My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 319-320

First Aired: 8 March 2009

A. "Puppet Bride"
B. "Histrionics"

"Puppet Bride" (Episode 319)

Directed by: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


On a rainy day, Mrs. Wakeman poured a hot, soothing cup of tea with a self-moving teapot. Unsatisfied with the results after it malfunctioned, she walked her way down to the Radio Shed for a replacement bioprocessor. Taking a shortcut through a dark alley, he returned! She ran screaming.

A paranoid Mrs. Wakeman ran to Brad and Tuck's house where Jenny Brad were watching Tuck's sock puppet show. Mrs. Wakeman explained that when she was younger she built a ventriloquist puppet for the school talent show. The puppet's ego grew so much that when he took over the show for himself, a mob was formed. He couldn't defend himself and he was abandoned in the woods.

Returning back to the lab, it was discovered HE (Little Acorn) has returned! Revealing someone found him and woke him, after being lonely for many years, he asked Mrs. Wakeman to build him a bride. Seeing Jenny, if she wouldn't be his bride, he would bring out his army of paired puppets and they would sing "The Song." Violently taking Jenny as his betrothed, Mrs. Wakeman still wouldn't allow it. He started singing "The Song" and he was shut off.

Mrs. Wakeman wanted to throw away his body but Jenny wouldn't allow it. It was back to the woods for him. When he woke up again, he met the lovely Lucretia (Tuck's sock puppet) and they pranced into the sunset singing a song "that goes on forever."




Brad: "Evil puppets...what has this world come to?"

First public performance at young Nora Wakeman's junior high talent show

Lil Acorn: "What's with this audience? Haven't they seen stiff and wooden performances before?"

Nora Wakeman: "You're not so bad."

Lil Acorn: "I was talking about you."

audience laughs

act continues, Lil Acorn closes...

Lil Acorn: "And on that note, it's time to make like a tree and leaf."

Lil Acorn and Nora did a brief tap dance and the audience continues to laugh

Lil Acorn: "Nora, you don't have to make me a bride," [sees Jenny] "you already have."

Jenny: "Bride? In your dreams, blockhead."

"The Song"

"This is the song that goes on forever

'cause it doesn't ever end.

We will finish singing it never

'cause here we go again..."


To ward off his loneliness, Little Acorn the puppet asked Mrs. Wakeman to build him a bride. When he chose Jenny as his bride, much refusal happened.

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"Histrionics" (Episode 320)

Directed By: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


Gliding over a dolphin-wealthy ocean was a beautiful sight! Brad and Sheldon admired the sights on the Jenny air machine. All was great until Tuck almost drained Jenny's battery. They landed in the ocean, leaving Jenny with limited power and Tuck only caring about his electronic game. Stranded on a seemingly deserted island, they couldn't find food or a place to stay but Tuck suggested a building in the distance.

Whey the arrived, they found an electric fence surrounding the building. How would they get in? Avoiding the zombified robotic historical figures, they rode a vine to get over the fence. When they entered, they saw Wizzly World animatronics and met Uncle Wizzly who announced the future opening of his latest amusement park, Histrionics World. This would be a park where history and robotics come together to bring history to life. Because the animatronics were showing violence to all who crossed their paths, Uncle Wizzly was ordered to shut them down. He didn't believe his creations were evil until he felt their wrath.

Brad, Sheldon, and Tuck found a plane that would help them escape from the island. While Jenny was taking care of the zombified robots, Tuck gave her more power by inputting the battery from his game into a built-in battery compartment. Just as Sheldon was figuring out how to fly the plane before it was pushed off a cliff, Jenny, in her "second wind," saved the plane and Sheldon figured out how to fly it before she was low on power again.

Tuck's quick thinking to repower Jenny impressed the rest of the gang. It then seemed that Tuck was not as self-centered as he demonstrated earlier on. While they were escaping on the airplane, Uncle Wizzly got shipwrecked. He was happy to see one of his creations once again, only to make him sink to the bottom.




Tuck sees robotic flying pigs biting the back of Brad

Tuck: [jokingly] "You gonna hog all that meat for yourself?"

Sheldon: [to robotic Benjamin Franklin and Julius Caesar] "Hey, bifocals and bedsheets! What's so scary about a guy on an oatmeal box and a sour salad dressing dude? Frankly, I prefer ranch."

Brad and Sheldon run toward the discovered plane with Tuck under Brad's arm. Tuck's concerned

about Jenny's low amount of remaining power.

Brad: "There's no time for whatever selfish thing you're thinking up."

Tuck: "What about Jenny?"

Robotic Benjamin Franklin was about to take out Jenny with a certain book

Jenny: "No, not the almanac! A thousand deadly pages of useless facts."


Jenny and the gang got stranded on an uncharted island and attempted to make an escape from Uncle Wizzly's vengeful historical robots.

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