My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 208-209

First Aired: 27 January 2005

A. "Sister Sledgehammer"
B. "Pajama Party Prankapalooza"

"Sister Sledgehammer" (Episode 208)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


When Jenny, Brad, and Tuck were on Tremorton High's ball field, Tuck underestimated Jenny's ability to kick a ball. Jenny proved him wrong but Tuck called beginner's luck on that. Smytus and his Cluster bugs appeared so they could, as usual, make Jenny a part of the Cluster. Jenny once again demonstrated her mad kicking skills by defeating the Cluster she thought. Smytus took her away and Brad and Tuck ran screaming uncontrollably to Mrs. Wakeman.

On Cluster Prime, Smytus had Jenny caught in a spider web. The Cluster bugs overtook her to form a gigantic Cluster robot which Jenny completed, building the earth's doomsday machine. Back on Earth, since Jenny had defeated the Cluster many times previously, Mrs. Wakeman was confident that Jenny would be fine. When she saw the big Cluster robot that included Jenny, she lost her cool and feared for her life.

In the moment of panic, a slient alarm awoke the XJ prototypes from their slumber. It was up to them to save their sister as well as the earth. They started a battle with the giant bot. Even when they worked together, their efforts were cut short as they became part of the giant bot to make it more powerful. Not even appealing to the sister within Jenny changed the unstoppable bot's mind. Each sister was absorbed into the bot - except XJ-1 who barfed oil in Jenny's face on her part of the giant robot. Upon this accomplishment, the giant Cluster bot broke apart and everyone returned back to normal. The Cluster bot retreated and Jenny kicked Smytus through a portal.

Despite being shaken up, Brad, Tuck, Jenny, and the sisters celebrated a victory well done. Abruptly, Mrs. Wakeman pulled the plug on the prototypes and took them back to their basement. They needed their sleep.




Smytus and his drone army arrive

Jenny: "Smytus."

Smytus: "Yes, little XJ-9. It is time to fulfill your destiny."

Jenny: " be widely accepted as a normal teenage girl?"

Smytus: "No, to become one with the Cluster."

Jenny: "Oh. Wait here, guys. This shouldn't take long."

drones are ordered to attack, Jenny attempts to fight them

Mrs. Wakeman: "Oh, kids today. You feed them, you clothe them, then they come back to destroy you. We're doomed!"

XJ-8: "She's getting bigger. We must fight faster, hit harder."

XJ-5: "No, wait. We have to stop fighting the machine around her and start appealing to the sister within her." [to Jenny] "Jenny, I know you're in there. Please stop! You're hurting the ones you love. You have to find the strength to break free. [Voice breaks down] Please? We love you!"

despite her pleas, XJ-5 gets absorbed into the giant sister Cluster bot

Mrs. Wakeman: [comforting XJ-1, scared of the giant Cluster bot] "There, there. It's okay. Somewhere. Just not here."


Jenny and her sisters saved the earth from the Cluster with the power of teamwork.

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"Pajama Party Prankapalooza" (Episode 209)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Brit and Tiff were handing out invitations to one of their exclusive slumber parties. After all the invitations were handed out, Brit and Tiff decided this party needed to be extreme. Who else could provide this? Seeming like they owe her great apologies, they invited Jenny and made her guest of honor. Being invited to a Krust cousins' party was a dream for Jenny - especially as a guest of honor.

Meanwhile at the Wakeman household, Skyway Patrol knocked on the door and warned Mrs. Wakeman about increasing XJ-9 mischief. If they caught Jenny causing trouble once more, they would confiscate and dismantle her. Mrs. Wakeman didn't believe the patrolers' warnings and sent them away. Jenny came home and told her mom about the slumber party. No matter how much she begged, Mrs. Wakeman said no, especially with Skyway Patrol monitoring closely.

After sneaking out that night, she went to the slumber party despite her mom's warnings. She like what she saw. The party began by having Jenny perform some "ceremonial duties" (pranks) assigned by Brit and Tiff. Jenny was reluctant at first but she wanted to prove she wasn't a sissy. These duties included car-tipping downtown, drinking from a lake and sprinkling out the water, and freeing the animals from the zoo. During these shenanigans, Skyway Patrol knocked on the Wakeman door again around midnight. This warranted Mrs. Wakeman to find Jenny not in her room. She went off to find her before Skyway Patrol found her first. For the last friendship initiating prank of flying an airplane to stink bomb city hall, Jenny found out Brit and Tiff were only using her to escape blame for which Jenny would get. After hearing this, Jenny returned everything (almost everything at the zoo) to its proper place. Her mom found her and took her home.

Hoping to convince their boss that Jenny was causing trouble, Skyway Patrol knocked on the Wakeman door only to fined Jenny in her room. The boss was not convinced so Jenny was saved from confiscation and dismantling. When going to bed, Jenny thanked Mrs. Wakeman for saving her and helping things almost go back to normal. Jenny said goodnight to Brit, Tiff, and the party guest still inside the stolen airplane on top of the needle at city hall.




Skyway Patrol Officer: [presentation for Mrs. Wakeman] "Our latest reports indicate a 20% rise in mischief, a 40% rise in shenanigans, an 80% rise in tomfoolery, and don't even get me started on the horseplay."

Mrs. Wakeman: "This is ridiculous. My XJ-9... "

Officer: "Gets one last chance. If we spot her at the scene of any trouble, General Harsgate will order the confiscation and dismantling of the XJ-9 unit."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Gentlemen, it's time for you to leave." [presses a red button making the front door magnetic, stacking the officers onto itself and revolving them to the outside, they fall to the ground.] "My XJ-9 is not a danger to anyone."

Jenny enters Brit and Tiff's house

Jenny: "Oh, this is a slumber party? The girls, the games, the chips, the dips, and everyone's awake. This is so much better than I imagined."

Tiff: "Welcome to the club, girlfriend!"

Brit: [after Jenny tells a fuel-related joke and everyone laughs unenthusiastically] "Oh, Jenny, you are a gas. But you know what would be even more hilarious? Oh, if you say...flipped over one of these cars."

Jenny: "But...that would be wrong."

Stephanie: "Come on, Jenny, it's just a harmless prank."

Jenny: "I don't know."

Brit: [teasingly talks like she's babying Jenny] "Oh, maybe you'd better head home and sleep with all the other babies."

girls laugh shaming Jenny into giving in

as Jenny rounds up the animals she released from the zoo

Mrs. Wakeman: [on an elephant] "Forgetting something?"

Jenny: "Mom?"

Mrs. Wakeman: "The Skyway Patrol is hot on our trail. We need to put everything back the way it was and fast." [after sliding down an elephant's trunk] [chuckles] "I've always wanted to do that."


Jenny attended her first slumber party. Of course, with Brit and Tiff as the hostesses, trouble would always ensue.

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