My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 315-316

First Aired: 22 February 2009

A. "Infectious Personality"
B. "Trash Talk"

"Infectious Personality" (Episode 315)

Directed by: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


In a space asteroid shower, Jenny pounded the asteroids into dust. She returned to Earth and Brad, Tuck, and Sheldon breathed in the dust she brought back. This caused a sickness that altered their personalities and/or appearances. Brad would get really paranoid, Tuck would constantly pass gas, and Sheldon became hostile around flowers. Jenny and the infected boys went to Mrs. Wakeman for help.

After realizing those who have hung around Jenny got the sickness, Mrs. Wakeman contracted the illness and turned into a food hick. Jenny isolated her sick friends. She put on an isolation suit and sought help only to be passed by one baffled professional to another.

Back at home, the infected patients escaped their quarantine and ran amok throughout the city. Seeking more assistance at the origin of the dust, an asteroidal bacteria told Jenny not to destroy the asteroid as it is home to the bacteria. Without their home, they would need to find other host where they could live, namely on humans.

Jenny returned to Earth with the bacteria-ridden asteroid and exposed it to her infected friends. The bacteria now had a proper home and everyone was back to normal...almost. With a glowing mother and a giant nerd monster, Jenny still had a little more to do.




after swallowing Jenny's space dust and standing still for a moment

Brad: "Um, I gotta...I think that...[whispered tone] that somebody's watching us."

Jenny: "Watching us lawn bowling? Tuck what's going on? Are you OK?"

Tuck passes gas

Jenny: "Gesundheit?"

Brad: "What's wrong with Tuck? [panicked] Why is his bottom yelling at me? [whispering] I'm frighteeened."

Jenny: "I have to stop this from spreading. I've gotta isolate myself, out of Tremorton, away from people. [gasps] I've gotta leave Earth forever."

Mrs. Wakeman [as the "food hick"]: "Or just find a cure."

Jenny: "Oh, right."

A space germ in space explains to Jenny the changes in her friends. For example, the changes in Mrs. Wakeman's brain are demonstrated.

Space Germ Wife: "What a dump! [to husband] Move those neurons over there. Lift with your legs, not your back!"

Space Germ Husband: "Yes, dear."


Asteroid dust from outer space makes people sick in an odd way. It was up to Jenny, uninfected, to find the cause then find the cure.

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"Trash Talk" (Episode 316)

Directed By: Randy Myers, Rob Renzetti


Jenny, Brad, and Tuck were arguing over who really cheated on the board game they were playing. The rematch was rescheduled when Jenny received a distress signal from out in space. Even in the beginning of the space rescue, Brad and Tuck did tag along and the three of them continued to argue. They landed on an asteroid that hosted a space dump.

Amid all of their arguing, they heard a cry for help and Jenny received a suspicious bite. The bite was from a dog-like robot and the cry was a trap from Vexus. The bite caused Jenny to develop paralyzing rust. When escaping from the multiplied dog-like robots, the trio landed in space sewage. Jenny began to look and feel better but a stinger was still in her hand.

They were then reunited with Smytus who blasted at them. The three fell into a crater. Upon coming up from the large bowl, they were relieved to discover Krackus. They were amused that he couldn't invent anything that worked until he trapped Jenny. Because of Jenny, the former Cluster bots couldn't escape the asteroid unless they used her power to build a detonator. Jenny, Brad, and Tuck weren't the only trio arguing as Vexus, Smytus, and Krackus argued over what exactly to invent to assist their exit off the asteroid.

As Vexus started a detonator, Jenny, Brad, and Tuck escaped. Jenny still couldn't use her powers so Brad and Tuck helped her pull out her "snowboard." Using the momentum of the high elevations from the trash avalanche, they "trash boarded" off the asteroid to hook onto an oncoming spaceship. Luckily, they were saved from the exploding asteroid but no one was safe from the disagreement over how to play 3D chess with an alien cat who can't speak human language, causing larger dispute.




Tuck pulls a cheat move while he, Brad, and Jenny play a board game

Brad: "Hey, I saw that, you little cheat."

Tuck: "Cheat? You're the one who took two turns in a row."

Brad: "Puh, I took two turns because I rolled doubles."

Tuck: "Oh, you rolled doubles. We're using a spinner."

Brad: "This from a guy who moves his thimble to the bonus square while I'm not looking."

Tuck: "If you're not looking, how would you know?"

Female in Distress: "Help! Help! I'm trapped! I'm beneath a pile of garbage. It has a pink ribbon on top. [zooms out until the pink ribbon is in view] Yes, that's right. Uh, that one right there. Hurry, please. I'm running out of, uh, oxygen."

Brad: "She sounds cute."

Tuck: "She sounds familiar."

Jenny: "She sounds like she's in trouble."

After Krackus traps Jenny

Vexus: "Since I was banished from Cluster Prime, I've been trapped on this filthy asteroid, surrounded by nothing but trash and idiots."

Smytus: "Hey!"

Vexus: "Someone of lesser fortitude would have been driven mad by now. Isn't that right, Mr. Billows?"

Krackus: "Which one of us is Billows?"

Smytus: "I thought you were Billows."


Even when groups between good and evil argue amongst themselves, they must find a way to get off a planet of avalanching garbage. Who will find their way off first?

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