My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 115-116

First Aired: 3 October 2003

A. "Sibling Tsunami"
B. "I Was a Preschool Dropout"

"Sibling Tsunami (Episode 115)"

Directed by: Tim Walker, Rob Renzetti


When Jenny flew over to see Brad and Tuck, the brothers were getting ready for the brother/sister picnic. When Brad wished he were an only child, Jenny thought the opposite. Jenny came home to an order by her mother in note form which involved going down to the basement. Jenny found a door and was excited about what she had found. Jenny found prototypes of herself which she regarded as her sisters.

Jenny showed off her sisters at the picnic. Despite all the metal teamwork, "the XJ"'s "won" their participated events which also caused some stirs. This annoyed Jenny so she left them on their own.

Meanwhile, the Mad Hammer Bros. conspired to blow up the nearby dam. The work of their jackhammers caused the dam to leak. Jenny tried to save the park by holding the in the dam by herself until her sisters came to her help. They mended the wall. This caused Jenny to think again about when she shamed her sisters. The Mad Hammers blew up the wall and XJ's 1-9 fixed the wall as a team. Apparently, Mrs. Wakeman had found out that her prototypes had been released without her consent.

At home, Jenny convinced Mrs. Wakeman about how much her sisters meant to her. Jenny asked to have a slumber party with them and Mrs. Wakeman approved. After everyone said goodnight to each other, the bed broke down to the first floor. Mrs. Wakeman joked about something which caused everyone to laugh.



Jenny (reading Mrs. Wakeman's note on the refrigerator): "'Gone to town for supplies. Please move quantum gigulator to the basement. Love, Mom. PS, I left some motor oil out in case you get thirsty.'" (to quantum gigulator) "Cheers!" Drinks oil.

Brad: "Jenny, I hate to break this to you but brothers and sisters are supposed to embarass you and drive you crazy. It's like their job." (Sees Tuck spitting out watermelon seeds and eventually chocking on them then recovers.) See what I mean?

Jenny: "Wow, we did it! You guys saved me! And after all the rotten stuff I said."

XJ-8: "That's what sisters are for."

XJ-6: "Oil is thicker than water."

XJ-4: "But so much harder to clean out of a carpet."

XJ-5: "A few harsh words aren't going to break up the XJ's"

Jenny: "That's right! Ain't nothing gonna tear us apart!"

Mrs. Wakeman: (after a part of the floor of Jenny's second floor room collapses into the first floor) "Goodnight, XJ's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. And goodnight, XJ-10!"

Jenny: "Whaaat!"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Kidding, just kidding!"

Everyone laughs.


Jenny found out she had sisters. They attended the sibling picnic.

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I Was a Preschool Dropout (Episode 116)

Directed By: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


Brad realized that Jenny was only made five years ago so she didn't remember much. Vice Principal Razinsky overheard this conversation and called in for action. Jenny got taken away because she was considered as five years old. This meant she had to go to Kindergarten.

She arrived at the Kindergarten and told the teacher she belonged in high school. The teacher was oblivious to this fact and told Jenny she needed to special achieve in ordered to be promoted. During class time, Jenny tried to outwit all her "classmates" only to get scolded every time. After an outburst during make-believe time, the teacher didn't know about her actually being in school. Despite showing violence during recess and the teacher getting mad, the student saw how awesome Jenny can be.

Jenny read to the kids during story time. Just as she was about to take a nap with the class, Mrs. Wakeman boomed in and informed the teacher that there had been a mistake and showed Jenny's diagrams. With these illustrations, The teacher became convinced this time. Those same guys who dragged her to Kindergarten dragged her back to high school. This was after Jenny started having second thoughts about going back.




Minky Mo Mo

A-Minky minky minky minky minky minky minky minky...MO MO!
The Minky Mo Mo is an attitude, the Minky Mo Mo is a mellow mood;
You're mo mo when you're drinking lemonade, you're mo mo soaking in a marinade;
I know you're minky 'cause I'm mo mo, too, so I know what you're going through;
But there's no mo mo mo
Brad:"Man, I hate that song!"

Vice-Principal Razinsky: "A 5-year-old? A 5-year-old in high school? Anaconda to HQ, Anaconda to HQ, we have a Code Omega, repeat, CODE OMEGA."

Ms. Binky: "It's not about who's right or wrong, it's trying our best to get along."

Mrs. Wakeman: (slams in as nap time begins) Error! Error!

Kids wake up and gasp

Jenny: "Mother!"

Mrs. Wakeman: "There has been an error in the educational system. As these diagrams illustrate (opens and shows the "flip book" of diagrams), XJ-9 was made five years ago but she was a teenager."

Ms. Binky: Hmmm, I see. Well, in that case, you can go.

Jenny: "What? But that's exactly what I said."

Ms. Binky: "Yes, dear, but you didn't have diagrams. Now don't you think you should be going?"


After discovering Jenny was 5 years old, school officials sent Jenny to Kindergarten.

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