My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 307-308

First Aired: 8 November 2008

A. "A Spoonful of Mayhem"
B. "Enclosure of Doom"

"A Spoonful of Mayhem" (Episode 307)

Directed By: Chris Savino, Rob Renzetti


Food in Tremorton was coming alive and people were running for their lives! Just as Skyway Patrol was about to do something about it, Jenny came in and captured all of the moving food. The Skyway Patrol lieutenant was angered because he wasn't the one saving the people. Seymore Heinze, the inventor of the "smart food," apologized to Jenny and said the food was shipped prematurely. After having a nightmare, the lieutenant became tired of being degraded by Jenny's heroicness. He had to do something to stop her from embarrassing him even more.

The lieutenant started citing Jenny for things she wasn't even doing; she wasn't doing anything wrong. People were often laughing at him for this. He eventually threatened to arrest Jenny if she committed one more "violation." After fighting an evil giant robotic pizza, the lieutenant arrested Jenny for interfering with what Skyway Patrol should have been doing. He realized he couldn't arrest Jenny but he should arrest her inventor.

When Jenny found Mrs. Wakeman getting arrested, she also found out the lieutenant was getting an order from the general to have her shut down permanently. When Mrs. Wakeman was getting broken out of jail, she informed Jenny that she's a law breaker and that she shouldn't get the lieutenant any more angrier than he was. Back in town, Seymore returned and tried to stop his invention from causing more damage. The food became much bigger and has all turned against him.

Skyway Patrol once again attempted to fight the food. Jenny stepped in to fight because it was her job to save the city no matter what. Meanwhile, the lieutenant went to the general so he could sign the order for Jenny's permanent shutdown. Before the pen hit the paper, Jenny captured all of the food and cooked it on a big food should be cooked. The general instead made Jenny a city treasure, granted Mrs. Wakeman a full pardon, and decommissioned the lieutenant in a way that embarrassed him once again.




Jenny walks on a sidewalk

Lieutenant: "And just what do you think you're doing, youngster?"

Jenny: "Uh, walking to school?"

Lieutenant: "you mean jaywalking. Mm-mm-mmm. Oh, boy."

Jenny: "Um, on a sidewalk?"

crowd laughs at Lieutenant

Lieutenant: "Define loitering. [to his underling] The code book, deadbrain!"

Skinny Officer: "Ahem. 'He ran his strong fingers through her suuumptuous raven hair and...'"


Skinny Officer: "That was from under your seat."

crowd laughs at Lieutenant

Mrs. Wakeman: "I don't know what foolishness you've gotten us into, XJ-9, but I'll fix things somehow."

Lieutenant: "Move it, grandma!"

Dark-Skinned Officer: "Quick, call for backup."

Skinny Officer: "Backup!"

Dark-Skinned Officer: "No, no, the radio!"

Skinny Officer: "The radio!"


Living, talking food was on the loose. Jenny tried to save the day but she always got into trouble with Skyway Patrol.

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"Enclosure of Doom" (Episode 308)

Directed By: Daniel de la Vega, Monty Young, Rob Renzetti


Jenny woke up in a place she didn't recognize. While attempting to make her way out, she heard a voice. That voice belonged to Killgore who yapped and yapped about how evil he was until his wind-up key stopped. With silence at last, Jenny tried to escape. She realized she needed help so she re-wound Killgore. After reminding Jenny that he was still evil, they escaped the lasers and found themselves in a hallway.

When Jenny hit her head on a pipe, she began to remember what happened before she was trapped but still couldn't remember everything. Soon Jenny and Killgore found themselves in a room of cogs. Something prevented the two from escaping by using showers of acid. After dodging obstacles of cog contraptions, Jenny had a flashback to when Killgore said he had a secret weapon. What was that weapon? In the present, they found their way out of a deadly obstacle with the power of teamwork.

When they made it to a computer nerve center, they found a dusty plaque. Finding out that the large unit was created by her mother, Jenny ultimately remembered that Killgore's secret weapon was Armagedroid. Once Armagedroid found the two in his head, they escaped from his violent storm of lasers.

It was remembered by Jenny that Armagedroid didn't WANT to destroy weapons, he HAD to destroy them as he was programmed. Jenny reminded Armagedroid that he is a weapon as well. He ripped himself apart then self-destructed. Fleeing from the debt he had to pay for starting all of this, Killgore left a message for Jenny that self-destructed.




Killgore: "You see this? [pulls on his "villain" tag] Does it say 'scamp,' foolish Earth-lover who can't read? Look into my coal-black eye. What do you see?"

Jenny: "A bundle of cuteness?"

Killgore: "No, your doom, fool, your doom!"

In the cog room

Jenny: "Wow, this is low-tech, old-school technology. Certainly from before I was made."

Killgore: "Hey, I don't like your tone. Low-tech is not a dirty word."

Jenny: "You're right, it's two words."

Killgore gives Jenny directions on how to escape the enclosure

Killgore: "Duck! Up! Left! Right! Surrender!"

Jenny: "Stop it!"

Killgore: "Head to the light!"

sees pointed traps closing in on the exit

Killgore: "Gun it!"

they crash out from the glass eye

Jenny: "Good job, Killgore. Thanks for the help. But now, you've got to pay for causing this mess in the first... [dust settles] What? A tape recorder?"

plays tape, begins with a "tada" sound

Killgore: "One day soon, I shall seal your doom! [brief pause] This tape will self-destruct."

tape recorder and tape explode

Killgore [over the "The End" card]: "Ba-naaaaaah!"


Jenny and Killgore teamed up to escape the clutches of being inside Armagedroid. They escaped the destruction that could have been done by the gigantic mechanoid.

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