My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 317-318

First Aired: 7 March 2009

A. "Agent 00' Sheldon"
B. "Indes-Tuck-tible"

"Agent 00' Sheldon" (Episode 317)

Directed by: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


Every nerd got picked for the baseball team except for Sheldon. Sheldon found Jenny talking to a scoreboard in a robot language and wondered what they were discussing. Soon Sheldon began to feel unwanted until he got called to the vice principal's office.

It wasn't the vice principal who wanted to see him. Some secret agents kidnapped Sheldon because of his skills to make him a member of a best-of-the-best government team. After training, he was given a new name and his first assignment: monitor Jenny. While monitoring Jenny, Sheldon found that she was communicating with other robots in a secret code language, possibly conspiring. Soon he was discovered and Jenny told him her fellow robots were disappearing. She didn't want Sheldon in the way of the situation.

After turning in his overdue report, he was then instructed to eliminate all the robots, the ones Jenny said disappeared, at an outer compound. Sheldon didn't want Jenny to be eliminated which is why he gave his superiors a fake watch and fled to tell Jenny about what he had learned. Despite what the other agents had thought, the other robots were released. The newly freed robots jailed the other agents in the same cells where they were imprisoned.

Jenny was impressed with Sheldon's slick skills but was puzzled that he knew where the robots were taken. She got angry when she found out the agents made Sheldon spy on her and her business. Even though he was blasted to ashes, this didn't change how Sheldon thought about Jenny.




Football field scoreboard makes beeping noises. Jenny is communicating with it.

Jenny: "Boop?"

Scoreboard makes various beeping noises

Jenny: [distressfully] "Boop boop BOOP!"

Scoreboard makes various beeping noises

Jenny: "Boop!"

Sheldon: "Hey Jenny. You need help with anything?"

Jenny: "Sheldon, don't interrupt. I'm very busy right now."

Sheldon: "With?"

Jenny: "Superhero robot business. You wouldn't understand."

Fran the Hairdresser: "Oh, hi Marty. Hi Bob."

Agent: "Hi, Fran."

Fran the Hairdresser: "Is the little one here for a permanent, too?"

Sheldon looks at one of the two agents, he nods yes.

Sheldon: "Y-yes."

Jenny: [to parking meter] "Just keep me informed of everything you can find out. We robots have to stick together or soon we'll be..."

Parking Meter [in robotic voice as someone's parking time expires]: "Expired."

Jenny: "Exactly. Watch your back."

Jenny: [while blasting the running Sheldon] "You knew about these jerks? You were spying on me? I'm going to rearrange your face so you don't need a disguise."

Sheldon: "I love you, Jenny Wakeman!"

Sheldon's bottom gets zapped


Sheldon got chosen to become a secret agent to communicate information about Jenny.

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"Indes-Tuck-tible" (Episode 318)

Directed by: Chris Savino, Rob Renzetti


At breakfast time, Tuck found a skateboard in his cereal box. If the skateboard legend on the cereal box could do extreme stunts then so could impressionable Tuck. Tuck almost got hit by a truck before Jenny saved him. He was so traumatized by the whole event that he vowed never to leave his house again.

The next morning Jenny came over to find Tuck being overly protective of himself. To help him, Jenny brought her mom's futurescope so Tuck could see that he would live a long life. With this assurance Tuck then felt invincible, free to do risky, death-defying feats. He wouldn't do it for himself but for the admiration of others.

Tuck wanted his classmates to dare him to do dangerous things. When Tuck dared himself to head-butt into a brick wall, Jenny blasted the wall but he and everyone else thought Tuck himself really did it. Using her "stupid-o-meter," Jenny saved Tuck from doing dangerous and mindless stunts. Tuck thought he was "Indes-Tuck-tible" as he thought he was pulling all those stunts without Jenny's help.

Jenny's final straw with Tuck was when he would do a stunt involving a rocket-powered tricycle, half-pipe, and a tank of sharks. The whole town was there to watch. After a bug bit some sense back into him, Tuck decided to forgo the stunt. However, Tuck and the trike went down anyway causing the stunt to fail and the entire town to laugh. Needless to say, Tuck got injured but he learned his lesson. Thanks to the futurescope, Tuck was assured that he would really live a long life.




Jenny stares at Brad's hair while he talks about it

Brad: "So 20 minutes with a hair dryer and 20 minutes with a flat iron and it stays like this all day."

Tuck: "My Naïve friend, caution is for the weak, a self-imposed limitation to keep the truly extreme from rocking the world. Now, if you two senior citizens will excuse me, I have some adrenaline to rush. To the extreme!"

Tuck: "Gather round, fellow classmates. I, Tucker Cornelius Carbunkle, shall take any dare in exchange for lunch money, ice cream, or preservative-filled snacks."

Milkweed: "Will you eat a bug?"

Tuck: "Pff, too pedestrian. Think of something dangerous."

Milkweed: [thinks] "Eat two bugs?"

Lorelie: "Pants the gym coach."

Unknown Classmate 1: "Roll around in poison ivy."

Unknown Classmate 2: "Stick gravel up your nose."

Milkweed: "Eat three bugs!"

Tuck: "People, people, you're obviously not getting it so I'll give you one free demonstration."

Jenny: "Well, Tuck, are you sad that you're career as a daredevil is over?"

Tuck [in full a body cast in front of his house]: "Naw, I learned a valuable lesson about using good, old-fashioned common sense. Besides, I think the future-scope was pretty clear on my destiny. [to 2 kids playing in front of the house] You kids are making my bunions burn with your tomfoolery. Now, get!"


After being told he would live a long life, Tuck tested his invincibility by undertaking outrageous and unsafe stunts.

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