My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 309-310

First Aired: 26 October 2008

A. "Girl of Steal"
B. "Mist Opportunities"

"Girl of Steal" (Episode 309)

Directed by: Robert Alvarez, Rob Renzetti


Brad showed Jenny his new portable music player, the Musique. Jenny was impressed with the Musique's awesome features so she rushed to the mall to buy one for herself. She was shocked to see the extremely high price. Since everybody and their child had one, she asked her mother for the money to buy one. Mrs. Wakeman wanted one for her upcoming birthday and told Jenny if she wanted one, she would have to get a job to make the money. She took many jobs and failed at all of them.

Jenny was cheered up when a boy invited her to a dance party that required a Musique. Since she didn't have one, he fled. Jenny then went into a Musique store, stole a special edition version, then got discovered. She disguised herself as a red rocket, dubbed "Ruby Rocket," and zoomed home. She vowed to tell no one of what she did.

After developing a guilty conscience, Jenny decided to return the Musique to the store. She got sidetracked by the request to capture the mischievous Ruby Rocket. Upon seeing Skyway Patrol forming a mob, Jenny returned home where Mrs. Wakeman mistook the stolen Musique for her birthday present. The mob was led to Jenny's house by red footprints. The mob watched as Jenny fought and finished her double. Jenny claimed Ruby Rocket had the Musique when she was destroyed. Instead, Mrs. Wakeman was discovered with the special Musique and the mob was about to destroy her.

It was then Jenny admitted she stole the Musique and that there was no Ruby Rocket. After apologizing and getting mobbed herself, Jenny's punishment was to work at the Musique factory. She felt bad for wanting to have what everyone else had. She learned if one wanted to blend with a crowd, stealing would never be the way to go.




Brad: "Oh, hang on a second. I couldn't hear you [takes off hood] over the sweet sound of my new Musique."

close-up of the Musique is shown

Jenny: "A Musique? What's that?"

Brad: "It's the latest thing. Everybody's getting one."

Jenny: "Everybody?"

Brad: "Yeah, pretty much everybody."

Tuck: "Fine print? Who reads the fine print? [throws bags of box tops at store associates] Take that, and that! I've got my 3000 box tops and I want my free Musique NOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!"

French Store Manager: "But son, you have got to mail in those box tops. Mail them in!"

Tuck: [about to hurl a bag of box tops at the manager] "Forget it, stooge! You either make with the free Musique or..."

manager flies toward Tuck and pummels him

Jenny listens to the stolen Musique for first time

Country Singer (singing): "You plumb stole my heart, you theivering [sic] thief. I should lock you in the jail or just knock out your tee-eeth..."

Jenny: "I never cared for country." [changes song]

Oldies Singer: "Wanted. She's on the lam and on the run. She's wanted. She's public enemy number one..."

Jenny: "There's an oldie." [changes song]

Rock Singer: "Why you do wrong, wrong, wrong to take my song, song, song. This is a long, long, long..."

Jenny: [covering her "ears"] "Stop it! Stop it!" [puts Musique in a round box, ties a ribbon around it] "That settles it! I'm taking you back right now."

Jenny: "What's the big deal? It's just a music player?"

Brad: [voice only] "Just a music player?" [jumps out from bushes] "Bite your tongue! Can a mere music player make a milkshake, file your taxes, and trim your nose hair? I don't think so." [sticks Musique's ear piece up his nose to trim his nose hairs] "A Musique is more than a machine, it's like a family member; a family member you can stick up your nose. That makes Ruby Rocket a family member stealer!" [calmly] "So, what's in the box?"

Jenny: "Box? What box? What are you talking about? I didn't do anything!" [wails and runs away]

Brad: "Man, she is so weird." [discreetly jumps back into bushes]


Jenny stole a popular music player she couldn't afford and blamed it on her mischievous double.

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"Mist Opportunities" (Episode 310)

Directed By: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


Jenny accepted Brad's offer to go to an event but trouble arose at a construction site. The molverine returned, destroying everything on the site. Misty returned to save a worker, fight the monster, and resolved what was bothering him. She and Jenny reunited once again, causing Jenny to completely miss her event with Brad and Sheldon.

When Jenny was improving her response time by responsibly working out, more trouble arose at the well-to-do side of town. She arrived to find that Misty did all the work for her. Since it seemed that Misty was saving the city now, Jenny felt she had more time to do what she wanted to do. Knowing about who Misty really is, Brad and Sheldon questioned Jenny about her decision to let Misty do all the crime fighting.

Brad woke Jenny from her sleep to warn her about a monster downtown that Misty was doing nothing about. Jenny went on the job but after not working out for two weeks, her mechanisms were declining. The monster was a tiny evil bunny about to lead Tuck to his demise until Brad saved him himself. Jenny discovered Misty was allowing the town go to ashes because no one paid her. Misty just wanted money. Jenny cared about the well-being of the city. After the two girls fought, Misty left Tremorton.

After putting in extra workout time, Jenny was late for her engagement at Mezmers with Brad and Sheldon. She was willing to take on responsibility now that Tremorton was no longer under Misty's watch. With those extra workouts she's been doing, she was now willing to once again take on anything. Does this include scores of evil bunnies, Jenny?




Misty: "You busy? Let me buy my buddy a can of oil."

Jenny: "Well, I missed my chance to go to the sci-fi convention, so..."

Misty: "Hey, we are sci-fi!"

Sheldon: "Space Bikers, Jenny!"

Jenny: [playing electronic game] "Space Bikers, Sheldon. Misty'll take care of it."

Sheldon: "How much do you know about Misty anyway? You met her once for a day or two and she wanted you to leave Earth forever."

Jenny: "Well, forever turned out to be not very long."

Brad: [with his mouth full of ice cream] "And don't forget, Sheldon, she's also a runaway who was thrown out of school with no parents, no family, no rules."

Sheldon: "Yeah! Is this who we want protecting our city?"

Jenny: "Sure."

Brad: "Why not?"

Misty: "Your town, Tremorton. They wouldn't cough up the cash for services rendered."

Jenny: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Misty: "I'm a hero for hire. I save people for money. You knew that."

Jenny: "And if they don't pay up you just let them get pummeled?"

Misty: "Pretty much. I have to eat, don't I?" [Jenny zooms off, Misty shouts...] "I'm not living with my mom like some people."

Misty: "The only reason I'm not destroying you is because no one is paying me to do it."

Misty leaves Earth


Misty returned once again and began performing Jenny's civil duties. She did these duties for a different reason then why Jenny did them.

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