My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 107-108

First Aired: 22 August 2003

A. "Ear No Evil"
B. "Unlicensed Flying Object"

"Ear No Evil" (Episode 107)

Directed by: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


The Krust cousins and their clique were showing off their earrings. Jenny overheard this conversation and said she might look good in earrings...if she had ears. Jenny asked her mom to build ears for her. Mrs. Wakeman refused so Jenny decided to build the ears herself. Instead she ran into Sheldon and he built them for her.

The next day at school, everyone marveled at her new ears. Meanwhile, on the well-to-do side of downtown, the evil Lancer snatched all the people's fancy possessions, like expensive, shiny jewelry. At school during lunch, classmates continued compliment Jenny about her new look. Even the Krust clique show their amazement for the ears (though they really thought the ears looked dorky). When Mrs. Wakeman called Jenny to fight the Lancer, she tried to hide her amusement over Jenny's new appearance.

It was possible that these ears could affect Jenny's performance, especially in flying. Though some dug Jenny's new look, like her mother, others found humor in her appearance. While Jenny and the Lancer were fighting, one ear was destroyed and the other was used as a weapon. In the end, everybody got their jewelry back. It was then revealed that the Lancer was nothing more than tiny critter with big ears with which everyone made fun.

After the battle, Jenny returned the ears to Sheldon and told him how great they were. Sheldon told Jenny that with or without the ears, she looked beautiful either way, preferably without the ears. Before Jenny came home that day, Brad, Tuck, and Mrs. Wakeman agreed not to upset her with the ear subject. When Jenny came home, she was wearing a nose with a ring that Sheldon installed so his feelings could be compensated because Jenny's ears were destroyed.




Jenny: "Gee, if I had ears, I'd bet I'd like wearing earrings."

Brit: "But you don't, so go away!"

Jenny: "Ok, we'll chat later, gal-pals. Knowledge beacons!"

Brit and Tiff groan.

Sheldon: "Hey Jenneeee (laughs embarrassingly 'hee hel hee hel hulhm')."

Jenny: "Oh, hi Sheldon. I didn't see you. Guess I'm too preoccupied trying to figure out how to build...(boing)...Sheldon, you build all sorts of gadgets and stuff, right? A smart guy like you; so good with his hands. Building a set of robot ears would be a cinch for you."

Sheldon: Robot ears? Sure! I've got everything right here in my garage...uh, uh...workshop.

Jenny: Oh, Sheldon, let's go!

Lancer: (descending, as this is his first scene) "Hear ye! Hear ye! From this day forward, all thine earthly treasures shall be given as tribute; and to me, the great and powerful LANCER!"

Snooty Guy: "Yeah. And what if we don't wanna."

Lancer: "Then ye shall feel the wrath of my mighty lance!"

Lancer sucks up all the people's nice treasures.

Sheldon (confronting Brit and Tiff to argue about Jenny's appearance after installing the ears after dropping his lunch tray): "What! You're just jealous. You can't stand that she's a hero and beautiful. I thought she looked great even before the ears, but she wanted a little extra, I guess. After all, who could deny the majestic elephant, its enticing tusks? Or the gambling ivex, its graceful horns."


Sheldon built Jenny a pair of ears so she could wear earrings like the other girls.

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"Unlicensed Flying Object" (Episode 108)

Directed By: Rob Renzetti


While Tuck was zooming about on this bike, Brad was stewing over the fact that he couldn't zoom off in his dad's new turbo wagon, despite having his learner's permit. Jenny came over and brought the boys jetpacks. Brad couldn't have been more excited. Mrs. Wakeman called to inform Jenny about a UFO sighting. After seeing her jetpacks in the hands of Brad and Tuck and getting angry, Jenny ended the call transmission. Once Jenny flew off to find the UFO, Brad and Tuck followed her.

The trio found the UFO. Despite Jenny's orders, Brad found the key to the UFO, entered, and made his way to the helm. Tuck reluctantly followed. Brad soon made the ship go up then Jenny ordered him to bring it down. The ship went faster and faster unitl Brad pulled the control throttle to stop it. He then figured out how to make it go forward.

Jenny ordered Brad to slow down the ship. Though Brad stopped the ship in mid-sky, he continued to fly the ship at full speed. He was then chased by Skyway Patrol. Brad tried to open the hailing frequencies, only to make the ship seem hostile to Skyway Patrol's persuit. After redirecting Skyway Patrol from chasing the UFO, Tuck let Jenny into the ship. She went face-to-face with the stubborn Brad and told him to stop the ship. While they argued, Tuck attempted to be the hero by stopping the ship himself.

Meanwhile, the alien couple on holiday found their ship missing. Alien Karl, the husband, "beeped" the ship back to where he parked it. It was then he entered his ship to give the "thieves" a piece of his mind. He would have swatted Jenny, Brad, and Tuck to death but his wife objected, much to his dismay.

Mrs. Wakeman found the three and scolded Jenny for everything that happened that day. Though disappointed he couldn't keep his jetpack, Brad took responsibility for all the trouble. Tuck volunteered to hand over his jetpack only to get zoomed again. Jenny chased after Tuck and the jetpack. Mrs. Wakeman wanted to follow after Jenny, but not with Brad driving.




Tuck (on his bike): "It's Johnny Zoom gaining fast, heading into the homestretch. Johnny Zoom moves into first place. But wait, there's a wet blanket on the track! Johnny Zoom avoids disaster (makes "vrooming" noises) The final lap, it's down to the wire, it's...(Jenny shows up)."

Jenny: "Pack up your toy bikes and skateboards, boys. We have...Jetpacks!"

Brad: "No...way...JETPACKS! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! JENNY, YOU'RE THE COOLEST ROBOT GIRL I'VE EVER KNOWN, not that i've ever known another robot girl, but STILL, YOU'RE THE COOLEST!"

Jenny: Uh, thanks. So you guys wanna to try them out?

Tuck: (After finding out Brad is now at the helm of the ship) (Gasp!) Brad, what are you doing? You're gonna to blows us up, or vaporize us, or get us grounded! (Ship starts then rises) ...or get us ungrounded.

Jenny sees the ship taking off from outside the ship.

Tuck: "Get us down! Get us down! Get us down!"

Brad: "I'm trying! I'm trying! I'm trying!"

Ship suddenly stops

Brad: "Did that stop it?"

Tuck: "Nooo, that did."

Jenny: (with her foot on the brim of the ship, suspending the ship in the sky) "I thought I told you to stay put."

Brad: "Well, we tried but then you..."

Jenny: "Put the ship down."

Brad: "That's what I..."

Jenny: "Down!"

Brad: "But..."

Jenny: "Now!"

Brad: "Ooooo-kay."

Brad pulls a lever that causes Jenny to go into a spin and sends the ship to go upwards faster.

Brad: "Well, I think we both learned something here today. You learned to never interfere with the driver at the wheel and I learned to forgive. Tell you what, let me keep the jetpack and we'll call it even."

Jenny: "How about this, hand over that jetpack, and I won't kick your butt."


Upset that his dad wouldn't let him drive despite holding a learner's permit, Brad took an alien spaceship for a joyride.

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