My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 119-120

First Aired: 21 November 2003

A. "Dressed to Kill"
B. "Shell Game"

"Dressed to Kill" (Episode 119)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Having finally captured the centuries-lost pip crystals, Smytus, "Destroyer of Worlds", felt he could destroy Earth and finally get respect from Queen Vexus. During a fit of laughter by the tiny Cluster bugs, the crystals got loose and they made their way to Earth. It was up to Smytus to get them back. The mass of diamonds were detected by Mrs. Wakeman and Jenny. Jenny was on the case to get them back safely. Smytus detected where the crystals were going - Jean-Phillippe's fashion studio.

At Jean-Phillippe's studio, Jean-Phillippe was getting frustrated because Brit and Tiff haven't been appreciating the designs of prom dresses he designed for them. When the mass of diamonds crashed through the glass ceiling of the studio, Brit and Tiff loved what they saw. The crystals covered the dresses in a way that seemed very stylish. When Smytus needed to speak with "the master" Jean-Phillippe, he had to get through to the receptionist. He disguised himself as a Ukrainian supermodel (as "Smytelana") who was auditioning to be a supermodel for Jean-Phillippe. When he got in, he found the crystals then strutted his stuff then was liked by Jean-Phillippe, Brit, and Tiff. Jenny arrived at the studio and warned Brit and Tiff and Jean-Phillippe about how "Smytelana" was really a Cluster criminal and how he wanted to steal the crystals. She warned Brit and Tiff about the powerfulness of the crystals and to give them to her. Brit and Tiff ignored what Jenny had commanded. Because they were causing trouble, Jean-Phillippe asked Brit and Tiff to leave and to return the crystal dresses they had designed. Brit used her new-found powers to make Jean-Phillippe look bad for making unsatisfying dress designs.

Brit and Tiff discussed all they can do with their crystals. Not only could they dominate their Junior Prom, they could also dominate the whole city of Tremorton. Jenny told them the power of their crystal dresses were going to their heads. When Jenny tried to talk the Krust cousins into returning the crystals, Brit and Tiff just kept fighting back with their powers. Their powers became so strong that when Tiff threw Jenny, she flew back into a neon sign and fell onto a newsstand. It showed that crystals were out of style. Brit and Tiff panicked when they saw the news.

Mrs. Wakeman drove by to see if Jenny was OK. Jenny was OK and was confident the crystals would never be seen again. Meanwhile, Brit and Tiff were at a warehouse storing the now out-of-fashion dresses while wearing the burlap sacks that were currently in fashion. The dresses were then locked up for good.




Smytus: "(Laughs evilly) MINE! The pip crystals-an unimaginable power, lost for centuries. With the power of the crystals, Earth will fall like a ripe melon. Queen Vexus herself will declare me a hero. No more 'Uggy-Buggy Smytus' or 'Smyty-Pants Fatbottom.' I will be 'Smytus-Destroyer of Worlds'!" (Laughs evily again then stops and says to his Cluster bugs,) "You laugh, too."

Cluster bugs weakly laugh

Smytus: "Like you mean it!"

Bugs laugh stronger

Smytus: "That's it!"

Bugs laugh until they're all laughing hysterically.

Brit: "Silence! Neither of you is taking our new dresses."

Jenny: "Brit! Tiff! Get away from the crystals! Give them to me. I'll protect you from their power."

Brit: "Protect us? Don't make me laugh!"

Tiff: "Child, please! You just wanna make your own crystal prom dress. Well, that ain't happening, loser. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSER!"

When Tiff stretched out her second "loser," the crystal power threw Jenny against a wall, causing the wall to crack to her shape.

Brit and Tiff (at different times): "Oooh (What happened?). Ah-uh! Hel-loo!""

Brit: "Now we stand unopposed. We can do whatever we want!"

Tiff: "We gon' totally rule. We gon' rule junior prom!"

Begin a fantasy scene where Brit and Tiff are dominating at the prom. The crowd cheers.

Brit: "I guess that's fine as far as it goes, but why stop with prom queens...(echos, school crumbles as Brit and Tiff's platform grows higher) WHEN WE CAN BE QUEENS OF TREMORTON? We can remake this hicktown, nothing but restaurants and shopping."

Tiff: "No more dentist office! (zaps dentist office with thunder bolt) No more library! (zaps) No more baseball diamond! (zaps)"

Brit: "And speaking of diamonds, I think it's high time the good people of Tremorton did something useful with their lives (shows the people toiling) toiling in the diamond mines. But not in rags, do you think? Tacky! I think perhaps evening wear will be nice. (everyone's clothes turns into evening wear) Everyone will be slaves to fashion!"

Tiff: "But the first we should do is turn that robo-twit into a sewing machine!"

Brit and Tiff laugh maniacally

Tiff: "Had enough, you cybernetic nerd?"

Brit: "Are you ready for a lifetime of sewing hemlines?"

Jenny: "Alright, you win! I can't defeat the power of the crystals, but not even the crystals can protect you from this! (shows Brit and Tiff an alarming magazine cover)"

Brit(hysterically): "NOOOOO! IT CAN'T BE!


Brit: "Come on, we have to get off the streets before it's too late!"

Brit and Tiff powerfully fly off


Brit and Tiff found crystal dresses that made them powerful.

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"Shell Game" (Episode 120)

Directed By: John Fountain, Rob Renzetti


Sheldon used one of his gadgets to get Jenny's attention one morning before school. Sheldon told Jenny about the grand opening for the Reptile Haus that upcoming Saturday and offered to take her. Throughout the day, Sheldon followed Jenny around and bored her with facts about reptiles (though some were not completely accurate). At the end of the school day, Jenny told Sheldon that he was a good friend but would rather go out with a robot boy. Sheldon told Jenny that robot boys were not all what they seemed to be.

While flying with a neutral look on her face, Jenny miserably began to fight a bull terrorizing a China shop. The Silver Shell arrived and did what Jenny was about to do. Jenny fell in love with his heroic appearance. When at school, Jenny told Sheldon that the man of her dreams was the Silver Shell. Sheldon got upset at the fact that Jenny loved the Silver Shell and that she thought he was not a jerk.

Jenny invited the Silver Shell to the Reptile Haus. When waiting in front the Reptile Haus, Jenny realized that the Silver Shell was very late but Sheldon showed up. Jenny realized that the Silver Shell only showed up when there was trouble. She knew how to make it. She released all the reptiles and they caused trouble to the classy patrons. When a big snake was suffocating Sheldon, Jenny decided to save him herself. She couldn't kill the snake so she had to get creative. After the day was saved, everybody cheered and Jenny was reminded about the Silver Shell.

As Jenny and Sheldon were walking home, Jenny wondered why the Silver Shell didn't show up. Sheldon wanted to prove to Jenny that boy robots could be jerks. Despite hearing this, Jenny retained her thoughts for the heroic, seemingly suave robot. In his garage, Sheldon confronted his creation, the Silver Shell, about the fact that Jenny was still not madly in love with him.




Sheldon (convinces Jenny that lizards can be interesting): (babbling to Jenny in class)"The ancient tribes of Slobobia worshipped lizards as gods. Sure they all got wiped out in volcanic eruptions, but really, that's not the lizard's fault." (babbling at lunch) "Many lizards eat small rodents or even big ones. Rodents, that is, not lizards. Big lizards! They can eat a whole buffalo. (whipsering at the library) Benjamin Franklin once said 'Give me lizardy or give me death!' Or maybe that was someone else. Anyway, it's still pretty profound no matter which way you slice it." (shushed by librarian) (bell rings and students herd out of the building) "Did you know that lizards are cold-blooded? Really! It sounds wacky, I know, but it's true and..."

Jenny: "SHELDON!" (yells for Sheldon to stop)

Jenny (to the Silver Shell after seeing the him in action for the first time): "Wow! You handled that mechanical bull like a real urban cowboy!"

Silver Shell: "Yeah, thanks. Now run along, missy. A hero of my caliber has no time to dilly-dally with the likes...of you. EXCELSIOR!" (blasts off and chars Jenny's metal exterior.)

Jenny (dreamily): "I'll never polish again!"

Jenny: "Look, I made a poodle!"

Snake: "The other snakes are not going to let me live this down."

Sheldon and Jenny are walking home from the Reptile Haus after the Silver Shell did not show.

Jenny: "I can't believe he didn't show."

Sheldon: "I told you he was a jerk. Now you can forget him and move on."

Jenny: "I'll never forget him. I'll love that robot forever."

Sheldon (quickly facepalms): "Doooh! How can you love him? You don't even know him. For all you know, he's not even a robot."

Jenny: "Don't say that! It would break my heart."

Jenny walks away then Sheldon gets angry and is about to confront the Silver Shell


Sheldon built a metal robot suit, dubbed the "Silver Shell," to prove to Jenny that boy robots were jerks. Jenny ended up falling for the Silver Shell.

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