My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 321-322

First Aired: 25 April 2009

A. "Ball and Chain"
B. "Labor Day"

"Ball and Chain" (Episode 321)

Directed by: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


At school, Brad unsuccessfully wooed girls as they walked by. Unexpectedly, the Space Biker gang broke into the school, kidnapped Brad, and caused a fiery commotion. Distracted, Jenny stopped what she was doing to see what was going on. As she was about to jump into action, the sprinkler system went off. Short circuiting, she overloaded then passed out.

Brad was taken hostage at Mezmers. Space Biker Tammy assumed all the things she and Brad had been through in the past meant that Brad loved her. They would get married. While the other bikers began with the wedding plans, Brad tried to escape only to captured again. Even at the bachelor party, there was no way out.

Jenny woke up from her unconsciousness then heard church bells. Shortly before the wedding began, seeing Brad with "cold feet," Best Man Tuck reminded him about the madcap lifstyle he could have when he marries a Space Biker. As Brad changed his mind and proceeded with the wedding, Jenny interrupted and caused a riot. Brad said he wanted to marry Tammy for her wild lifestyle so Jenny graciously said goodbye. Even after rethinking what Jenny had said, Brad was taken aback by Tammy's appealing looks and kissed her. They got married and they rode on their motorcycle to the reception at Mezmers.

Upon hearing Letta's reception speech, Brad didn't want to be a Space Biker slave so he broke up with Tammy. To prevent the mischievous bikers from eating him (their planetary custom), Jenny broke in to fight and stop them. After she sent them back to their home planet, Brad was happy to be back on the market for girls. Well, at least most girls were happy for his return.




After seeing Brad getting rejected by all the girls he talks to

Sheldon: "So, still striking out?"

Brad: "Strike out? Me? My dear Sheldon, this is called 'playing the field.' Just one exciting part of the adventure I call life."

Letta: "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this Orionganthramphibian and this, uh, uh, [annoyed] lawfully wedded forever-tude."

Jenny tries to stop Brad from marrying a Space Biker during the wedding

Brad: "This is my big chance. With Tammy at my side, I can live the wild, adventurous life I've always part of a Space Biker gang."

Jenny: "Wait, I don't believe you. That sounds more like Tuck than you."

Tuck: "You said it, sister!"

Not wanting to be married, after Tammy told Brad goodbye, Brad was afraid of the monster Tammy had become

Brad: "Uh, Tammy? [Letta and Olga hold each of his arms] What's going on?"

Letta: "You said you wanted out. This is how we do things on Orion. When the relationship is over, the bride consumes the groom."

Tuck: [holding an insect] "Much like our own praying mantis."

Brad: "Thanks, Tuck."


Despite Jenny's displeasure, Brad was convinced he wanted to marry Space Biker Tammy to join in the lifestyle of the wild biker.

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"Labor Day" (Episode 320)

Directed By: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


Brad and Tuck were childishly plugging Jenny into many wall sockets until she was sent zooming about, causing much destruction. Since Skyway Patrol had an extensive trouble file on Jenny, they make her pay a fine of $300,000,000.00 or lose her house and everything in it. One of the ways they decided to come up with the money was to sell Jenny as a chore-bot. This exhausted Jenny and it wasn't making enough money.

Jenny got a call from a company owner to be a courier for the company. She did well on the job in which she earned a lot of money. Despite this, Jenny formed a lot of questions about the company and their practices. No matter, money was still needed. After angering her employer by delivering packages from competitors, Jenny discovered the company was in the wealthy cereal box prize industry. She was ordered to mislead the competitors which was something she didn't want to do.

After she told her boss how she felt, he got angry. However, he gave her one more assignment which was to steal the competitor's cereal box toys and replace them with their boring ones to put in their boxes. He wanted a good new toy proposal for the press conference. When the people at the conference saw the new toy, they found out the truth. They chased the boss then he was thrown in jail.

Now Jenny was jobless and couldn't make the final payment for the return of her belongings. She met with the president of the Tremorton Cereal Prize Collectors League and he volunteered to pay the remainder of the balance. This, of course, came with a price; the most harrowing job anyone could imagine.




Mrs. Wakeman: "Three hundred million dollars? Huh, that's a lot of zeros!"

Idiot Skyway Patrol Officer: "We'll mail you the rest of the zeros under separate cover. You have 60 days to pay or we'll seize everything you own. Have a nice day!"

After working day and night for a whole month doing everybody's work

Jenny: "It's hard work but it beats digging ditches."

In Brad and Tuck's kitchen, Tuck counts Jenny's earnings

Tuck: "All right, Jenny! Keep this up and we'll have that debt paid off in a couple more weeks."

Jenny: "I know; isn't it great?"

Mrs. Wakeman: "Oh, I don't know, XJ-9. This man's business practices seem a little shady. What's in those packages, who are they for, and why are they paying you so much? It all sounds off-color to me."

Brad: "Hey, if you want to talk off-color, let's talk about bathroom hygiene."

Brad and Tuck see Mrs. Wakeman eat cereal at their kitchen table

Brad: [angrily] "You can go home now."

Mrs. Wakeman: [also angrily] "Well, I know when I'm not wanted."

She continues to eat the cereal and Brad and Tuck look at each other


When Jenny found a job that showed her purpose, could Jenny say no to helping the company cheat?

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