September 2021

Rugrats 2021: Decent but Kind of Unnecessary

Posted: 22 September 2021

Rugrats (2021) / Paramount+, Nickelodeon / 27 May 2021-Present

When the new Rugrats came out on Paramount+, I watched the first episode called “Second Time Around.” I was drinking water out of my Rugrats cup from 1997. The 43-minute first episode resituated me back into the Rugrats world and prepared me for the rest of the coming season. 

What’s with the CGI?

Couldn’t they just have used digital hand drawings instead of CGI? CGI is so 2006 (and don’t even argue with me that the new Smurfs cartoon is in CGI). All the new cartoons these days are drawn in digital ink. I know Disney cartoons of today do that, but Disney is Disney. Despite that, Angelica looks cute in this new style. Spike’s textured fur makes me want to pet him through the TV screen.

Unfamiliar Adult Voices

The babies retained their original voices, which are still quite good, but they completely replaced the adult voices with folks I’m not familiar with. I understand it was for a new image but they didn’t have to replace all the original willing cast. Parents are shown as millennials now. The voices changed to reflect how millennials apparently talk.

Disappearing Characters?

Many people are asking about the whereabouts of the characters introduced throughout the original series. Where’s Dil, Kimi, Kira, and Lulu. It also seems that Howard Deville disappeared off the face of the earth, leaving Betty as a single mother. Maybe they’ll be re-introduced in later seasons.

I’m Still Asking…WHY?

They really didn’t have to reboot Rugrats. All the stories were all told in the original series and it had a good run. Despite that, give this reboot a chance when you get Paramount+. Especially in the 1st episode, it shows the Rugrats charm we’ve grown to love. Don’t be fooled and turned off by the promos/sneak peeks you see. Just watch the show. If you’re persistent on not liking/watching this new incarnation, you’re more than welcome to go back to the original series which is also on Paramount+. There are plenty of episodes to enjoy again and again.

Other Posts about Rugrats:

Is a Rugrats Revival Worth It?

What Happened to the Old Rugrats?

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Play Along with Tooned In Season 1

Posted 22 September 2021

Tooned In / Nickelodeon / 8 February 2021 – Present

Earlier this year on weekdays, I came home from work and got into my DVR to find the recording of the latest episode of this made-for-me game show. The subject is something I love and what Nickelodeon is mostly about…NICKTOONS!

From a lost pilot from 1998, Tooned In was finally green-lit in recent years. This Nicktoon-themed game show features young contestants who answer questions about Nicktoons from past and present for a chance to win $1000. The host is a personable, fun-loving AI robot named Nicky.

What I Think

In a world where TV intros have become unnecessary, no formal intro is needed for this show. A brief, lively tune punctuated with a “TOONED IN” at the end is just as sufficient and memorable, great for bookending segments before and after commercial breaks. 

The contestants seem no older than 13 years old so some of these questions are from Nicktoons before their time. I go absolutely crazy when they get it wrong and I scream at the tv. These young contestants either streamed these old shows or they studied their study guide (as stated at the end of the credits). 

Also, $1000 is like $1,000,000 to the kids but not much for me.

Evolution through Season 1

In season 1, the show has evolved by some bounds. This includes how Nicky says “SCOREboard” and the addition of the “almost out of time” sound toward the end of the game (da-duuuuuh). The “Nicktoon Moment of the Day” and the “Slimmest Moment” were a good touch, too. It’s like this show was finding its footing through the season likely to avoid annoying monotony.

Pandemic Precautions

A pandemic didn’t stop the production of this game show. I found it wise to make the host AI to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. They used a canned audience, instead of a live audience, to which I’m not accustomed. We never see the audience, only hear them. As per the credits, there were COVID compliance officers, disinfecting techs, and cleaning techs. Helps me feel more confident to compete if I were a contestant.

A Fun Game Show for Nicktoon Fans

I like how this Tooned In game show is focused on questions about Nicktoons. Watching this show is like how some people watch sports games on TV, things tend to get loud as I scream at the TV. I liked how this show was shown on weekdays, great for after work. Good to see there is a season 2 currently airing (but that’s for a different post). I want to be Nicky’s friend. We need a battle of the champions game some time. That will surely be something.

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