My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 123-124

First Aired: 23 January 2004

A. "Saved by the Shell"
B. "Tradeshow Showdown"

"Saved by the Shell" (Episode 123)

Directed by: Ron Hogart, Rob Renzetti


The Metal Day parade was interrupted by the intrusion of the giant mutated metal-eating fly. Many of the floats had suffered damage due to having contact with the fly's emitted acid. When Jenny tried to fight the fly, the Silver Shell came in and tried his hand at fighting the fly, only to get partially damaged in battle. Jenny admired the Shell's "smoothness" and wanted to go out with him. Silver Shell told Jenny there was someone else with eyes for her. They were to meet by her locker at school (this someone was supposed to be Sheldon).

Sheldon spent most of the morning trying to make himself smooth enough for Jenny. He realized he was late and rushed to his appointment at school. He met Jenny at the designated location but embarrassedly tripped. Don Prima showed up after Sheldon. Jenny thought Don Prima was the guy the Shell was mentioning. Jenny asked him out and he accepted. Again, Sheldon got very frustrated.

The date was at Mezmers. When Jenny was seated at the booth, the Silver Shell was in the booth next to her. The Shell said he was friends with Don and said he was secretly there for moral support. Once Don showed up, Sheldon, inside the Silver Shell, tried to make Don look bad so Jenny wouldn't see much in him, which all failed. When Jenny got up to go to the bathroom, Don and the Shell had a fight over who cared more for Jenny. The fight became more destructive as the metal-eating fly returned. It turned out that Don really didn't care for Jenny. The Shell wanted to fight back.

Jenny came out of the bathroom to find the two males fighting and the fly's return. The Shell suggested that he and Jenny should team up after she defeated the fly. Now Jenny didn't want to do any work with the Silver Shell. Jenny originally left Mezmers with Don but after Jenny scuffed Don's fancy shoes, he cried like a baby. Jenny realized she should be going out with men who are not so immature and are actually real.




Jenny and the Silver Shell are describing a very "smooth" guy.

Jenny: "Wow! You have to introduce me."

Silver Shell: "Well, he's a little shy so I don't..."

Jenny: "I said (shaking Shell's neck)!"

Shell: "Muh, ok."

Jenny: "When?"

Shell: "Tomorrow."

Jenny: "What time?"

Shell: "Nine o'clock."

Jenny: "Where?"

Shell: "Your locker."

Jenny: "And he's smooth?"

Shell: "Yes, very smooth."

Jenny: (Swoons as she slides down Silver Shell's body) "Oooohh! Smooth!"

Silver Shell: (To Don) "You may be smooth enough to hoodwink Jenny and turn her against her friends, but you don't fool me, I can see right through you."

Don: "Right through me? Like with x-ray vision? Hey, what color underwear am I wearing?"

Don Prima: "My shoes! You scuffed my shoes! My favorite Italian loafers! They were perfect and now THEY'RE RUINED! (bawling loudly) OH, WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS? (continues to bawl)"

Jenny: "Fight crime? Team up? (Scoffs) Like I would ever go on partol with that...that...I can't believe he lied about being Don's friend. And Don, I can't believe I actually went out with a guy who calls himself 'the Donster.' (Sighs) I think from now on I need to stay away from smooth-operators like Don and the Silver Shell. I need someone who's maybe not as smooth but is genuine and sweet. (Sheldon walks by) Oh, hey Sheldon."

Sheldon: (gruffly) "Hi, Jenny."

Jenny: "Yeah, someone sweet. But where am I ever gonna find someone like that?"


Jenny learned more about types of guys by going out with the "smoothest" guy in school. Sheldon (in the Silver Shell suit) tried to prove to Jenny about a certain type of guy she should have been dating.

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"Tradeshow Showdown" (Episode 124)

Directed By: Ron Hogart, Rob Renzetti


Mrs. Wakeman and Jenny drove to the annual robotics convention. Jenny was excited to meet robots who were like her. Mrs. Wakeman tried to remind Jenny that she was not like the other robots but Jenny didn't listen. She went around the convention trying to meet robot friends, only to find out they all were not programmed to be the friendly type. When Mrs. Wakeman reprimanded Jenny about causing trouble, Mrs. Wakeman came across her old classmate, Phineus Mogg, and his associates. Those guys only saw Jenny's imperfect robotic side and Wakeman was embarrassing Jenny by referring to her only as an invention.

Things started to look up for Jenny when she met Vee, the massage therapist robot. Just as Vee invited Jenny to relax, Mrs. Wakeman sent a cry for help to which Jenny responded. This was a false alarm as it turned out that Mrs. Wakeman was showing Mogg and his guys the things "XJ-9" did. This got Jenny very annoyed and wanted to be away from her mother.

Jenny returned to Vee's Massage Parlour. Again, as Jenny was about to relax, Mrs. Wakeman cry for Jenny's returned. Vee said this could have been another false alarm and forced Jenny to relax. It turned out that Vee was actually Vexus, the Cluster queen. Vexus was turning all the robots in the convention into Cluster minions, including Jenny. The affected robots attempted to destroy the humans and Jenny would have nothing of it. Neither would Mrs. Wakeman, as she considered Jenny as "her daughter."

Jenny fought Vexus' army, especially to save her unconscious mother from falling across the convention center. When the fighting was over, Vexus threatened to return. The crowds cheered! After regaining consciousness, Mrs. Wakeman was not only proud to call XJ-9 her "robot," but to call "Jenny" her unique daughter. No matter what, Jenny would be embarrassed no matter what her mom did to brag on her.




Jenny: ..."Did you send a false alarm, Mom?"

Phineas Mogg: "Mom? Did it just call you 'mom'?"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Calm your circuits, XJ-9, and stop embarrassing me."

Jenny: "I'm embarrassing you? You're the one who made me rush over here like an idiot. Well if you think I'm gonna let you put me through my paces to impress your friends like I'm some robotic, prancing pony, then you got another thing coming."

Mrs. Wakeman: "XJ-9, wait!"

Mogg: "It looks like the robot holds the remote control in this family."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Stuff it, Mogg!"

Robotic Teapot: "Would you like a soothing cup of tea?"

Vee: "Why, my dear little teapot, you'll never have to pour another cup of tea."

Some transformation device is stamped on the head of the teapot.

Vee: "Welcome to the Cluster!"

Vexus: "We both lose here today, Jennifer. I lose a glorious addition to the Cluster and you lose your life."

Mrs. Wakeman: "You'll never destroy my daughter!" (wrestles Vexus to the ground)

Jenny: "She called me her daughter."

Mogg: "Wakeman, this machine of yours, it's amazing! You simply must make one for me."

Mrs. Wakeman: "Huh! There's no way to duplicate a robot of such superior ability. There is only one robot like XJ...I mean, there's only one daughter like Jenny."

Jenny: "Uh-heh! Uh-heh-heh! Stop it, Mom. You're embarrassing me!"


Jenny and Mrs. Wakeman went to a robotics convention. Jenny befriended a kind fellow robot until she found outs she was Vexus, the Cluster queen. Mrs. Wakeman realized who Jenny really was to her.

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