August 2019

Many, Many Hoots for Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling

Posted 25 August 2019

Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling / Netflix / 2019


After months of waiting and waiting, on August 9, 2019, Rocko’s Modern Life fans were finally gifted with a new Netflix movie. This is the first Rocko production since its ending in the mid-’90s. With little information about the special revealed in the preview, this was worth the wait to see what this story about constant change entailed.

An Old, Unseen Episode or a Legit New Episode?

This special was like it only came out a year or two after the last ep of the original series. The art style was definitely true to the old show. The caliber is that of a season 4 episode (a good season). Heck, it’s like an old ep only if HD was standard in ‘96 or ‘97. The voice actors were absolutely on point with their character voices. This was a special that transports us back to the ‘90s with a story exceptionally adapted to the happenings of our modern society.

Those Classic Orange Tapes

Not to give out spoilers but one ‘90s Nick reference in the movie that stood out to me was an orange Fatheads VHS tape. Nickelodeon used to produce their VHS releases in the ‘90s with orange tapes. I think that’s really cool and unique that they did that. They stopped the practice with their later VHS releases. 

Looking Back…

Similar to Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie (read review here), there were numerous call-backs to past episodes. If you’ve seen and remember these original eps, these references will make sense. It definitely helped me to watch the old Rocko eps earlier this year to catch and better understand these allusions.

Will Never Get Stale

With the theme of change being all around us, I recommend this movie for all Rocko fans (present and future (those just joining the fandom)). With the show name of “Rocko’s Modern Life,” this franchise can definitely poke fun of many cultures through time whether the “modern life” is in the ‘90s with VCRs or the ‘00s and ‘10s with YouTube and Smartphones. It all stays fresh! Because of the phenomenal effort of successfully integrating a well-loved ‘90s Nicktoon into our tech-filled decade, 5 stars go to Rocko, Heffer, and Filburt who learn change is the key to fresh ideas, innovations, and tomorrows. This special is only available on Netflix. Watch this next time you log on.

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I Took The Plunge: Planet Sheen

Posted: 9 August 2019

Planet Sheen / Nickelodeon / 2010-2013

Watched from: 13 May 2019 to 29 May 2019

Here it is…the long-awaited Planet Sheen review. This review’s been a thorn in my side for too long. This post is what it is.

After watching Jimmy Neutron, I decided to give its inferior spin-off a chance. I watched Planet Sheen so you don’t have to.

I watched some eps when it came out in 2010. They were meh. At times I ask myself why was this show conceived? Of all the Jimmy Neutron characters, why was it Sheen who got the spin-off? Heck, why was it Cleveland (Family Guy) who got the spin-off (I think The Cleveland Show is fine even though I haven’t seen it in years)?

A Quote from Me

After recently watching the pilot:

“OK, so Sheen’s stuck on a planet, he can’t write his grandma, so here we go…TO THE WARM PLACE!”

—Vic, 2019

The more I watch…Aw Crap!

The episodes aren’t as bad as people think. The more I watched, the more the show slightly grew on me. They probably have trouble getting past the pilot or episode 1. Sure there were some times when the writing could potentially shine but they decided to cut corners. When there was a “song,” it was always a rap. The episodes and character guides on the internet aren’t all that content-rich either. Perhaps written by people who haven’t seen the episodes in their entirety. 

Basic Thoughts (mainly the bad and ugly)

Allow these thoughts to be mostly negative in this section. As you may know, by the time “Sheen” came around, DNA Productions was bankrupt so C.O.R.E. Digital Pictures and Bardel Entertainment (both Canadian studios) performed the animation services. Comparing a still scene from Jimmy Neutron and Planet Sheen side-by-side, it seems that the animation is more sophisticated in the latter show. Jimmy Neutron is older and, of course, has older animation but is still very classic. What is inferior to Jimmy Neutron is the boring/annoying transitions (“boing-da boing-da monkey-monkey boing!” (or something like that) (What?)) and boring credit sequences (obviously no moving neutron animation and plain black background/white text credits). 

Thoughts on Characters

What makes up for all the bland stories on this show are the characters. There are some characters that I like. I like the intelligent Mr. Nesmith who wears a beanie like Monkee Mike Nesmith. There’s also Aseefa who has pretty blue hair (I like blue) and yodels (not annoying at all; inspired me to follow YouTube yodeling tutorials to learn to yodel). There’s something about the protagonist, Dorkus, that I really like. It’s probably because he can mix potions and he has a deep voice reminiscent of Johnny Bravo (because they’re both played by Jeff Bennett). Why did they have to make Doppy look like Carl Weezer from Jimmy Neutron? Folks have their theories but…it’s just what the writers decided. My least favorite characters are Princess Oom (her two faces are so annoying/disturbing to me and let’s not forget “Oh Sheeny, Sheeny-Weeny!” Seriously?) and that purple pony guy from one of the episodes (I forget his name). They make the show less watchable the more they are on it. Lastly, throughout the series, some characters were cross-dressing on certain occasions. Interestingly enough, they looked good in the opposite gender’s clothing.

What Do I Think?

This show is honestly mindless trash but still palatable. If I had to watch it again I could but probably not for long periods at a time. This show gets 2 stars. Not the best show Nickelodeon put out during an era of middling shows but this show looks phenomenal on my new HDTV. Such eye candy but not always the best content-wise.

This review was not the easiest to write. I liked the idea of the show but I’d much rather forget it exists. It was mostly empty air space to me. Time to move on…

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My Apologies

Posted 2 August 2019


Hey, everyone! It’s me, Vic.

OK, you may be asking why I haven’t posted anything in 2 months. Here are My excuses:

The Planet Sheen Review

I wasn’t sure what to think when I completed watching Planet Sheen back in late May. I took notes for the duration of my viewing. It was just that I felt the show was uhhh…I don’t know. It was difficult to form an opinion so I had to do some thinking. How can I write this review? In what light should I write this? I’ve started putting pencil to paper (or keystrokes to Google Docs in this case) early in June but something else came up…

The Funk

Yes, I was in quite a funk for two months. This started around the time I started the Planet Sheen review. I was always tired after work and I had no desire to write anything. All I wanted to do was watch my shows then take a nap. When I wake from the nap it would be time to go to bed. Even so, review writing would not be on the schedule. I would re-post on Twitter but it still wasn’t good enough. You want original content from me, right? I’m feeling OK now. I need to get this taken care of.

Since the last review, I have watched several other animations that will be reviewed. I am now behind on them and will need to catch up (first being the Planet Sheen review). The Planet Sheen review will be posted in a day or two.

Hopefully posting this post should motivate me to get these reviews written. I understand sometimes we need a break but I didn’t want to go this long. OK, back to writing…

Stay tuned for more!

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