My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 216-219

First Aired: 12 August 2005

"Escape from Cluster Prime" (Episode 216-219)

Directed by: Rob Renzetti, Chris Savino


The show started off like any other episode but for the exception of evidence of "film failure." The "film" soon failed and the regular intro was replaced with one with dramatic music and opening credits like that of a feature film.

The episode began with Tremorton citizens celebrating the town's tri-centennial anniversary. Meanwhile, Jenny was fighting a Cluster rocket launched by Vexus. The rocket was destroyed by Jenny. It turned out Jenny failed to destroy the warhead inside. The entire celebration was ruined and everyone blamed Jenny.

Later that night, Jenny wished she could vanish off the face of the earth. In Vexus' attempt to bring the Cluster to her, Jenny fell through a portal that lead to a scrapyard of robots from Cluster Prime. Just as Jenny was about to become one of them, attempting to escape her doom, she was escorted by authorities to "high school." While at her new school, she met Vega and her friends and they hung out downtown. Enjoying this time with her new friends, did this make Jenny want to return home?

Back on Earth, Cluster inventor Krackus unleashed his evil robotic inventions that would bring humans to their knees. Jenny was nowhere to be found to help them. Meanwhile, on Cluster Prime, Jenny woke up in a park, recharged and ready for a new day. At school, she heard about Cluster Prime's tri-millenial celebration. She also found out she's been depicted as a wanted criminal who destroyed the golden chips that give Cluster bots extra weapons. She couldn't let her friends know that was her so she changed her appearance to a different superhero identity. This new secret identity provided great services to the citizens of Cluster Prime. Eventually suspicious Cluster Prime authorities captured her and discovered she was the infamous XJ-9. The authorities chased Jenny to Vexus' palace where she ran into Vega.

Back on Earth, while Mrs. Wakeman and Sheldon were arguing over weapon designs, Brad and Tuck joined the Minutemen, citizens teaming up to destroy the invading Cluster. At first, the Minutemen were able to defeat the drones simply by using water guns. After a new batch of water-resistant Cluster bots arrived, almost every one of the Minutemen gave up. It was up to Brad and Tuck to continue the mission to save the city. After failing to defeat the water-resistant bots, they were imprisoned then escaped. After escaping, the brothers made their way to the robot factory and attempted to destroy the robots around the factory. The enslaved factory worker kids joined Brad and Tuck in this battle. Smytus, the slave master, found out about this and the slaves told him they didn't want to go back to work. Smytus liberated the slaves but resumed his plans to vaporize the earth. Soon Brad and Tuck got sucked (literally) into a portal, teleporting their way to Cluster Prime. Sheldon and Mrs. Wakeman teleported their way to Vexus' outlook point on Earth. Neither Mrs. Wakeman nor Vexus knew the whereabouts of Jenny. When Vexus found out that Jenny was on Cluster Prime, she made her way over there. Sheldon hot-wired Vexus' spaceship and he and Mrs. Wakeman were on their way to Cluster Prime.

Back on Cluster Prime, Jenny found out Vega is Vexus' daughter. Vega learned Jenny is the infamous XJ-9. She also discovered her mom had been hiding the golden chips all along---they were never destroyed. After recovering from a fall, Jenny's friends volunteered to help her even after finding out who she really was. They input their found golden chips and they got powers to help defeat the evil Cluster bugs. Vega needed to tell the planet the truth about the golden chip and that Jenny is not evil. Vexus showed up and found the citizens were then against her. After Sheldon and Mrs. Wakeman showed up on Cluster Prime, Mrs. Wakeman cat-fought with Vexus after Jenny's attempt to fight her. Even Vega went against her mother and the golden chips were returned to each citizen robot. With these chips, the robots outnumbered their queen causing her to retreat in defeat. Now every bot wanted Vega to be ruler. Vega invited Jenny to help her but Jenny declined as she was convinced she was needed more on Earth.

As Smytus was about to destroy Earth, Vexus' ship, the one Sheldon hot-wired, crashed into Smytus' ship. Jenny broke into his ship and Smytus pushed the self-destruct button. Jenny launched the self-destructing Smytus and ship debris into space and Tremorton went wild with happiness. With that, the day was renamed from the "tri-centennial" to the "Jen-centennial." Jenny felt she made the right decision to stay on Earth after all.




Vega: "Hey, you're that new kid. [to her friends] Hey, it's that new kid I've been telling you about. [to Jenny] So, what's up with the hole, new kid?"

Jenny: "Uh...I was just...I was just digging for a...worms. [Vega and friends' facial expressions change] Uh, I mean, I was digging for mechanano worms for Mechabiology class?" [smiles sneakily]

Vega: "I get it! You're one of those back-to-the-motherboard tree huggers. That's cool!"

"They Need Me" lyrics

Just when I thought I should go away I found a brand new reason to stay

they need me, yeah, I think they neeeed me (they need me)

savin' folks, that's what I do, I won't reprogram, I know it's true

they need me (they need me), yeah, I think they neeeed me (oh yeah!)

I help my friends I don't need to flaunt it, it means so much just knowing that you're wanted

Oooooh, they need me, yeah, I think they neeeeeed me, they need me

Oooooh, I think they need me (yeah, yeah).

Brad: "Viva la revolution!"

Tuck: "You speak Spanish?"

Jenny: "Smile! We're live in 3-2-1..."

Vega: "Robots of Cluster Prime, you have deceived. XJ-9 did not destroy our chips. They've been hidden all this time. We have betrayed and lied to by our leader. XJ-9 is not our enemy."

Vexus [cuts in]: "But she is mine." [jumps off the rocket and pounces on Jenny]

Mrs. Wakeman: "I'm going to Vexus' ship to get her [Jenny] back."

Sheldon: "And I'm going with you."

Mrs. Wakeman: "No, it's too dangerous."

Sheldon: "Yes!"

Mrs. Wakeman: "No!"

Sheldon: "Yes!"

Mrs. Wakeman: "No!"

Sheldon: "Yes!"

Mrs. Wakeman: "No!"

Sheldon: "I'm going with you and I won't take several 'no's' for an answer."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Oh, all right! [hands Brad and Tuck a vaporizer] Don't vaporize yourself."


Once Jenny was kidnapped to Cluster Prime, Vexus thought it would be an excellent time to release the rule of the Cluster to planet Earth. Her plans did not work and Earth and Cluster Prime were freed from evil rulings.

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