My Life as a Teenage Robot -- Episodes 313-314

First Aired: 9 November 2008

A. "Teen Idol"
B. "Good Old Sheldon"

"Teen Idol" (Episode 313)

Directed by: Chris Suave, Rob Renzetti


Way out in space, after being knocked out by an evil-eye robot, Jenny fell onto an alien planet, assumed for a comet. The aliens were thrilled for her arrival and started to worship her as the "Comet Goddess." Even after Jenny zoomed away from the planet, the aliens decided to devote their lives to worship their long-awaited goddess.

The next morning, the aliens arrived on Earth to be at Jenny's hand and foot. Jenny was at first pleased about the attention that made Sheldon jealous. The attention was getting to be too much. Jenny wanted them to stop serving her but she didn't want them to stop.

After going to bed, she woke up and found the aliens (and Sheldon, having joined the aliens) camping outside her house. The next glorious morning turned too far when the whole town was turn into a shrine for the Comet Goddess, much to the locals' disgust. The aliens had one more tribute for their goddess. This ritual brought the sun closer to the earth. Daylight was beginning to get brighter and brighter. Since the aliens refused to undo their action, Jenny fixed the problem herself.

When the problem was fixed, she ordered the aliens to go back to their planet. She threw the alien-filled spaceship into space and they orbited the sun. They became a comet! It also turned out the new member of the species tagged along as well...




King alien: "As prophesy has predicted, the Comet Goddess has appeared from the sky. Now listen up while the Exalted One speaks."

Jenny [on a high throne garnished in flower accessories]: "Um...hi."

Aliens (all in unison): "Hi." [Jenny's flower accessories blow off]

Jenny: "Uh, I think that you're mistaking me for somebody else. I'm not your Exalted One. I'm just a robot from Earth and I'm late for dinner. So if you'll excuse me..." [zooms away]

Aliens cheer

Sheldon: "Heh. Look at all the Johnny-come-lately newcomers, hop-on-the-bandwagon wannabes. I started the "Hail to Jenny" fan club last year and I've got the yearbook to prove it."

Brad: "I understand what you're going through, Jenn. It's like my situation except instead of another species, I'm adored by another gender. [snaps and says to a nearby girl] Hey, baby."


Jenny got fed up with a colony of aliens who wanted to wait on her hand and foot.

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"Good Old Sheldon" (Episode 314)

Directed By: Bob Jaques, Rob Renzetti


An old man confronted Jenny about ruining his life. That old man was Sheldon after his tag-along with the aliens from "Teen Idol." He explained how time flew in space when he worked his way to return to Earth. Though the events from the previous episode were just from her yesterday, Sheldon's time in space aged him 75 years.

Even though he appeared as an old man, Sheldon went to school to turn in his overdue homework. Until witnessing several events like when Sheldon remembered his locker combination, Jenny wasn't convinced he was really Sheldon. Once Jenny was convinced, Sheldon explained how he worked his way to be a space pirate captain. Since he missed his home on Earth, he abandoned his crew. He also wanted revenge from Jenny for causing this.

To get him back to his regular age, Jenny suggested a using a wormhole. Sheldon feared the space pirates would find him there but they made the trip anyway. While there, Mrs. Wakeman notified Jenny that she had a better idea to un-age Sheldon by using a kinetic suit with a de-aging machine. The more Jenny moved in the suit, the younger Sheldon became. The space pirates found him and Jenny fought them while wearing the suit. She moved so much that he turned into a baby. The pirates took him for "another 15 years."

Though Jenny was happy to see Sheldon back to his old, regular self, he was mad that she made him spend a total of 90 years in space. He said he wouldn't forgive her but how could he stay mad at cute robot Jenny? Jenny announced Sheldon's return and the classmates appeared to give him a "great warm welcome."




Jenny: "We just saw Sheldon yesterday."

Tuck: "Yeah, hanging out with those freaky Jenny-worshiping aliens."

Old Sheldon: "Those awful aliens. I remember it like it was yesterday."

Tuck: "It was yesterday, you old..."

Old Sheldon: "Hush, boy! I'm tellin' a story."

at gym class playing dodge ball

Old Sheldon: "Stop! Stop! You kids are doing it all wrong! Basic physics tells us that mass times inertia..."

Student: "Nail the geezer!"

Everyone throws balls at Old Sheldon

Jenny: "Hey, Mister, are you OK?"

Old Sheldon: [head emerges from mountain of balls]"Sweet Humiliation. Just like old times."

Old Sheldon: "Pirate law clearly states that if a captain abandons his ship, the crew can [whispery voice] shiver his timbers."

Regular Sheldon: "I just spent 90 years of my life in outer space and you call that normal? I will never forgive you."

Jenny: "Oh Sheldon, you haven't lost your sense of humor. [sniffs Sheldon] At least you've lost that old man smell."


Sheldon returned from his time of 90 years in space. As he aged very rapidly, how could he be aged back to his old self?

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