My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 323-324

First Aired: 26 April 2009

A. "Voyage to the Planet of the Bikers"
B. "Queen Bee"

"Voyage to the Planet of the Bikers" (Episode 323)

Directed by: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


Two boys made fun of Tuck as he rode a 3-wheeled bike. Now Tuck wanted to learn how to ride a 2-wheeled bike but he needed help. He asked Jenny for help but she was busy putting the Space Bikers in their place. When Jenny woke up from being unconscious from the Space Biker shenanigans, she found she was shaped like a bike and could not transform back. With Tuck's help and the addition of training wheels, Jenny rolled to confront Letta and her gang but they were too fast for her as they zoom toward what appeared to be their home planet. Bike Jenny couldn't make it off the planet so in her mom's space mobile, she and Tuck began their adventure to The Planet of the Bikers.

Despite what Tuck feared, the "Planet of the Bikers" looked too nice to be the Space Bikers' home planet. The fish-like inhabitants demonstrated kindness to the visitors. They saw Tammy and followed a school where she was a teacher. While in class, Tammy spotted Tuck through the window and ran to the window. Jenny and Tuck crashed into the office where they found that Olga, Sludge, and even Letta appeared to work at the school. These disguises didn't fool the Earth inhabitants.

Jenny threatened Letta that if she didn't return her back to normal form, she would reveal the Space Bikers' secret identity to all who respect them. Tuck took a picture on his phone for evidence. A chase began to prevent Tuck from uploading that picture. As they attempted to destroy Jenny and Tuck, the Space Bikers' got dirty as their true fashions started to show. When they got to the school playground, the school's faculty and students received the troubling revelation.

Everyone at the school found out the true identities of the four fish-like women; definitely not role models for the children. Jenny and Tuck have ruined their prank. It was also revealed that the Tuck-installed training wheels on Bike Jenny fell off. Tuck was cheerful that he rode a bike without training wheels for the first time. Letta changed Jenny back to normal and the picture was not uploaded. Back on Earth, the same boys taunted Tuck for riding a funny-looking, 4-wheeled bike. Tuck and the voluntarily transformed Jenny bike blasted away into the sunset as the punk boys stayed behind to eat their dust.




Bike Jenny Pins Letta against a wall at Mezmers with her front wheel

Letta: "Jenny, I just..."

Jenny: "Shut your fish-hole! You're gonna change my body back or so help me I'll..."

Olga throws Bike Jenny across the room

After backfiring chasing after the Space Bikers, Bike Jenny and Tuck make a traumatizing landing

Tuck: "I think I just wet myself."

Jenny: "This isn't over. Saddle up, Tucker, we're headed to the Planet of the Bikers."

Tuck: [sounding panicked] "Planet of the Bikers?!" [echoes]

The professional-looking Space Bikers throw Bike Jenny and Tuck out in front of the school. The Space Bikers laugh.

Jenny: "Fine, then we'll reveal your schoolmarm identities to the Interplanetary League of Villains. You'll never be able to show your face at the penal colony reunions again."

Letta: "The League won't believe you, either."

Tuck takes out his camera phone

Tuck: "But they'll believe this. Say cheese!"

Takes the picture

Tuck: "This will be on the front page of every biker newsletter in the galaxy!"

Bike Jenny and Tuck zoom off as the Space Bikers stare after them.

Letta: "Stop them!"

After Letta promised she would turn Jenny back to her old self

Tuck: "I better get off before she takes off the training wheels."

Jenny: "Tuck, Those fell off a while ago."

Tuck: "I was riding without training wheels? [Tuck's happiness explodes as his arms fly open] I was riding without training wheels!"


After the Space Biker gang molded Jenny into a bike, she and Tuck journeyed to their home planet to make them change her back to normal.

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"Queen Bee" (Episode 324)

Directed By: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


The students of Tremorton High went wild over Brit and Tiff's fashionable arrival. After Brit reminded Tiff to always go with current trends, it turned out the Jenny went against the rule. When being humiliated by her fellow students, it was time for Jenny to learn the slang of...1983? "Violet," the "girl" who wore outdated fashions while speaking a lingo of eons ago, wasn't much help either. Though Jenny thought she seemed familiar, she irritatedly smashed her out of the school building.

"Violet" found Brit and Tiff and told them if she were with the times, she could easily capture Jenny. Brit and Tiff taught her everything she needed to know about lingo and fashion. The next morning, "Vicky" made her debut and the student crowd raved wilder than they did with Brit and Tiff. Vicky's plan was going accordingly and she ordered the cousins to help hurt Jenny by installing disruptors everywhere in the school.

Vicky was enjoying her popularity so much that Brit and Tiff were getting jealous. She even turned down a class president election so she can elect herself as queen. Brit and Tiff had enough so they pranked her. The prank backfired so the cousins were demoted to the lowest of the popularity totem pole...nerds. Now was the time to ask Jenny for help. When Jenny revealed to everybody that "Vicky" was "Vexus," the teens took the news lightly.

Vexus revealed herself then caused the ultrasonic disruption. Brit and Tiff didn't want Vexus to steal their thunder forever so they had to get rid of the disruptors before Jenny was destroyed. After Vexus' plan was aborted, Jenny announced to everyone about Vexus' age. Vexus was no longer cool. After Jenny thanked Brit and Tiff for saving her, they declared her as all-superior only to prank her. Once again, the prank backfired!




"Violet": "Hey, guys and dolls, I'm Violet. You look like the bee's knees and it would be the cat's meow if I could beat my gums with you a bit."

Brad and Jenny briefly stare at her

Brad: "What did she just say?"

Jenny: "I have no idea!"

Vexus (as "Vicky") gives the Krust cousins instructions to install disruptors

"Vicky": "Be thorough. I want disruptors in every nook and cranny."

Brit: "And what are you going to do?"

"Vicky": "I'm a queen. I delegate."

Brit and Tiff walk off as "Vicky" smiles, showing teeth

after "Vicky" proposes to be the school's queen

"Vicky": "I'm ready to rule this school!"

Brad: [smoothly] "Wow! Good-looking, and she rhymes, too!"

"Vicky: "Popularity is nice." [transforms into Vexus] "But electromagnetic disruptors are forever."


Vexus wanted to rule Jenny's school by blending in with the students. She would have to wear a disguise to make others think she was a girl with the times.

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