somebody."

Jenny: "Is that what this is about? You already are somebody, Tuck."

Tuck: "Yeah, Brad's little brother. Somebody who's too small for anything. The kid who always gets ignored."

Jenny: "Aw, Tuck. Don't you see that...[next competing robot grabs Jenny by the head]"

after the Big Dipper scoops up the Cluster drones...

Jenny: "What do you think, folks? Should we school these guys Earth style?"

Redneck audience member: "Yeah, we should send them back to their own galaxy!"

Geeky audience member: "Milky Way! Milky Way!" [leads the audience to chant "Milky Way!"]


Tuck entered Jenny in a robot-fighting competition so he could win and be highly regarded.

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