My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 117-118

First Aired: 24 October 2003

A. "Hostile Makeover"
B. "Grid Iron Glory"

"Hostile Makeover" (Episode 117)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Jenny conquored every Cluster drone brought to earth by Vexus, the Cluster queen. Vexus threatened to return. In the fumes of Vexus' departure was a tiny Cluster drone Jenny inhaled by coughing. It got inside of her and changes started to happen. Jenny jetted off late to school. When talking to Brad in class, Brad was preventing pimples so he could look good for school picture day. Despite what Jenny thought about her metallic complexion, a bolt-like pimple appeared on her head. She quickly darted home.

While Jenny was at home, she struggled to remove the "pimple." Brad believed that Jenny was just going through "robo-puberty." Tuck said an alien machine had overtaken her body. More "pimples" appeared on Jenny's head and Brad offered cover-up in hopes to conceal the "zits." Brad dragged Jenny to Mezmers to see how others will react to her look. After more changes seemed to occur, Jenny ran out of the restaurant.

Jenny threw a paper bag on top of her head, ashamed of her ever-changing appearance. Brad convinced her that these puberty-like changes were typical for every teenager. What was not likely normal was how Jenny's appearance was changing all at once. Again, Jenny ran home.

Overnight, it seemed that more changes had overtaken Jenny. When Giant Monster Jenny was getting her picture taken, it turned out that the photographer was Vexus in disguise. Jenny was now her new minion and was ordered to destroy the school. Just in time to save the school, Mrs. Wakeman and Tuck showed up. Giant Cluster Minion Jenny was shocked cold. It turned out that the Cluster bug inside her was causing all of these changes. Shortly after, Jenny was back to her old self and her picture was taken for the yearbook. The picture was still embarrassing as there was a big hole in her stomach where the bug was taken out.




Jenny: "Think again, evil robot queen. Because as long as there is a human being alive who needs my help, I'll be there. When you see a little kid trying to outrun a cannibal android, I'll be there. When you see some working guy trying to get his change back from a demon-posessed snack machine, I'll be there. And when the day comes when crime-fighting robots and plain folks can live together in peace, laugh and hooting it out..."

Vexus: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it already. But your words are meaningless! You will be a member of the Cluster before you know it." Rips a hole. "Be seeing you!"

Brad: "You see, all teen folk reach a special time when the mysterious broth of hormones starts to come to a boil. Little Billy suddenly emerges from the coccoon of childhood as William, a promising young man. While little Sally blossoms into" Wolf whistle. "Uh, big Sally."

Brad: "Hey, try some of this cover-up. It always works to hide my zits."

Tuck (sing-songy voice): "Brad wears make-up!"

Brad: "It's cover-up and there's no shame in it."

Jenny: "You really think this will work?"

Brad: "Absolutely!"

Tuck: "I think you've been infected by some tiny alien machine, a machine that is slowly changing you from within, turning you into a monster...A HIDEOUS MONSTER!"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Just as I thought, the Cluster infected her with a tiny alien machine that changed XJ-9 from within, turning her into a monster...A HIDEOUS MONSTER!"


Jenny inhales a Cluster bug which turns her into a robotic Cluster monster.

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"Grid Iron Glory" (Episode 118)

Directed By: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


It was time for football/cheerleading tryouts. Jenny convinced Brad to tryout for football while she tried out for cheerleading. They were doing this to aim for the goal of popularity. Though Jenny didn't become a cheerleader, Brad made the football team. After throwing back an out-of-bounds football, Jenny became the football team's quarterback, replacing the unfocused Jacque. Since the Tremorton Quakers haven't won a game in years, Jenny hopeed to bring the team to victory.

For the first game of the season, the fans weren't too enthusiastic about Jenny being the quarterback. After Tremorton won the game, Jenny had the fans' respect. After weeks of winning game after game, the Quakers made the championship. Though she was getting so much recognition and fame, Brad hoped all this popularity wasn't going to Jenny's head. Jenny found out the Jacque was the quarterback for the competing team. Even so, Jenny knew his team was no match for the Quakers.

On championship game night, it was the Quakers versus the Poly Tech Bulldogs, Jacque's new team. These Bulldogs were nerds in hefty robotic metal suits. Despite Jenny's leadership in forming a strategy to beat the opponent, the team was literally getting beaten up then taken off the field. Soon it was just Brad and Jenny still in play. Shortly after they huddled and strategized, Brad got beaten then got benched. While there, he noticed that the Bulldogs were cheating. With just Jenny on the field, she used her super powers to bring the Tremorton Quakers to the ultimate victory.

The fans went wild for this glorious victory. Jenny became more popular than ever. Instead of Jacque destroying Jenny, a cat ran by and Jacque chased the cat. This has been a football season anyone would not want to miss.




Jenny: "Stop lagging, Brad. Tremorton High needs our skills."

Brad: "But I don't wanna try out for football. The Quakers haven't won a game in five years. The only good player is Jacque the quaterback and he's a supreme jerk."

Jenny: "Where's your school spirit, Brad? You're gonna join the football team and I'm gonna be a cheerleader. It's a great chance to increase our popularity. Don't you want to be more popular? Sure you do!"

Jenny: Oh please, no one can stop me now. Not even a bunch of nerds.

Pteresa: "Yeah, well the nerd's quarterback is Jacque."

Jenny: "(raspberries) Who cares about Jacque-itch."

Jacque: "Well, Well, robo-girl, prepare for a taste of your own mechanized medicine."

Jenny: "Bring it on, Jacque-strap."

Jacque: "Aw. idiots!"

Nerd Football Player: "I agree! If they wanted a truly impregnable force field, they should have used a positively-charged ion beam"

Nerd gets ejected from his robotic suit and Jacque takes over the suit.


Jenny replaced the school football team's quarterback and led the team to victory.

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